Main Villain

I found out who the main villain will be. Look at this pic


not only does this lady appear to be able to time travel but she also seems to spy on Marty everywhere he goes


  • edited May 2011
    Sources told me her name is Lackov' Timetuworkonmodelz . She would be a russian spy.
  • edited May 2011
    If she's in the running for the main villain, I don't see why Soup Kitchen Guy shouldn't be included in the campaign.

  • edited May 2011
    Strayth wrote: »
    Sources told me her name is Lackov' Timetuworkonmodelz . She would be a russian spy.

    She related to Bob Haddabebby-Etzaboi from those old collect-call commercials?
  • edited May 2011
    If she's in the running for the main villain, I don't see why Soup Kitchen Guy shouldn't be included in the campaign.


    he can't travel through time
  • edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    he can't travel through time

  • edited May 2011

    ever see him any other time besides there?
  • edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    ever see him any other time besides there?

    Considering he works at a local restaruant where I live Id say yes.
    His name is count timeula.
  • edited May 2011
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    ever see him any other time besides there?

    Just because you don't see him in other time periods, it doesn't mean he hasn't been time-travelling the entire time. Perhaps he's been playing it close to the vest...
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    Considering he works at a local restaruant where I live Id say yes.
    His name is count timeula.

    See? Even Gman's got my back on this one.
  • edited May 2011
    This is a joke thread, right?
  • edited May 2011
    This is a joke thread, right?

  • edited May 2011
    FICTION: She is obviously a dangerous criminal mastermind who uses a time stopping watch to well, stop time, so she hid herself in the Delorean to change her future so she NEVER wears 30s clothes in the 80s so she can be a fashion queen and rule France!

    FACT: Telltale has an annoying habit of not doing the work and recycling old characters and putting them in their games, this goes for locations too. So she's obviously a reused character because Telltale is so damn busy with over 5 other games that they don't work at making new characters and instead reuse old ones. No offense Telltale, but it's true.
  • edited May 2011
    To their defense, Telltale Tool might be unable to generate different models, and even though they had modelled like 10 different, static "everyday person", we would still be able to point it out. 10 models would fatten the game too, perhaps.
  • edited May 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    To their defense, Telltale Tool might be unable to generate different models, and even though they had modelled like 10 different, static "everyday person", we would still be able to point it out. 10 models would fatten the game too, perhaps.

    I gave up defending them, I want more models and less recycling.
  • edited May 2011
    What I'm saying is there are many other aspects pointing out Telltale's outright half-assed work. This one isn't an exception, I agree, but I feel like it's unfair since if the effort actually went into the game in order to fix the majority of such unfinished details; noone would really complain about THAT one in particular.
  • edited May 2011
    Best. Thread. Ever. :D Hahahaha! Made my day!
  • edited May 2011
    Time Lady. From Gallifrey. Conversation over.
  • edited May 2011
    she's obviously the Rani escaped from the Time Lock during the End of Time....
  • edited May 2011
    She is obviously is a friend of Darth Vadors, is from the planet Vulcan, uses nerf guns as a weapon, she uses cookie dough as a tooth brush, she eats macaroni and cheese for every meal, the only time she eats a fruit or vegatable is on Veterans Day, she finished school when she was 3, she graduated from college 4 days later, only watches sci-fi movies, invented the computer, and was watching TV through out all of this! ;) Joking!
  • edited May 2011
    Does she appear in any other Telltale games? Perhaps, you could say that the lady in 1931 is the grandmother of the lady in 1986 - and the younger one is just fond of wearing her grandma's clothes.
  • edited May 2011
    This thread has become awesome.
    Can't stop laughing.

    Maby TTG wants us to think she is a reused model, when she is from the timeline that is created if FCB succeeds in ep5. she found a book in 1986 stating simething about the timeline not being the real one and to search for a man named micheal corleone. then she eventually connects the dots and she figures out she needs to help marty in ep5...
  • edited May 2011
    she's obviously OUR Doc's daughter.... he just forgot to tell us (Marty) about her in Episode One.....
  • edited May 2011
    Was she seen in ep3 + 4?
    i don't remember seeing her in ep 4, but I think I saw her in ep3...not sure though.
  • edited May 2011
    she's obviously OUR Doc's daughter.... he just forgot to tell us (Marty) about her in Episode One.....

    Then... her name? her favourite colour? the reason for her stalking marty?
  • edited May 2011
    Kamagawa wrote: »
    Then... her name? her favourite colour? the reason for her stalking marty?

    Purple (she loves Marty's purple underwear)
    She has a major crush on him....
  • edited May 2011
    Purple (she loves Marty's purple underwear)

    I'm unable to accurately express the magnitude of how creepy that is.
  • edited May 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    What I'm saying is there are many other aspects pointing out Telltale's outright half-assed work. This one isn't an exception, I agree, but I feel like it's unfair since if the effort actually went into the game in order to fix the majority of such unfinished details; noone would really complain about THAT one in particular.

    Well looking at all the great work other companies put into their games, even in small minor details, and then looking at Telltale.. I really think Telltale could do a lot better then just using the same thing over and over and over, and just apply some hardwork and make things for specific purposes. The way they they're making BTTF right now is sloppy and a game as cool as this could use a lot of good attention.
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