Is clara vs Edna the real issue here?

edited May 2011 in Back to the Future
I mean, does any one really like/ care about Clara, that much?

I like all 3 movies, but I never really liked her that much. I was just intrigued amused that Doc found some one and was then happy.

It was pleasant to see, fun, because we got to see what kind of woman he was into, and what kind of woman was into him. But, I didn't really feel that much for her character. The only emotional part of the entire movie for me was the romantic pursuit at the end that spanned over a dramatic action sequence where their lives were both in danger.

Well, and then yet previously when Doc told her the truth and she slammed the door on his face, but the real emotional part there was when Doc was depressed.

Anyways, back to the previous topic. Is the real issue here really Edna Vs Clara? Or is it more so preserving the Doc we all know and love?

I actually, wanted to go along with Doc's idea, the one involving another way of having the best of both worlds. Unless Edna truly reveals herself to be evil in what would be considered a more regular life, rather than she has already demonstrated as a power hunger dictator, which ultimately corrupts several people, even the people we once respected, admired.

Although, I highly doubt the series will end with Doc not being a scientist, after all he's a famous fictional scientist. Not many come close.

I never saw the cartoon, and their children don't really interest me. Maybe if I saw the cartoon I'd actually care? I've never seen their exploits and I've never grown attached. As far as I'm concerned they are entitled to exist as organisms but also by choice of reproduction. I have no other feelings.

If "Doc" wants to change his life, it's not really relevant to me.


  • edited May 2011
    I've read significant amounts of fanfiction, specifically the works of Kristen Shelley and Mary Jean Holmes, both of whom are excellent writers and whose works I highly recommend to everyone here.

    As a result, yes I do care quite extremely about Clara, and Jules and Verne. But no, Clara versus Edna isn't the issue. The issue is that Marty screwed up and he's trying to fix a mistake from his point of view, whereas FCB, only able to see things from his perspective, doesn't want to be erased.

    Which can we really blame him? He's as much a person as anyone else. He has every right to exist, just like Doc. And I don't think he was wrong about trying to make a third option when he suggested as such to Marty, though in my view such an option would simply result in Edna not living to her old age alone and unloved, which she doesn't deserve at all, regardless of the actions of a future self of hers in one particular timeline. After all, that wasn't the Edna of 1931.

    My point is, no, Clara versus Edna isn't the issue. The issue is the rights of one individual variation on a person over another. Both Doc and FCB are possible versions of people Young Emmett could grow up to become. Both exist. Both are persons, and both have every right to exist.

    This is actually what's made me really like this game, because above all else, it's raised a serious moral dilemma, one I can't wait to see how it plays out. I can only hope Marty can make a choice that benefits everybody.
  • edited May 2011
    Kyronea wrote: »
    The issue is that Marty screwed up and he's trying to fix a mistake from his point of view, whereas FCB, only able to see things from his perspective, doesn't want to be erased.

    ^This exactly. And unlike Marty or real Doc, FCB has no emotional ties to Clara, Jules, and Verne, only to Edna. The problem is that no matter what, it seems as though she's destined to be unhappy, which even FCB doesn't want.
  • edited May 2011
    ^This exactly. And unlike Marty or real Doc, FCB has no emotional ties to Clara, Jules, and Verne, only to Edna. The problem is that no matter what, it seems as though she's destined to be unhappy, which even FCB doesn't want.

    I would think the Doc would understand the logic of returning things to how they're "supposed to be". But maybe he realizes you can't really do that, since you're always changing something.
  • edited May 2011
    I feel like the reason why the writing team did not introduce us a set of children for Edna and FCB is not to become too dramatic. I don't know you guys but I did question the ethics of Marty when he erased Biff's possible brothers and completely forgot about them. He's an ice cold killer yo.
  • edited May 2011
    redfish wrote: »
    I would think the Doc would understand the logic of returning things to how they're "supposed to be". But maybe he realizes you can't really do that, since you're always changing something.

    Doc and logic don't always go hand in hand, or else he never would've invented a second time machine.
  • edited May 2011
    redfish wrote: »
    I would think the Doc would understand the logic of returning things to how they're "supposed to be". But maybe he realizes you can't really do that, since you're always changing something.

    FCB isn't our Doc, and even the real Doc changed his mind about leaving history unaltered in favor of love when it came to Clara in BTTF3. 50+ years of being in love with Edna simply doesn't go down the drain just like that, especially when added to the fact that he himself basically won't ever have existed anymore except in Marty's memory can't be that easy to come to grips with either.
  • edited May 2011
    Doc and logic don't always go hand in hand, or else he never would've invented a second time machine.

    And that's part of why he's a so likeable character! :)

    Also, I always liked Clara quite a lot :)
  • edited May 2011
    redfish wrote: »
    I would think the Doc would understand the logic of returning things to how they're "supposed to be".

    Perhaps, but once again the question is: who says it's "supposed to be" Marty's timeline?
  • edited May 2011
    Falanca wrote: »
    I feel like the reason why the writing team did not introduce us a set of children for Edna and FCB is not to become too dramatic. I don't know you guys but I did question the ethics of Marty when he erased Biff's possible brothers and completely forgot about them. He's an ice cold killer yo.

    And Biff's not in BTTF2 when he kills George?

    To me Marty's actions were justified in stopping Tannen in Ep 2. cause he was ruling the whole town in 1986. Biff's Brothers were a result of that. Biff's "brothers" weren't there in the first place so I'm not crying to much about them being gone after fixing that mess.
  • edited May 2011
    Perhaps, but once again the question is: who says it's "supposed to be" Marty's timeline?

    Because it was this way before time travel was involved, the natural order of things.

    Ok Marty actually did change his own timeline for his own benefit (or his parents'), so yeah, it's kinda "different strokes" you know.

    But, now, Jules, Vernes, and Clara, are dead/never existed, and they were supposed to.

    At least Marty's way of changing the timelines only involved minor changes in their lives, while what Doc and Marty in the game (unwillingly) made is erasing people from existence. So the "supposed to" really is "got there first".
  • Strayth wrote: »
    Because it was this way before time travel was involved, the natural order of things.

    Ok Marty actually did change his own timeline for his own benefit (or his parents'), so yeah, it's kinda "different strokes" you know.

    But, now, Jules, Vernes, and Clara, are dead/never existed, and they were supposed to.

    At least Marty's way of changing the timelines only involved minor changes in their lives, while what Doc and Marty in the game (unwillingly) made is erasing people from existence. So the "supposed to" really is "got there first".

    Aside from burning the almanac and saving doc in part III, marty never intentionally alters the timeline for his gain. The main reason the timeline changes at the end of part I is george punching out Biff, something marty did not expect or have control over.

    techie775 wrote: »
    And Biff's not in BTTF2 when he kills George?

    To me Marty's actions were justified in stopping Tannen in Ep 2. cause he was ruling the whole town in 1986. Biff's Brothers were a result of that. Biff's "brothers" weren't there in the first place so I'm not crying to much about them being gone after fixing that mess.

    Yeah biffs brothers only existed in that timeline. Kid was supposed to go to jail. And given the havoc they are causing, the timeline is better without them.
    Scnew wrote: »
    FCB isn't our Doc, and even the real Doc changed his mind about leaving history unaltered in favor of love when it came to Clara in BTTF3. 50+ years of being in love with Edna simply doesn't go down the drain just like that, especially when added to the fact that he himself basically won't ever have existed anymore except in Marty's memory can't be that easy to come to grips with either.

    look at it this way; even if it were proven to you, if someone came to you and told you that your timeline is an alternate one and you are not the true version of yourself and your significant other ends up unhappy, would you be overly happy about it?
    Doc and logic don't always go hand in hand, or else he never would've invented a second time machine.

    And he would have died at the hands of the libyans. Doc is mostly logic but there are times he figures "what the hell?"
    Falanca wrote: »
    I feel like the reason why the writing team did not introduce us a set of children for Edna and FCB is not to become too dramatic. I don't know you guys but I did question the ethics of Marty when he erased Biff's possible brothers and completely forgot about them. He's an ice cold killer yo.

    Aside from that character who is supposed to be Needles but isn't, pretty much all the characters we encounter in episode 3 are alternate versions of themselves. There wasnt a need to introduce new characters who dont exist in the regular timeline. And given the fact that the timeline will likely be changed again, it would make it too dark to erase a set of doc and ednas children at the expense of jules and verne.
  • edited May 2011
    On the other hand, he never said, "My parents are different, now! Doc, get the time machine! We have to fix this!" Granted, nobody suffered as a result of the timeline change (Except, maybe Biff)...
  • edited May 2011
    Scnew wrote: »
    FCB isn't our Doc, and even the real Doc changed his mind about leaving history unaltered in favor of love when it came to Clara in BTTF3. 50+ years of being in love with Edna simply doesn't go down the drain just like that, especially when added to the fact that he himself basically won't ever have existed anymore except in Marty's memory can't be that easy to come to grips with either.

    I think the Doc figured that in the real timeline, Clara was supposed to die anyway, and that he would live with her and his kids a kind of secluded life where they'd be separated from historical events.

    But you're right at least that I think this Doc is looking things through a completely different perspective. He isn't adjusting things back to a timeline he remembers, but one that never existed for him to begin with. I'm just wondering how he would reply to the logic that there's a way things are supposed to be, and he wouldn't have been an item with Edna if Marty never came back in time and interfered. So I'm saying maybe he realizes you can't faithfully preserve the timeline anyway. Every time you try, you still leave something changed. Young Emmett's mind has already been messed with several times.
  • edited May 2011
    Why can't they just go back to the day before Carl Sagan was arrested ?

    Paradoxes ? So what, the whole timeline is already a living paradox, one more won't make things much worse, right ?
  • edited May 2011
    Strayth wrote: »
    Because it was this way before time travel was involved, the natural order of things.

    Perhaps, but that wouldn't be enough to convince FCB, who doesn't have the same experience with the effects of time travel that "our" Doc has. If someone told you "I'm from a different timeline, this is all a mistake, your significant other is supposed to be alone and miserable", even if they could prove it, you wouldn't be thrilled.
    Strayth wrote: »
    But, now, Jules, Vernes, and Clara, are dead/never existed, and they were supposed to.

    To be completely fair, Jules and Verne definitely were NOT the result of "the natural order of things". They wouldn't exist without time travel, so saying they were supposed to exist and the FCB/Edna marriage wasn't only reinforces the ethical gray area here.
  • edited May 2011
    Perhaps, but that wouldn't be enough to convince FCB, who doesn't have the same experience with the effects of time travel that "our" Doc has. If someone told you "I'm from a different timeline, this is all a mistake, your significant other is supposed to be alone and miserable", even if they could prove it, you wouldn't be thrilled.


    It was proven to FCB his Hill Valley was completely broken and people hated it and the Browns.

    Edna also was miserable in this timeline, she turned evil "because of science".

    Nothing stopped Doc from asking Marty to make sure Edna would have a nice life (or giving her advices and hints), I mean, if "a punch" can make a whole difference for George, I'm sure they could have find out something for Edna. Instead of doing whatever he's going to do, which is purely selfish.
    To be completely fair, Jules and Verne definitely were NOT the result of "the natural order of things". They wouldn't exist without time travel, so saying they were supposed to exist and the FCB/Edna marriage wasn't only reinforces the ethical gray area here.

    Again, you don't look at it how you should :

    Doc met Clara AFTER creating a time machine, having Doc time traveling is normal, nothing that he did with Clara changed his past in a direct manner, he decided what to do with his life.

    FCB never invented a time machine, thus never was able to allow Marty to screw up his timeline, thus creating FCB. His timeline is just wrong. And don't forget there are two Martys inside it.

    I mean it's easy to choose which one doesn't have the right to exist, in my opinion.
  • edited May 2011
    Pak-Man wrote: »
    On the other hand, he never said, "My parents are different, now! Doc, get the time machine! We have to fix this!" Granted, nobody suffered as a result of the timeline change (Except, maybe Biff)...

    However, Biff does have his own auto detailing business.
  • edited May 2011
    Strayth wrote: »
    I mean it's easy to choose which one doesn't have the right to exist, in my opinion.

    It's always easy when you're a spectator. When you're in the middle of it, and you've spent your whole life emotionally invested in this universe that some punk kid tells you is "the wrong timeline", it's a bit tougher to swallow.

    I know what the right timeline is, and you know what the right timeline is. FCB has been told what the right timeline is, but that's not going to stop him from thinking with his heart instead of his head, to paraphrase BTTF3.
  • edited May 2011
    HA! Morals? Marty changed his entire life, Doc cheats his own death twice, they save Clara.

    The case is made out to be mostly the same, no matter what you're talking about, you're arguing mostly the same thing for the entire saga, and also for the game.

    Time travel has pretty biased results in BTTF.
  • edited May 2011
    Kyronea wrote: »
    I've read significant amounts of fanfiction, specifically the works of Kristen Shelley and Mary Jean Holmes, both of whom are excellent writers and whose works I highly recommend to everyone here.

    As a result, yes I do care quite extremely about Clara, and Jules and Verne. But no, Clara versus Edna isn't the issue. The issue is that Marty screwed up and he's trying to fix a mistake from his point of view, whereas FCB, only able to see things from his perspective, doesn't want to be erased.

    Which can we really blame him? He's as much a person as anyone else. He has every right to exist, just like Doc. And I don't think he was wrong about trying to make a third option when he suggested as such to Marty, though in my view such an option would simply result in Edna not living to her old age alone and unloved, which she doesn't deserve at all, regardless of the actions of a future self of hers in one particular timeline. After all, that wasn't the Edna of 1931.

    My point is, no, Clara versus Edna isn't the issue. The issue is the rights of one individual variation on a person over another. Both Doc and FCB are possible versions of people Young Emmett could grow up to become. Both exist. Both are persons, and both have every right to exist.

    This is actually what's made me really like this game, because above all else, it's raised a serious moral dilemma, one I can't wait to see how it plays out. I can only hope Marty can make a choice that benefits everybody.

    Have ever played Episode 1? Edna is amazingly annoying. Why would anyone tolerate her? I mean you'd have to be a crazy scientist to put up with something like that!
  • edited May 2011
    i don't think it's fair for marty to call in timeline the right or wrong one
  • edited May 2011
    In my opinion Edna and Emmett have the bigger right to be a couple because they could ´ve fallen in love without time travel. They live in the same decade. Clara on the other hand could only be a couple with Doc due to the fact that time travel exists.

    Personally i didn´t like Clara anyway. She ruined for some parts BTTF III for me.
  • edited May 2011
    Strayth wrote: »
    Again, you don't look at it how you should :

    Doc met Clara AFTER creating a time machine, having Doc time traveling is normal, nothing that he did with Clara changed his past in a direct manner, he decided what to do with his life.

    Why should we look at it that way? He didn't change his past, but he sure changed Clara's future. Originally she died. The ravine was named after her. Yes, now she's alive and probably trying not to change history too much, but that doesn't mean drastic things won't change. Look at how drastically different the world turned out with Biff's almanac. It wasn't just the lives of Biff and the people close to him that changed, it was everyone in the entire city that changed. No matter what they do, Clara, Jules, and Verne are going to alter the course of history from what it would have been had Doc not saved her. He didn't alter his own past, sure, but he sure did alter the past.
  • edited May 2011
    i really don't understand doc. At one point in the movies he says to destroy the time machine because it keeps bringing problems. But afterwards he continues traveling through time and messing up timelines. why does he not learn from his mistakes
  • edited May 2011
    Strayth wrote: »
    FCB never invented a time machine, thus never was able to allow Marty to screw up his timeline, thus creating FCB. His timeline is just wrong. And don't forget there are two Martys inside it.
    Exactly. In a sense, each time Marty and Doc meddled with history is another reason to preserve the original. Because if the time machine isn't invented then all the changes start to unravel one by one and all the paradoxes coalesce into a single überparadox, posing about as big a threat to the universe as everything in previous BTTF stories put together.
    FCB should realise this, so I expect he'll come around, or turn out to have been keeping his cards closer than it seems.
  • edited May 2011
    Have ever played Episode 1? Edna is amazingly annoying. Why would anyone tolerate her? I mean you'd have to be a crazy scientist to put up with something like that!
    Edna's more than a little strict and proper, I'll grant you that, but she's a product of her time in oh so many ways.

    Which frankly is irrelevant. She's still a person. A person has rights, no matter how annoying he or she might be to you. And I don't like seeing anyone end up alone, no matter who they are.
  • edited May 2011
    Kyronea wrote: »
    Edna's more than a little strict and proper, I'll grant you that, but she's a product of her time in oh so many ways.

    Which frankly is irrelevant. She's still a person. A person has rights, no matter how annoying he or she might be to you. And I don't like seeing anyone end up alone, no matter who they are.

    Personally, I like being alone.
  • edited May 2011
    i don't like clara very much
  • edited May 2011
    doggans wrote: »
    Perhaps, but once again the question is: who says it's "supposed to be" Marty's timeline?

    The fans. Whether it's right or not isn't the issue. I was perfectly happy with Guybrush dumping Elaine for Morgan, but that didn't happen either. There are more fans who want the series to stay the same than to have it so drastically changed.
    coolguy721 wrote: »
    i really don't understand doc. At one point in the movies he says to destroy the time machine because it keeps bringing problems. But afterwards he continues traveling through time and messing up timelines. why does he not learn from his mistakes

    This again begs the question: what in the world was he DOING in 1931 to begin with???
  • edited May 2011
    The fans.

    Well, naturally, but I doubt Marty would be able to convince FCB based on that. :P
  • edited May 2011
    I was perfectly happy with Guybrush dumping Elaine for Morgan, but that didn't happen either

    omfg i wanted this so badly. I never really liked Elaine all that much
  • edited May 2011
    This again begs the question: what in the world was he DOING in 1931 to begin with???

    On vacation? ;)
  • edited May 2011
    This again begs the question: what in the world was he DOING in 1931 to begin with???

    I swear he mentioned getting Clara a birthday gift. Wasn't he picking her up an original Jules Verne novel?

    It's one of the dialogue options in Episode One; that I remember.
  • edited May 2011
    I'm just going to put this out there. I think Marty is going to need a long shower to wash off all the lying and manipulation he's done, just to "preserve" his "time line." (In this game, not so much in the movies) I feel bad every time I have to make Marty screw someone over, even Biff. I almost feel like his penance should be to just let the time line erase him and let FCB have a crack at fixing his and Edna's existence.

    However, I think what we will see in EP 5 will be that Edna is just inherently evil. She is most likely the speakeasy arsonist, even though I argued against it before....Also, I don't want to get into the whole predestination thing but....can FCB be the arsonist? I'm to tired right now to think it out, but that would be the only other explanation I can think of at this point.

    Regardless, Marty is a freakin' menace on wheels. Short list of lives he's ruined or manipulated to get his way: FCB, Young Emmett, Biff, Edna, Trixie, Artie, Jennifer, Mr. Parker, Mad Dog and his gang, Einstein, that guy in the speakeasy, Kid, Biff, Griff, Biff again.....Marty's going to hell.
  • edited May 2011
    I swear he mentioned getting Clara a birthday gift. Wasn't he picking her up an original Jules Verne novel?

    It's one of the dialogue options in Episode One; that I remember.

    He was picking her up some rare, out-of-print books for her as well as for "indulging in personal nostalgia" and trying to solve the speakeasy fire. However, he kind of "pussy-footed" around the explanation, giving Marty reason to question him when they came back to 1931 to ensure Kid's arrest. Doc's response was, "Uh, it's personal. When this is over, I'll tell you all about it." Unfortunately, it's uncertain as to whether we'll find out the actual reason.
  • edited May 2011
    He was picking her up some rare, out-of-print books for her as well as for "indulging in personal nostalgia" and trying to solve the speakeasy fire. However, he kind of "pussy-footed" around the explanation, giving Marty reason to question him when they came back to 1931 to ensure Kid's arrest. Doc's response was, "Uh, it's personal. When this is over, I'll tell you all about it." Unfortunately, it's uncertain as to whether we'll find out the actual reason.

    Ah, that's right. I remember now. Thanks, ShadowKnight.

    All we can do is cross our fingers and hope that the actual reason is revealed in Episode Five.
  • edited May 2011
    Ah, that's right. I remember now. Thanks, ShadowKnight.

    All we can do is cross our fingers and hope that the actual reason is revealed in Episode Five.

    "Doc! You're back!"

    "Yes Marty, I am."

    "Now, before anything else happens, why WERE you in 1931?"

    "Well, I wanted to get some photographs of Edna Strickland in the shower."

    X_X lol
  • edited May 2011
    All we can do is cross our fingers and hope that the actual reason is revealed in Episode Five.

    That would be a great sin if it was not. If it's personal, he might have some memory of Edna oooorrrrr.... wait, I have no idea, I'm pretty stumped here. I have theories but It's hard to say.
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