The Music

Does the music bother anyone else while playing the game? I've played all four episodes and the only time I can recall the main theme is in the first two episodes (once an episode if even). I can't get the feeling of tension or urgency from the movies because they're always playing that soft, really downplayed version while important things are happening. I'm really disappointed in that aspect. It just distracts me, mostly because I love the movie theme so much :confused: Why???


  • edited May 2011
    I can recall several times. The only episode I can think of that doesn't have the main theme all that much is Citizen Brown. I think it's only played at the very end...
  • edited May 2011
    I would prefer to have the main theme played more clearly throughout the episodes as close as possible to Alan Silvestri score, but still I think that Jared Emerson is doing a great job anyway.

    Indeed, one thing I loved from episodes 3&4 is the music. The darkest parts of the score in the game are amazingly well aligned to Silvestri's job.
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