RUN FOR IT MARTY!!! Doc shouldn't need the note/ letter, he's too smart

edited May 2011 in Back to the Future
If my memory serves me right, Doc watches a video recording with and with out Marty, while in 1955. Doc watches 1985 Doc yell RUN FOR IT MARTY!!!

Which definitely hints towards danger, something bad happening, where some one would run and escape into a time machine, traveling God knows where...;)Clearly he was running for his life...

Now, a smart guy like Doc would be creative, imaginative, and have intuition. And, it doesn't take a guy as smart as Doc to put together that Doc was not telling Marty to go on a errand for a soda at that point in time of the video recording...And, obviously Marty ran to the time machine to escape.

You would think a guy like Doc would be able to put it all together, pretty quickly...Especially if he had watched the tape a few times.

Especially logically considering that he knows how he reacts to life threatening situations, and that is caught on tape, and he is running from some one, who has found him, who is obviously dangerous, and obviously dangerous enough for some one to jump into a time traveling machine...


  • edited May 2011
    I guess Marty decided to stop recording, after Doc told him to "run for it". Or else, he accidentally pressed "stop" - in all the panic. Still, I agree that Doc should've been smart enough to figure it that it was a drastic situation. Of course, Marty also should've been smart enough to force Doc to listen to him.
  • edited May 2011
    bttf4444 wrote: »
    I guess Marty decided to stop recording, after Doc told him to "run for it". Or else, he accidentally pressed "stop" - in all the panic. Still, I agree that Doc should've been smart enough to figure it that it was a drastic situation. Of course, Marty also should've been smart enough to force Doc to listen to him.

    Well, the recording stops after Doc screams out in horror :p

    But, it's obvious that Marty got into the time traveling machine soon after.
  • edited May 2011
    I agree! Doc should've figured from that that his life was in danger. It kind of was foolish of Doc to not let Marty tell him what exactly happened. I guess he really did feel strongly about preserving the space-time continuum. Still, he seemed pretty confused by Marty's tearful hug - when he was preparing to send Marty back to 1985.
  • edited May 2011
    I think it was also part least that's the message I got.
  • edited May 2011
    I've always taken it on the lines that it was his doubt of the situation at the Twin Pines Mall that made him reconstruct the letter. An idea was planted and the need for a letter from Marty made it grow.
  • edited May 2011
    esp3001 wrote: »
    I've always taken it on the lines that it was his doubt of the situation at the Twin Pines Mall that made him reconstruct the letter. An idea was planted and the need for a letter from Marty made it grow.

    Yeah, that would make sense. :)
  • edited May 2011
    esp3001 wrote: »
    I've always taken it on the lines that it was his doubt of the situation at the Twin Pines Mall that made him reconstruct the letter. An idea was planted and the need for a letter from Marty made it grow.
    LOL, logical. I think this is very likely. Well done. :p Still, that letter wasn't necessarily necessary. I see your point though, the letter was confirmation of a suspicion, on which a action was made to take the precautions to save his life.
  • edited May 2011
    The video also doesn't ever show the antagonists, when Doc mutters "Oh no, they've found me" it could be anyone, with any kind of different means to cause harm. That way the letter would also have played its part in helping the Doc choose the adequate protection.
  • edited May 2011
    Yeah, that's exactly what I meant.
  • edited May 2011
    It's the lybians, RUN FOR IT MARTY!

    No, no no, cuts, tape, might of actually stopped tape, debatable, (plutonium) traded it from the lybians, for a pin ball machine...


    In the middle of a very important scientific documentation. And before they cut the video off Doc basically says he got the plotunim from terrorists, pretty clear. And he shows worry, and is scared before explaining where he got it.


    This and other reasons and why I still disagree and thing a guy as smart as doc could easily put it together without it being wrote down on paper in crayon sort of speak...especially within 30 years time...

    I think the argument is still there, any one have a link to the video?

    LOL, yeah...really? But I'm looking for the complete clip.

    Actually, Marty gets them on film for a few seconds even, Doc knows who they are, atleast has 30 years to put it together...
  • edited May 2011
    doodo!, you forgot to mention at the end of your post, 'checkmate'.
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