Trixie = Sylvia



  • edited May 2011
    There is a chance. But highly unlikely.
  • edited May 2011
    I would love to see what their portrayal of 2011 is - and if it's more like the 2011 of "our" world, or more like the 2015 from BTTF2.
  • edited May 2011
    Arty should have a bastard child from Trixie, who later goes on to become Biff's wife.
  • edited May 2011
    One of the cool things about back to the future part II was that it foreshadowed several thing that ended up happening in the next movie
    -doc saying he'll never get to visit his favourite historical year the old west and that he will now study women (in part III he does both)
    -the reference of buford tannen
    -doc slamming the post office (which does successfully get the letter to marty)
    -biff seeing a western with clint eastwood wearing a bullet proof vest

    It seems episode 1 did quite a bit of foreshadowing, specifically early in the episode.

    the dream sequence forecasts doc disappearing and the time circuits being miscalibrated.

    I'm hoping that the reference of griff and 2011 are foreshadowing for the last episode.

    There's a great foreshadowing line I caught when replaying ep 1 that made me smile: After Marty grabs the newspaper he needs from Edna's stockpile and accidentally knock the rest over, Edna screams, "You've gotten my history out of order! Do you know how long it will take to fix what you've done!?"

    If only she knew. :D
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