Anyone else getting sick of 1931?

Title says it all


  • edited May 2011
    I was until Episode 4. At least in this one we had a change of venue and the character models were at least changed for most of them. Though it was fairly interesting to see that Hill Valley High hadn't changed much between 1931 and 1955. Too bad by 1985 the place was wrecked.
  • edited May 2011
    I was at first, but I think it's growing on me.
  • edited May 2011
    Quite simply, nope!
  • edited May 2011
    I'm starting to get a bit tired of '31. I'm hoping we get to see a lot of new things in the final episode.
  • edited May 2011
    Yes and no. Purely as a setting, it's getting horribly stale. I can only take so much time spent in a quaint 1931 town before I get sick of it.
    On the other hand, I love interacting with 1931's cast of characters. It's a treat to see Emmett, Trixie, young Edna, Artie and the rest, and for that reason I do like returning to the period.
  • edited May 2011
    I was explaining the whole game like what its about and realized how much we are in 1931 and 1986. But I like the characters. I am and am not tired of 1931.
  • I was at first, but I think it's growing on me.

    agreed. When I first read the premise of the episodes, it was easy to predict most of the first 4 episodes would be the same time period aside from episode 3. But IMO at this point, the weakest episode has been the only one that did not feature this time period.

    It introduced a new slew of characters; kid and his goons, artie, young emmett, young edna, trixie, danny. And it is becoming a temporal junction point similar to 1955.

    Prior to episode 4 we knew part of it would be in FCB 1986 and part in 1931 and i was hoping for as much 1931 as possible and got my wish. I hated the boring FCB time period until it got dark.

    But yes I am hoping most of the next episode is in a different time period. The trailer only shows the 2 time periods we've already seen but the episode 4 trailer was misleading.
  • edited May 2011
    A little bit, yeah. I was hoping that, with five episodes, we'd be able to explore than one new time period. I'm hoping to see 2011 in the final episode, and see if it's more like the 2011 of "our" world or 2015 from BTTF2 - or a combination of the two, which is the route that many fanfic writers (including myself) take.
  • edited May 2011
    tbf 1 season = 1 film.
    The general trend of the films is one past time period + a messed up present.

    So it makes perfect sense for the game to be all 1931 with the messed u FCB present and nothing else
  • Emo Hoe wrote: »
    tbf 1 season = 1 film.
    The general trend of the films is one past time period + a messed up present.

    So it makes perfect sense for the game to be all 1931 with the messed u FCB present and nothing else

    Actually thats only the trend of the second film.

    And the total game will have been the equivalent of 2.5 films. Even played at it's quickest, each episode takes an hour each.

    But if they were going to pick one time period and stick with it, this is the logical one; 1885 and 1955 have already been done. The future is fun and all but let's face it, it's unpredictable and they dont have the advantage of being able to reference history and so like the films, should be done in minority as a treat instead of an entire film/game. 1931 got to show us another generation of Mcfly and Tannen and also continued the trend of the third film of focusing on the development of the doc character.
  • edited May 2011
    Well, I still would've like to have seen how do would do the time period 2011 - which is already "our" present - and see if it's more like "our" 2011, or more like the 2015 from the second movie. I hope to see it get explored a little, in the last episode.
  • bttf4444 wrote: »
    Well, I still would've like to have seen how do would do the time period 2011 - which is already "our" present - and see if it's more like "our" 2011, or more like the 2015 from the second movie. I hope to see it get explored a little, in the last episode.

    I'm reminded of a scene that was scripted (and rumoured to be filmed) from part II; As we all know, part II was filmed in 1989 with the present being 1985. They were originally incorporating things into the cafe 80's that would come out in the late 80s that marty wouldn't recognize but the audience would. So they can easily extrapolate this with 25 years passing between marty's present and ours.
  • edited May 2011
    It made sense to return to that time period of this episode. I'm just curious what will happen in the last episode and if it will be the longest episode yet.
  • edited May 2011
    Well, on the launcher, the tagline under episode 5 does say
    "Climactic chase through Hill Valley's past, present, and future!"

    So yes...bring it on :) SOOOON PLEASE! I got lovely chills when I read "To be concluded". It's so perfectly bttf. AT the same Have to wait.
  • edited May 2011
    I'm getting pretty sick of 1931. I can't wait to see if we go somewhere completely different in episode 5. I hope we do. I think going to 2011 would be really interesting, especially if FCB goes there.
  • I'm getting pretty sick of 1931. I can't wait to see if we go somewhere completely different in episode 5. I hope we do. I think going to 2011 would be really interesting, especially if FCB goes there.

    That would be the one positive to having FCB. Old doc has already seen the future as far as 2025 whereas FCB hasn't been to the future so he'd have the shock effect.
  • edited May 2011
    Old doc has already seen the future as far as 2025 whereas FCB hasn't been to the future so he'd have the shock effect.
    Why would FCB have the shock effect. I don´t get it :)
  • edited May 2011
    That would be the one positive to having FCB. Old doc has already seen the future as far as 2025 whereas FCB hasn't been to the future so he'd have the shock effect.

    Ok, heres a question. If both Marty and FCB went to the future (say 2025) at the end of episode 4, who do you think would have the upper hand or the most experience?
  • Why would FCB have the shock effect. I don´t get it :)
    In the sense that he would inevitably be surprised at what he sees since unlike old doc he's never been to the future.
    Ok, heres a question. If both Marty and FCB went to the future (say 2025) at the end of episode 4, who do you think would have the upper hand or the most experience?

    Probably FCB since it would be his timeline still. Marty only spent 3 hours in 2015 and that was a previous timeline (which was already avoided prior to the FCB timeline)
  • edited May 2011
    I love the 30's!
  • edited May 2011
    Personally, I think it'd be nice to see the '70s. However, since Marty was a child in that decade, I can understand why it would be unlikely. Perhaps, Marty visiting 1967 or 1968 would be interesting. In the Number Two Draft, Doc and Marty ended up going back to 1967 - instead of 1955.
  • edited May 2011
    Probably FCB since it would be his timeline still. Marty only spent 3 hours in 2015 and that was a previous timeline (which was already avoided prior to the FCB timeline)

    But at the end of episode 4 Emmett and Enda aren't together so it's not FCB's timeline.
  • But at the end of episode 4 Emmett and Enda aren't together so it's not FCB's timeline.

    Okay well then if your original question is who hold the advantage in the future of the normal timeline, easily marty. Marty knows the normal timeline, FCB doesnt and the fact that marty has already been to the future certainly helps.

    But I'm not so sure we're not back to the normal timeline yet; the fact that doc is still FCB may or may not be an indication (theres contradicting evidence of whether he should change back to regular doc or not) but also in the preview for the last episode, we see 1986 and the citizen plus chamber which means one of 3 things

    1) that is a flashback or dream sequence
    2) the timeline hasn't changed
    3) the timeline has changed by now but FCB will change it back to his timeline again in the next episode.
  • edited May 2011
    I want to go to...

    *puts on sunglasses*

    ... The Future!
  • edited May 2011
    I am. We got a time machine and our only two possible destinations are 1931 and 1986. It's not like the thing hasn't worked (although it is acting goofy in ch4). Couldn't we go a few years ahead of 1931 and see how things are then? (Didn't doc do that in BTTF2 to see what happens after Marty Jr gets arrested?)
  • edited May 2011
    bttf4444 wrote: »
    Personally, I think it'd be nice to see the '70s. However, since Marty was a child in that decade, I can understand why it would be unlikely. Perhaps, Marty visiting 1967 or 1968 would be interesting. In the Number Two Draft, Doc and Marty ended up going back to 1967 - instead of 1955.

    I was going to say that about 1967 being in BTTF2 then I finished reading your comment. I wished that too. I wonder if part of it was was cause Crispin Glover wasn't in 2 or 3 so they just used his old footage from 1 in 1955 instead.
  • techie775 wrote: »
    I was going to say that about 1967 being in BTTF2 then I finished reading your comment. I wished that too. I wonder if part of it was was cause Crispin Glover wasn't in 2 or 3 so they just used his old footage from 1 in 1955 instead.

    No how it went down was;
    bob gale wrote the first treatment to part II. Robert Zemeckis then read it and realized that they had the opportunity to do something no sequel has ever done; revisit the first film.
  • edited May 2011
    No how it went down was;
    bob gale wrote the first treatment to part II. Robert Zemeckis then read it and realized that they had the opportunity to do something no sequel has ever done; revisit the first film.

    Ah interesting.
  • edited May 2011
    Yes and no. I don't mind that we spend so much time in 1931. As others have pointed out, there's only one new time period shown in each of the films as well. I know when the series was announced, a lot of people thought we'd probably be visiting a new distant time period in each episode, but I think that would have felt too "game-y". It'd feel more like an adventure game, but less like a Back to the Future film. So I'm ok with most of the action taking place in 1931.

    I do wish we could see more of 1931, though. Most of the locations we've seen have felt pretty limited.
  • edited May 2011
    Since US history is so short, I'm afraid we've seen all of it already (lol).
    Maybe more future now.
  • edited May 2011
    Actually thats only the trend of the second film.

    And the total game will have been the equivalent of 2.5 films. Even played at it's quickest, each episode takes an hour each.

    But if they were going to pick one time period and stick with it, this is the logical one; 1885 and 1955 have already been done. The future is fun and all but let's face it, it's unpredictable and they dont have the advantage of being able to reference history and so like the films, should be done in minority as a treat instead of an entire film/game. 1931 got to show us another generation of Mcfly and Tannen and also continued the trend of the third film of focusing on the development of the doc character.

    Play time doesn't matter story content does.
    Story content is roughly equivalent to 1 film.
  • Emo Hoe wrote: »
    Play time doesn't matter story content does.
    Story content is roughly equivalent to 1 film.

    Not even close, that would be implying 25 minutes per episode which is way to short. And the gameplay DOES matter as its part of the story.

    Guarantee when they release the DVD, it'll be 4-6 hours long.
  • edited May 2011
    I had hoped to visit 1910 or wherever clara and the real doc(not FCB) are living but 1931 is ok I guess(the time thing is a guess based on the train and how old Jules and Verne looked). I am abit tried of it but it works for these episodes...
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