Idiosyncratic Routine
Do you find yourself acting out personal and wholly unnecessary rituals when playing certain games? If so, then please share your individual OCD lunacy below. I'll get the proverbial ball rolling...
Marble Madness: I always attempt to get the ball to land on the "O" of "GOAL" at the end of each stage, so that the ball essentially becomes the letter "O".
Gitaroo Man: Upon completion of each stage the camera zooms in and settles on Gitaroo Man's guitar; at which point I spin the analogue stick so that the on screen radar creates a circle within the circular central area of the guitar. Also, during those moments of a song when the are no on screen prompts, I rhythmically tap the X button which in turn causes the cenral dot (which the radar emits from) to flash in sync with the music.
Marble Madness: I always attempt to get the ball to land on the "O" of "GOAL" at the end of each stage, so that the ball essentially becomes the letter "O".
Gitaroo Man: Upon completion of each stage the camera zooms in and settles on Gitaroo Man's guitar; at which point I spin the analogue stick so that the on screen radar creates a circle within the circular central area of the guitar. Also, during those moments of a song when the are no on screen prompts, I rhythmically tap the X button which in turn causes the cenral dot (which the radar emits from) to flash in sync with the music.
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Fired a single shot? Toss the whole clip and reload anyway! If the overall ammo count ends in certain numbers, shoot at something until said numbers have changed. (that's my actual OCD peeking through)
*loads up zelda* right, time to smash some goddamn pots.
Aside from Achievements/Trophies, the most frustrating is having to get every single god-damn collectable. In every single game.
Why yes, I do hate RPGs.
I also have a thing about playing games in order, so for example, I can't just play Final Fantasy VII. I need to go through FFs I-VI first. I very rarely get to play games I want to if they have multiple sequels.
And not quite in games, but still to do with them - the boxes have to have a matching cover. More specifically, I have to make new covers that have spines of the exact same design. You may have seen my work in the DVD Covers thread a while back, but I literally have to do that for every single game I have that fits in a DVD case or it bugs the heck out of me.
Oh man, so much this.
Joust Between rounds, I keep my ostrich hovering in position between the wave number and the wave title. Also, when's there's only one enemy left and I've got a bit of time left before the pterodactyl appears, then I try to take him out by using the "belly flop" bug.
Oblivion / Fallout 3 / New Vegas I'm obsessed with traveling the land by means of jumping! I'll go from area to area by leap frogging. I also have an urge to be mid jump when I activate a door to load the next location. Doing this looks ridiculous and makes playing Oblivion feel like "Monty Python and the Holy Grail".
Also in Mass Effect or any other game that allows you to import a character from a previous title, I -have- to play them all every time... I was actually relieved when Konami released Suikoden 4 without allowing imports from 3 since I didn't have time to go back and play 1-3 again. :rolleyes:
I'm also real big on achievements. I usually check before starting a new game to make sure I don't miss any that you only get one shot at. I hate multiplayer ones that require something very specific that you might never be able to get... argh.
If an enemy ragdolls and glitches into an upright position (on his knees, etc.), I *have* to knock said ragdoll down. This really sucks in games that don't let you interact with corpses, like Crysis.
Oh man, the number of hours I've lost arranging ragdoll corpses into amusing and sexual positions.
I especially had fun with Fallout 3, where I had an obsession with using a hacksaw to decapitate a NCP, then placing their body on their bed and their head in a pot on the bedside table. This worked great if the deceased was married, as you could wait in the room until the husband / wife returned and went to sleep next to their headless partner...
...yeah, I'm sick.
Whenever there's a cutscene we have to keep jumping around.
Brilliant on the later levels that are supposed to be pretty dramatic.
We also do spin-crazies on games that either have loose aiming mechanics
(Including Dead Rising. Spin Frankie! Spin! WEEEEEE!!),
Also when we play James bond on the gamecube we always have to have one incredibly stupid ai, (while the rest are set much higher) and its ALWAYS Bond.
Then we play "Hunt the Retard Bond!"
Its really hilarious.
"Look Retard Bond! Kill him!"
"But I don't want to kill him. He's not doing any harm by running into that wall."
Ai shows up and blows him to smithereens with a rocket launcher
Seeks and kills ai in vengence!
You're my kind of gamer. You're not on PSN are you? I'd love to play some multiplayer with you if you are (and when the servers are back up).
Sadly I have most of my games on the 360.
(I have like 5 ps3 games (Ironically I only seem to buy PS2 games to play on it!) to my 40+ 360 games! XD)
And most of the PC games I own I never play due to the lack of dedicated PC, (I got a laptop, but its not all too powerful, and I can't seem to get into playing PC games on it, let alone multiplayer ones)
And as for the Wii, well, it just sits there, mocking me!
*look over to the wii*
Oh man, how could I forget this? Ever since Mario 64 I always, ALWAYS try to ground pound the stars preferably after either a triple jump or a backflip. No exception.
Also, another Soul Calibur habit, keep beating the hell out of your opponents body after you get a KO for as long as you can
-When I play RPG's I have the following rules:
No use of item, No KO's of individual characters.
-I always tend to avoid the number 13. I hate having 13 of an item.
Whenever someone plays as Vega on Street Fighter 2 and wins, I immediately shout "YODEL LIKE A LADY!" when he does his victory pose.
(Because thats what he sounds like he's saying to me)
For Ken I sometimes go "I-like-to-wheel-kick" when he does his kick special move.
What do I win?
Are these screenshots worth bonus points?
Congratulations. You win first prize!
Sadly, unless you want to go into negative numbers, there are no prizes beyond first. Soooo...your bonus points have been converted to brownie points. Which are worth about as much as they sound like they're worth.'t have any bonus point ranks above brownie points.
So, ah...
Gold Star!
You know you have something wrong with you when you start stud farming even before actually playing any of the levels.
(I'm sooo guilty of that one! XD)
As interesting as that is Remolay, what about when you're playing games? Stick to the topic at hand please.
Unless it's a close race, I always do that too. Especially in Mario Kart, where you can do a little hop-over-then-skid across the finish line.
If a game has cinematics where you can move the camera, I will move the camera like I'm freakin' Michael Bay.
In WoW, one does not simply walk into dungeon portals, one must jump into them.
If a game has some sort of hub town where there isn't any combat, I always sheathe/holster my character's weapons, if possible. Otherwise, I feel like I'm going to scare the civilians.
I shoot explosive barrels even when there aren't any enemies left to kill.
In poker games (like, say, Night at the Inventory) I find myself keeping a poker face when I get a good hand.
I also do the whole "one shot, reload" thing but until they make videogame guns work like real guns, that's just smart playing.
I do this, too. Especially in Star Wars games where I feel like wandering around in crowded places with an unsheathed lightsaber is just wrong.
Mafia is the only game I can think of that treats ammo count realistically. If you reload when the clip or chambers have any rounds left in then you lose them.
Does Mass Effect 2 do this, too? I honesty can't remember except that I was perpetually running out of ammo and was therefore very careful with reloads. This might only be because I'm a terrible shot.
Couldn't tell you as I've yet to play it (because I've yet to finish the first game despite plenty of attempts over the last few years!).
...that may be the geekiest sentence I've ever said...
But wouldn't ejecting a thermal clip before it's completely full result in having fewer shots to fire? Just saying that if you ejected one after every shot, you'd run out of clips pretty quickly.
In any case, it is obvious that the best way to find out is for me to play Mass Effect 2 again. It's the only way...FOR SCIENCE!