Chase through time?

edited May 2011 in Back to the Future
Hi everyone long time reader and first time poser, I've been reading plenty of theories and keep seeing references to a scene where there is a chase during Hill Valley's past, present and future. I was wondering what episode was this shown or if anyone had a link to a video showing this scene? Thanks !:cool:


  • edited May 2011
    It sounds like that's what the final episode might be like. It sound like that episode will be somewhat reminiscent to The Ride, but without taking trips as far back as the dinosaur era.
  • edited May 2011
    I was wondering do they show it through a preview for an episode because alot of people mention it like it has been shown already.
  • edited May 2011
    jc1612 wrote: »
    I was wondering do they show it through a preview for an episode because alot of people mention it like it has been shown already.
    It's mentioned in the website description of the episode.
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