I think a reason why movie-based games have a bad reputation is because the game's story is confined to the rules laid down by the movies, and if the story strays too far it pisses movie fans off; while the game also is in fact a game, so if the gameplay aspects suffer in deference to keeping within the movie's confines on story, then it pisses off gamers who just want to play a game regardless of the franchise.
Either way you're screwed and it's a thin line to walk from one side to the other, especially on a limited budget and under a deadline.
And here is where our opinions differ sir. I prefer a compelling story and characters over "mechanics". That's why in games like GTA4, I never follow the story and just fart around and never advance very far. The story was crap and the protagonist wasn't a compelling character.
By this logic, Pac-Man is the worst game ever made.
There's nothing wrong with wanting a good story in your game. Personally, I'm in love with Assassin's Creed's storyline. The story was really the only thing that got me all the way through the painfully repetitive first game. In between the important assassination missions, it was a pretty boring experience. But finding out what was up with Desmond in that damn room in the present kept me going.
So I understand the logic of enjoying BTTF. Whether the story's really amazing, or it's nostalgia tinted glasses making you think it's amazing, that doesn't really matter.
What matters is that the game itself is just not good. Like I said: I love Assassin's Creed as a whole. And while I found the story of the first game compelling, that doesn't mean the game itself doesn't kinda suck. I'm a fan, the story sold me on the game. But it's still kind of a sucky game. Personally I'm not really in love with the plot of BTTF either. If you love it, though, great! Telltale told a good story.
I guess the bottom line is, this is about the closest to the BTTF4 as we'll probably ever get - unless some other game franchises decide to do something similar for BTTF. If some people are more interested in the story aspect, and could not really care less about the game play aspect - they should not be faulted for having that opinion. Not everybody is necessarily here for the game play aspect. Some people are here only for the story - and, as much as this may piss off certain game fanatics, these people have a right to that opinion. We'll just have to agree to disagree on this.
ETA: Just to clarify, I was posting mostly in response to this:
So... You play video games for the story? Then why don't you just skip the bullshit and go straight for books or movies? You're sounding like you think the game part of a video game is merely a trivial aspect.
There's a lot of fans who aren't very satisfied with the quality of the Back to the Future games. They're just not as vocal as Dashing, and I guess, Falanca (though I haven't seen his posts). People have the right to have a negative opinion just as much as they have the right to have a positive opinion. That's why they're called opinions. They're neither right nor wrong and anyone can have them.
Also, I'm much more of a troll than Dashing is.
I wouldn't say Dashing is a troll. It's more like he has strong convictions and doesn't see any value in pulling punches when arguing his point.
I wouldn't say Dashing is a troll. It's more like he has strong convictions and doesn't see any value in pulling punches when arguing his point.
Neither did I. Or, at least, I didn't mean to imply that. Perhaps I said it wrong (since I sort of am a troll) and should have said that he was less of a troll than any other upstanding member of the community. Take your pick. There's plenty.
I guess the bottom line is, this is about the closest to the BTTF4 as we'll probably ever get - unless some other game franchises decide to do something similar for BTTF. If some people are more interested in the story aspect, and could not really care less about the game play aspect - they should not be faulted for having that opinion. Not everybody is necessarily here for the game play aspect. Some people are here only for the story - and, as much as this may piss off certain game fanatics, these people have a right to that opinion. We'll just have to agree to disagree on this.
ETA: Just to clarify, I was posting mostly in response to this:
I've never said that anyone wasn't allowed to enjoy the story. I am simply saying that story alone does not make a game good as a game.
I've said numerous times that it would have been much better off as a machinima or straight to DVD movie or something. Making it under the pretense of being a "game" and then essentially making a machinima where you have to click on stuff sometimes to continue watching it is an awful idea.
I've never said that anyone wasn't allowed to enjoy the story. I am simply saying that story alone does not make a game good as a game.
I've said numerous times that it would have been much better off as a machinima or straight to DVD movie or something. Making it under the pretense of being a "game" and then essentially making a machinima where you have to click on stuff sometimes to continue watching it is an awful idea.
Really? I've been enjoying it I like being able to poke around in the world, give me just enough ability to explore a few little "what-if's" that you don't get with a straight-through film. Like the choose-your-own-adventure / pick-a-path books that more often than not led to the same endings anyway
Really? I've been enjoying it I like being able to poke around in the world, give me just enough ability to explore a few little "what-if's" that you don't get with a straight-through film. Like the choose-your-own-adventure / pick-a-path books that more often than not led to the same endings anyway
But you don't get to do that. You rarely even get to click on anything not directly related to the plot.
Really? I've been enjoying it I like being able to poke around in the world, give me just enough ability to explore a few little "what-if's" that you don't get with a straight-through film. Like the choose-your-own-adventure / pick-a-path books that more often than not led to the same endings anyway
I've gone through this, you literally can't click things that aren't related to the plot. At most, you have five things in any given screen, worth a one-sentence quip, and that's being generous. Non-story item combinations give generic responses EVERY TIME.
I've gone through this, you literally can't click things that aren't related to the plot. At most, you have five things in any given screen, worth a one-sentence quip, and that's being generous. Non-story item combinations give generic responses EVERY TIME.
Hey, I'm well aware that it's minimal. I'd love to see more of the throwaway lines messing with all the non-plot items that you get in the speak-easy at the end of Ep. 4. That was enjoyable, and there's not enough of it. I'm just a little less black-and-white about forgiving the faults.
Either way you're screwed and it's a thin line to walk from one side to the other, especially on a limited budget and under a deadline.
By this logic, Pac-Man is the worst game ever made.
There's nothing wrong with wanting a good story in your game. Personally, I'm in love with Assassin's Creed's storyline. The story was really the only thing that got me all the way through the painfully repetitive first game. In between the important assassination missions, it was a pretty boring experience. But finding out what was up with Desmond in that damn room in the present kept me going.
So I understand the logic of enjoying BTTF. Whether the story's really amazing, or it's nostalgia tinted glasses making you think it's amazing, that doesn't really matter.
What matters is that the game itself is just not good. Like I said: I love Assassin's Creed as a whole. And while I found the story of the first game compelling, that doesn't mean the game itself doesn't kinda suck. I'm a fan, the story sold me on the game. But it's still kind of a sucky game. Personally I'm not really in love with the plot of BTTF either. If you love it, though, great! Telltale told a good story.
That does not mean Telltale made a good game.
ETA: Just to clarify, I was posting mostly in response to this:
I wouldn't say Dashing is a troll. It's more like he has strong convictions and doesn't see any value in pulling punches when arguing his point.
Neither did I. Or, at least, I didn't mean to imply that. Perhaps I said it wrong (since I sort of am a troll) and should have said that he was less of a troll than any other upstanding member of the community. Take your pick. There's plenty.
I've never said that anyone wasn't allowed to enjoy the story. I am simply saying that story alone does not make a game good as a game.
I've said numerous times that it would have been much better off as a machinima or straight to DVD movie or something. Making it under the pretense of being a "game" and then essentially making a machinima where you have to click on stuff sometimes to continue watching it is an awful idea.
Really? I've been enjoying it
But you don't get to do that. You rarely even get to click on anything not directly related to the plot.
Hey, I'm well aware that it's minimal. I'd love to see more of the throwaway lines messing with all the non-plot items that you get in the speak-easy at the end of Ep. 4. That was enjoyable, and there's not enough of it. I'm just a little less black-and-white about forgiving the faults.