Watching Last Man Standing reminds me alot of BTTF.

Watching Last Man Standing with Bruce Willis right now. Now comparing this to the episodes of BTTF. I see ALOT here that matches. Even the blonde girl reminds me of Trixie. Was wondering, anyone else seen the movie? Would you agree? If you havent seen it yet, its on netflix for instant stream. Kinda interesting to see how BTTF team really did a nice job with the 30s era. All its missing is the Western theme to it too heh.


  • edited May 2011
    I have seen the movie (I thought it was great), but it is too long ago to remember. So I'll have to see it again. And you know what? Maybe I will soon! :)
  • edited May 2011
    Watching Last Man Standing reminds me a lot of Fistful of Dollars which in turn reminds me of Yojimbo.
  • edited May 2011
    Watching Last Man Standing reminds me a lot of Fistful of Dollars which in turn reminds me of Yojimbo.

    me too. As Fistful of Dollars was inspired by Yojimbo and Last Man Standing is an official remake. I really don't see much of a relation to the BTTF episodes myself...(or even the movies)
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