Hey, it's alright. You're living a normal life, believe it or not. Lots of people only keep close friends, most people I talk to. And those people really aren't that hard to read, they are really pretty easy to read.
Most people, are very complex, but at the same time, they're easy to understand.
Everyone is a special, unique person. Some times we put our selves down when we don't seem to fit in, we think it's a problem with us. Some times we're driven to do things to try to fit in, or are driven to do things when we feel lonely...we even greet others some times like we're defective, lonely, nerds, maybe even. When we're all unique, special, beautiful people. We should all strive to remember that. Don't go into a situation thinking that you won't be accepted. You may not be perfect, but at least you're human and can relate to the rest of us, who also aren't perfect. It's ok to be yourself, especially if you're comfortable and happy with who you are.
If you aren't happy with who you are, then maybe you should stop calling yourself a nerd. Unless you like being called a nerd. Our emotions and souls are delicate , and should be kept sacred, should be respected. You're a unique person, you're special like every one else. You're sacred, your feelings should be kept well, and you should prosper in your own happiness and celebrate your life, live your life how you want to live it. Be who you want to be, it doesn't have to be good enough for some one else. Take what life has given you, take those emotions, be happy.
Rejoice, because you're a live, and because you've given the world , you. It's easy to feel insignificant but there is only one you, and only you can see the difference in this world with you in it, only you can experience life. It's your gift, you couldn't witness it through some one else's eyes.
It's your special way of seeing the world , life that gives you the inspiration to achieve your goals, that inspires you to take those first steps, inspires you to go after your dreams, inspires you to your first kiss, your first child with wife/ husband. It's you who feels happiness, sadness, joy, excitement, no one else can feel it for you. It's all you. No one can tell you what it's like to experience these things, no one else can explain it to you.It's you who brings happiness, you who feels happiness, it's you who feels self love, regret, it's you who learns to forgive him/herself.
It's you who is going to feel these things, and it's you who is going to fill yourself up with happiness, feel a live, and you can do it. I believe in you to seek out happiness, and do that by seeking out what makes you happy, believe in yourself.You give yourself what you want, what you need, with courage, dedication, disclipline, no one ever said it was easy. But life is a blessing and you can live it how ever you want to. Only you can feel unsatisfied with your life and only you can can feel inspired to change, and only you can feel that change. No one else is going to feel it for you. It's ok to be afraid, to feel upset or feel scared about change, it's only you that's going to feel that way and work through that feeling to be happy, no one else can feel that for you. No one else can live your life and do it for you.
Well, the latest Interloper confirms that one of the roles will be a McFly ancestor that Marty has encountered before. So I don't think there's any question that it will be William McFly.
Well, the latest Interloper confirms that one of the roles will be a McFly ancestor that Marty has encountered before. So I don't think there's any question that it will be William McFly.
Well, about "who MJFox would play in the game" (a mystery as obvious as those in the game), there are some things that almost everybody got, but I think it's better to write it down here :
• Because of his age, Michael J Fox can't play a young character (even if he didn't had Parkinson). THIS IS WHY he don't play young Marty in the game. So all of you who wants him and not AJLocasio, get out, he just can't do it!
• Because he is the original Marty McFly from the movie, he must play a character with the same morphology that Marty : Marlène, Marty Jr., old Marty, Seamus McFly, and William McFly (in the movie, he is on a photography). So those who said "the character is peabody/chester's helper", get out.
• It could be Seamus McFly, but no. Seamus would be 60 years old, and he has a beard. No match.
• Marty has already met the first character that MJFox will play. He was a baby, and it was William Shaun McFly, born in april 1885. In 1931, he his 46 years old. Perfect match.
• The second character is obviously Marty from 2011 (because Doc said he'll visit Marty in 2011) or 2015 (because of the link it would make to the second movie).
• In 2015, he would be 47 years old, almost the same age that William McFly in 1931. So Telltale could use back the 3D model of William, they'll just have to change his clothes, and zip, "affaire close" like we say in France.
Remember Seamus McFly told Marty in BTTF 3 that he had a brother named Martin McFly who died because people would think he was a coward.
You never know........ It may have something to do with him?????
Uh...no. No, no, no, no, and no.
Martin McFly died before 1885. The first car didn't go onto the market until at least 1895, at which point it was purely a rich toy like a private jet would be today. That car looks like a Model-T of at least post-1920.
So, unless Martin got his hands on a time machine...no.
Including children, he didn't die.......... (anything at all really)
Martin McFly (brother of Seamus McFly) died without leaving any children behind him.
Irish by birth, Martin arrived in America with his brother Seamus and his sister-in-law Maggie McFly during the early 1880s. However, Martin had a problem in that he was always trying to prove that he wasn't a chicken. During one such encounter in Virginia City, Nevada, Martin was fatally stabbed with a bowie knife during a barfight. In 1885, Seamus and Maggie told "Clint Eastwood" (who was really Marty McFly, Seamus and Maggie's great-great-grandson and Martin's great-great-grandnephew) about Martin and "Eastwood" realized that it was a trait that he shared upon hearing the story.
Martin McFly (brother of Seamus McFly) died without leaving any children behind him.
If Martin McFly ever had a son, don't you think somebody like Arthur McFly would know that?
And Telltale said that the guy in the car is somebody who Marty already met in the movie.
The more often, the good answer is the obvious one.
There is no proof that Martin McFly had no children. Remember only the movies are canon.
Arthur may or may not know this. Seamus would be his grandfather, Martins children would be Arthurs cousins once removed and Martins grandchildren would be Arthurs second cousins. Some people know their second cousins, some dont.
• Because of his age, Michael J Fox can't play a young character (even if he didn't had Parkinson). THIS IS WHY he don't play young Marty in the game. So all of you who wants him and not AJLocasio, get out, he just can't do it!
Parkinsons or no, the guy just does not sound that different today then he did in the 80s. That's not really the problem. I'm relatively certain that even Parkinsons isn't a huge barrier for him doing voice work--he acted on screen in multiple episodes of Rescue Me two or three years ago. Honestly, I'd say the biggest reason is probably budget concerns. Getting Fox to record the amount of dialogue that Marty has was going to be a lot more costly then getting Locasio to do it. Either that, or MJF just wasn't interested in this until he saw how successful/true-to-the-films/whatever it's been.
They said it's someone Marty met in the movies. Here is my theory..it can't be Marty Mcfly 2015 because Marty never met him.
Has anyone considered, it could be his son, Marty Jr.? Who is to say Doc/Marty aren't stranded somewhere way in the future, in some weird backwoods place.
OR...could it be Uncle Jailbird Joey?...he is Lorraines brother...maybe shares similar jeans to Marty. and wouldn't it be funny if he had stolen that truck....maybe Doc/Marty are part of the situation that leads to Uncle Joey going to jail.
I think Taylor Mcknight cracked the code! It's Uncle Jailbirdy Joey!..you can't get anything by this guy, because i talk with a walk, and a blink in my eye.
I think it's Marty Junior. I think FCB will succeed and they'll end up in a backwards Hill Valley in the future. If you noticed Marty sounds scared when he says "did we just leave Hill valley?". I don't think he'd be scared of a time he'd already been to, and why would Doc aplogize about that?
Also, the way that McFly spoke is the same as Marty Jr, that half-asleep tone of voice
there are roads and a station wagon drives up so it's post-1900
The MJF character looks at the delorean and asks what on earth it is. Given the fact that the character is at least 40, we can probably rule out any time between 1980-2020 as any rational adult SHOULD be able to recognize a DeLorean. Now mind you Jailbird Joey is a possibility as given the time he spends removed from society it's possible he wouldnt know what a DeLorean looks like.
It's possible its Marty Jr. but Doc does mention he visited Marty and Jennifer in 2011 so unless the kids are away Marty Jr. probably met Doc. It's up in the air whether he'd recognize a delorean.
Doesn't appear to be seamus but it's possible. William is the most likely bet.
I believe it's William for essentially all the reasons that MJFIC mentioned. While I'm not ruling out Marty Jr., it seems to me that William has the best chance since we never really saw him as an adult/teenager and would be a neat addition to the game.
My bet would be on him being Marty's great grandfather William, the age would fit, he's someone Marty met in the movies and lets not forget he looks just like Marty which that guy in the trailer definitely did (Well an older version anyway).
I agree with what everyone is saying but from the character that we had seen evidence points to the fact that hes William Mcfly its the most logical as the character that Marty has met before now as to the other character everyone thinks its another character like Marty Sr., Marty Jr. but what if MJF is voicing a character that TellTale hasnt Revealed that isnt a Mcfly relative? One character that we havent seen but is mentioned throughout the Game is Doc's Father Judge Brown that would be crazy if that is the other character that Michael J Fox is portraying its a shot in the dark but i wouldn't be surprised if that does happen
I agree with what everyone is saying but from the character that we had seen evidence points to the fact that hes William Mcfly its the most logical as the character that Marty has met before now as to the other character everyone thinks its another character like Marty Sr., Marty Jr. but what if MJF is voicing a character that TellTale hasnt Revealed that isnt a Mcfly relative? One character that we havent seen but is mentioned throughout the Game is Doc's Father Judge Brown that would be crazy if that is the other character that Michael J Fox is portraying its a shot in the dark but i wouldn't be surprised if that does happen
I would be since they'd be replacing a voice actor for that. I think the best bets are on William McFly and 2011-2015 Marty.
It's William McFly, Marty's great-grandfather who was just a baby in Part 3. It's an early 1900s car, and the farm looks to be a similar timeframe too, so that would mean he's aged enough to fit.
The second character he's voicing is beyond me though. Probably older Marty or Marty Jr, since they showed futuristic-looking concept art.
Heres the thing too...i think when he says.."hey whats that?" about the Delorean..maybe its Marty from the future..and ....to put Marty/Doc at ease/throw them off/avoid a paradox, he's pretending not to know what it is, as someone from whatever era their in, wouldn't know. who knows?
I doubt it's a future Marty, since we DID get a second-long clip in the GTTV episode of the guy in the van saying "The name's McFly," and if it was Marty, he'd be using a cover name, not posing as his own ancestor. xD Without a doubt, it has to be William.
Most people, are very complex, but at the same time, they're easy to understand.
Everyone is a special, unique person. Some times we put our selves down when we don't seem to fit in, we think it's a problem with us. Some times we're driven to do things to try to fit in, or are driven to do things when we feel lonely...we even greet others some times like we're defective, lonely, nerds, maybe even. When we're all unique, special, beautiful people. We should all strive to remember that. Don't go into a situation thinking that you won't be accepted. You may not be perfect, but at least you're human and can relate to the rest of us, who also aren't perfect. It's ok to be yourself, especially if you're comfortable and happy with who you are.
If you aren't happy with who you are, then maybe you should stop calling yourself a nerd.
Rejoice, because you're a live, and because you've given the world , you. It's easy to feel insignificant but there is only one you, and only you can see the difference in this world with you in it, only you can experience life. It's your gift, you couldn't witness it through some one else's eyes.
It's your special way of seeing the world , life that gives you the inspiration to achieve your goals, that inspires you to take those first steps, inspires you to go after your dreams, inspires you to your first kiss, your first child with wife/ husband. It's you who feels happiness, sadness, joy, excitement, no one else can feel it for you. It's all you. No one can tell you what it's like to experience these things, no one else can explain it to you.It's you who brings happiness, you who feels happiness, it's you who feels self love, regret, it's you who learns to forgive him/herself.
It's you who is going to feel these things, and it's you who is going to fill yourself up with happiness, feel a live, and you can do it. I believe in you to seek out happiness, and do that by seeking out what makes you happy, believe in yourself.You give yourself what you want, what you need, with courage, dedication, disclipline, no one ever said it was easy. But life is a blessing and you can live it how ever you want to. Only you can feel unsatisfied with your life and only you can can feel inspired to change, and only you can feel that change. No one else is going to feel it for you. It's ok to be afraid, to feel upset or feel scared about change, it's only you that's going to feel that way and work through that feeling to be happy, no one else can feel that for you. No one else can live your life and do it for you.
Only you can make the effort worth it.
Different art style and different outfit but that's clearly the same dude
I second this.
This is going to be a kickass ending. Pardon me while I mark my calender here...
Thanks TTG. This has been fun!
Beat me to it you did.
I really do not see the point of bringing MJF in.
• Because of his age, Michael J Fox can't play a young character (even if he didn't had Parkinson). THIS IS WHY he don't play young Marty in the game. So all of you who wants him and not AJLocasio, get out, he just can't do it!
• Because he is the original Marty McFly from the movie, he must play a character with the same morphology that Marty : Marlène, Marty Jr., old Marty, Seamus McFly, and William McFly (in the movie, he is on a photography). So those who said "the character is peabody/chester's helper", get out.
• It could be Seamus McFly, but no. Seamus would be 60 years old, and he has a beard. No match.
• Marty has already met the first character that MJFox will play. He was a baby, and it was William Shaun McFly, born in april 1885. In 1931, he his 46 years old. Perfect match.
• The second character is obviously Marty from 2011 (because Doc said he'll visit Marty in 2011) or 2015 (because of the link it would make to the second movie).
• In 2015, he would be 47 years old, almost the same age that William McFly in 1931. So Telltale could use back the 3D model of William, they'll just have to change his clothes, and zip, "affaire close" like we say in France.
Seamus is too old in 1931 (something like 60 years old, we do not know his age) and he has a beard (if you look on the photography).
Remember Seamus McFly told Marty in BTTF 3 that he had a brother named Martin McFly who died because people would think he was a coward.
You never know........ It may have something to do with him?????
Martin McFly died before 1885. The first car didn't go onto the market until at least 1895, at which point it was purely a rich toy like a private jet would be today. That car looks like a Model-T of at least post-1920.
So, unless Martin got his hands on a time machine...no.
It may have "SOMETHING" to do with him.
Including children, he didn't die.......... (anything at all really)
Martin McFly (brother of Seamus McFly) died without leaving any children behind him.
See the genealogic tree of the family here :
If Martin McFly ever had a son, don't you think somebody like Arthur McFly would know that?
And Telltale said that the guy in the car is somebody who Marty already met in the movie.
The more often, the good answer is the obvious one.
Arthur may or may not know this. Seamus would be his grandfather, Martins children would be Arthurs cousins once removed and Martins grandchildren would be Arthurs second cousins. Some people know their second cousins, some dont.
Parkinsons or no, the guy just does not sound that different today then he did in the 80s. That's not really the problem. I'm relatively certain that even Parkinsons isn't a huge barrier for him doing voice work--he acted on screen in multiple episodes of Rescue Me two or three years ago. Honestly, I'd say the biggest reason is probably budget concerns. Getting Fox to record the amount of dialogue that Marty has was going to be a lot more costly then getting Locasio to do it. Either that, or MJF just wasn't interested in this until he saw how successful/true-to-the-films/whatever it's been.
Has anyone considered, it could be his son, Marty Jr.? Who is to say Doc/Marty aren't stranded somewhere way in the future, in some weird backwoods place.
OR...could it be Uncle Jailbird Joey?...he is Lorraines brother...maybe shares similar jeans to Marty. and wouldn't it be funny if he had stolen that truck....maybe Doc/Marty are part of the situation that leads to Uncle Joey going to jail.
The only logical answer I can think of is Seamus' baby who's name I forget from Back to the Future Part 3. He'd be 45 years old in 1930.
William Sean McFly the first McFly born in America
Also, the way that McFly spoke is the same as Marty Jr, that half-asleep tone of voice
Maybe Martin's wife was Jennifer's great-great-grandaunt.
there are roads and a station wagon drives up so it's post-1900
The MJF character looks at the delorean and asks what on earth it is. Given the fact that the character is at least 40, we can probably rule out any time between 1980-2020 as any rational adult SHOULD be able to recognize a DeLorean. Now mind you Jailbird Joey is a possibility as given the time he spends removed from society it's possible he wouldnt know what a DeLorean looks like.
It's possible its Marty Jr. but Doc does mention he visited Marty and Jennifer in 2011 so unless the kids are away Marty Jr. probably met Doc. It's up in the air whether he'd recognize a delorean.
Doesn't appear to be seamus but it's possible. William is the most likely bet.
"Good looking guy"
I would be since they'd be replacing a voice actor for that. I think the best bets are on William McFly and 2011-2015 Marty.
The second character he's voicing is beyond me though. Probably older Marty or Marty Jr, since they showed futuristic-looking concept art.
And? We dont know the time period that takes place in.
This is gonna drive us all nuts till the release date on what the other character MJF is playing lol
I'm sorry, I now can't get the image out of my head of that baby from Part 1 wearing a gigantic pair of jeans...