Marlene: Tomboy or Girly-Girl?

edited May 2011 in Back to the Future
Do you guys think Marlene is a tomboy, a girly-girl, or somewhere in the middle. On one hand, I can see the argument that she would be a tomboy - just by virtue of her being played by Michael J Fox in drag. On the other hand, though, they did pretty much go all out with making her look as feminine as possible.

What are your thoughts?


  • edited May 2011
    I'm going to have to say in between on this. When we first see her (erm... him... Whatever!) she's shown dressed up "fashionable" by 2015's standards, moves very "proper" like a lady (kudos to Mr. Fox on that) and shown talking on the phone a lot, something that is portrayed very stereotypical of a woman.

    But then again, she's also shown (or described) as someone who will take action in their own hands if they feel is a must (e.g. rescuing her brother after knowing he was wrongfully accused).

    So... yeah, my two cents.
  • edited May 2011
    She looks pretty girly. She looks kinda clueless and lightheaded when she talks. Seriously, complete with the hair and all she looks so much like Lady Gag--...



    ...I'll say somewhere in between.
  • edited May 2011
    I agree with Captain Mickey.
    She (he? agr this is confusing!) has the fashion sense of a girly-girl, but has the spirit of her father.
  • edited May 2011
    It's obviously a girl, there's no debate.

    Also, Micheal J Fox has incredibly soft features, so really, if he were a girl he'd look almost the same. Actually he'd be exactly like Jodie Foster.
  • edited May 2011
    Marty McFly's daughter is technically a transvestite.
  • edited May 2011
    On a tangentially related note: I think, between Marlene and Marty Jr, Marlene's personality is more likely to stay mostly the same in the new and improved timeline.

    In my ficverse, I did make her a girly-girl - and she is quite sensitive about her femininity. She's probably find it more horrifying that she was portrayed by a male character, than the very idea of her family being the subject of a movie trilogy itself.

    That said, I agree that Michael J Fox does have soft features:

  • edited May 2011
    Strayth wrote: »
    It's obviously a girl, there's no debate.

    Also, Micheal J Fox has incredibly soft features, so really, if he were a girl he'd look almost the same. Actually he'd be exactly like Jodie Foster.

    Yes we know the character is supposed to be a girl.
    A tomboy is just a girl who supposedly "acts like a boy". One that does not follow gender stereotypes.
    And well I think MJF has a bit of a manly/boyish thing going on, but I really dont think he looks like a girl. O_o
  • edited May 2011
    Thanks to this question, I had to whip out my copy of Part II and skip to the family scenes. Not that I really mind...

    She definitely gives the impression of a trend-setter (Her shoes look like running shoes from the front but have a rather large heel when viewed from the back. Of course, that could be just the fashion of 2015.) and seems pretty girly has a whole. She even looks disappointed when she realises the phone call is for her father (Not to say that tomboys don`t like talking on the phone but just judging by how movies generally portray tomboys, it seems to be more of a girly thing).

    I just get the impression that she`s more of a girly-girl.
  • edited May 2011
    I think it's safe to say that we have no idea.

    We got, what, maybe three minutes worth of screentime from the character? That's hardly enough time to decide what type of person she is, particularly if we're trying to stereotype her.
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