Uncle Joey

Will they ever explain why Uncle Joey is in Prison? It would be cool to learn more about him. He would have been perfect for episode 3, he could have been with Biff in the Citizen Plus program.


  • I think they are being careful not to mess with the mythology of the trilogy hence why they are primarily adding new characters as opposed to adding layers of depth/development to current ones (FCB counts as a new character since it's an alternate plotline.) So since it's not something elaborated on in the original trilogy, they will likely leave it that way.

    Interesting trivia about the character; if you include the deleted scenes, he's been to prison in 3 different timelines; the original one, the biffhoric one, and the good one; there was a deleted scene of 2015 in part II saying he's still in prison (it's possible though that he either got out and went back or that in this timeline, he goes to prison later than 2015). They may have deleted the scene because if it is left in and assumed he's been denied parole for 30 years that he did something serious.

    Also 'Joey" is the only name in the trilogy in which two non-related characters are named after; the uncle and the bartender in part III.
  • edited May 2011
    Well I think since Bob Gale is there to consult on the story they could have asked him some things about Joey, and since FCB timeline is completely new, they could have added him in without explaining too much about his past. Biff was hesitant enough to speak about his past, if Joey is a Felon, he should be even more hesitant to talk about it after going through the Citizen Plus program.

    That is interesting trivia though. Im going to go check out that deleted scene real quick.
  • edited May 2011
    Actually, Skinhead also gets called "Joey" by Biff in Part Two.
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