Charlie Sheen
Tiger Woods
Justin Bieber
Rebecca Black
Good list. Along with Antoine Dodson from the linked article, I also have a feeling Betty White will be mentioned in some fashion. And also someone you wouldn't expect to use Twitter will use Twitter at some point in the movie.
These movies are so awful. I have never seen an entire one of these films, but having worked at a movie theater during the time period when most of them came out, I can vouch for them all being just absolutely awful. Meet the Spartans had an American Idol ending. Ugh.
Charlie Sheen
Tiger Woods
Justin Bieber
Rebecca Black
Donald Trump
Any pop star that released a song in the past year
Any movie from the past five years that was even mildly successful
At least seven internet memes
Osama Bin Laden
Oh joy, let another film to avoid, but avoiding the trailer(s) of said film will be nigh on impossible.
This thread though has at least brought it to my attention who is responsible for these "films", though to be honest I never really put that much thought into it. For all I knew it was some computer just spitting out parody scripts from data garnered from current events.
Some of their earlier movies weren't that bad, they were actually entertaining, however their newest movies have been almost unwatchable...
I tried to watch vampires suck, and it was so bad that I basically repressed the entire memory...
Their first movie:
If you're going to do movies with 2 of the SIX writers from Scary Movie (which is okay, but not exactly another Airplane!), you would do it with the Wayans Brothers, not 'WE SHOULD MAKE THEM POOP AND FARY ON JUSTIN BIEBER' people.
Oh god not another one of those things that they call a movie. Many people told me to go see Vampires Suck due to the fact I hated Twilight. I told them "I could see all the twilight parodies on youtube for free. Why would I want to see a poorly written 2 hour version of something that is better in free short chunks?" The same can be said about any of they're movies.
There's a great review of Epic Movie on Bad Movie Beatdown which goes into great detail as to why these movies are so terrible. Tellingly, the review is funnier than the movie it's reviewing.
This pretty much sums up my feelings on Vampires Suck. I can't believe these people are still making movies! What baffles me even more is that people keep paying to see them.
I can't believe these people are still making movies! What baffles me even more is that people keep paying to see them.
You haven't figured it out yet? Most people are moronic. Man, I wish I was joking but just take a glance at the film or music charts and you'll realise that I'm speaking the truth.
You haven't figured it out yet? Most people are moronic. Man, I wish I was joking but just take a glance at the film or music charts and you'll realise that I'm speaking the truth.
Oh believe me, I know. Just seeing these movies is just too much idiocy for me to handle.
This pretty much sums up my feelings on Vampires Suck. I can't believe these people are still making movies! What baffles me even more is that people keep paying to see them.
My mind is blown that the guy was right. Vampires Suck DID make more money than Scott Pilgrim.
Ooohhhh, I know... "Shaun of the Dead" was a classic and Simon Pegg is the De Niro of modern society. Viva-La-Crap-Taste-In-Movies, mo-fo. Kubrick has fuck all on Edgar Wright.
Having read the details, I have this to say; more chicken feed for the idiotic masses.
Natural Selection
I like parodies, but only when they're actually funny.
Oh, I have an idea! Let's predict what they will poorly attempt to parody in this movie.
I think we can expect parodies of...
Charlie Sheen
Tiger Woods
Justin Bieber
Rebecca Black
Good list. Along with Antoine Dodson from the linked article, I also have a feeling Betty White will be mentioned in some fashion. And also someone you wouldn't expect to use Twitter will use Twitter at some point in the movie.
These movies are so awful. I have never seen an entire one of these films, but having worked at a movie theater during the time period when most of them came out, I can vouch for them all being just absolutely awful. Meet the Spartans had an American Idol ending. Ugh.
Donald Trump
Any pop star that released a song in the past year
Any movie from the past five years that was even mildly successful
At least seven internet memes
Osama Bin Laden
This thread though has at least brought it to my attention who is responsible for these "films", though to be honest I never really put that much thought into it. For all I knew it was some computer just spitting out parody scripts from data garnered from current events.
I tried to watch vampires suck, and it was so bad that I basically repressed the entire memory...
Their first movie:
If you're going to do movies with 2 of the SIX writers from Scary Movie (which is okay, but not exactly another Airplane!), you would do it with the Wayans Brothers, not 'WE SHOULD MAKE THEM POOP AND FARY ON JUSTIN BIEBER' people.
I may be a bit off subject here, but am I the only one who thinks the only thing good about Date Movie was that wedding planner scene?
I think the whole spoof genre may have ran its course, at the very least it needs seriously revised
...oh my. What happened to them?!
Leslie Nielsen helped make Spy Hard a decent film. Plus I do love Al Yankovic's theme song as well.
This pretty much sums up my feelings on Vampires Suck. I can't believe these people are still making movies! What baffles me even more is that people keep paying to see them.
You haven't figured it out yet? Most people are moronic. Man, I wish I was joking but just take a glance at the film or music charts and you'll realise that I'm speaking the truth.
People are stupid, but some are better at hiding it than others.
People who go to see Seltzerburg movies aren't even trying to disguise how stupid they are.
Hey! I resemble that remark.
Oh believe me, I know. Just seeing these movies is just too much idiocy for me to handle.
My mind is blown that the guy was right. Vampires Suck DID make more money than Scott Pilgrim.
Because MY GOD, Scott Pilgrim is definately a good film that deserved to make tons of money. Definately.
Learn to spell before you start mocking people.
That's the single worst movie related injustice I've ever seen =/
To be honest, Scott Pilgrim is not deserving of proper grammer or spelling in any respect.
Regardless of how you feel about Scott Pilgrim(I personally thought it was great), you can't seriously say Vampires Suck is better.
What's wrong with Scott Pilgrim?
This... this hurts me...
I, uh, need to go reevaluate my feelings on humanity. And by "reevaluate my feelings on humanity", I mean "eat the hearts of Friedberg and Seltzer".
And for legal purposes, by "eat the hearts", I mean "donate money to an orphan puppy hospital".
That is a great example of why I hate the film. It was nothing and a lot of it was nonsensical.