WEEEE!! Im Gonna See Tom Wilson end of june. =D

edited June 2011 in Back to the Future
Weeee to my surprise, Hes coming back to my city! =D

I missed him the 1st time he was here a couple years ago, but NOT gonna miss it this time! Tho I wonder if he can do any "Wing Commander" jokes lol. I know he has a sore spot for BTTF stuff.

Anyways Expressing my WEEness here. =)

Tho if anyone from Telltale wants me to pass him a memo... maybe its possible.


  • edited May 2011
    That sounds fantastic. You'll have to let everyone know how the show was.
  • edited May 2011
    make sure he doesn't steal your camera (a youtube video refrence)
  • edited May 2011
    Yea I saw that too, Was funny. No but I did email his manager? Or whatever, Tom does meet and greet his guests after the show, So Shandok and I will see him =) If one of us is lucky, maybe we can get a picture. =D
  • edited June 2011

    Song Sequel Idea:

    What's Mark Hamill like?
  • edited June 2011
    Food for thought: Ask him what does he think of the BTTF game, and if he can clear up all the speculation regarding why TTG couldn't reach him.
  • edited June 2011
    I posted a comment on the thread begging him to donate his talents to the game but it never got through the moderation, my guess is he's not interested.
  • edited June 2011
    Have fun, Mysticales! I wish I could see his stand-up live.

    I have, however, seen some of Tom Wilson's artwork on display. I never would have guessed the man could use the brush so well.
  • edited June 2011
    DOn't mention BTTF to him.

    Ask him about his art work.
  • edited June 2011
    Compromise: ask him about his BTTF artwork.
  • edited June 2011
    Ask him if in real life, he really LOVES manure
  • edited June 2011
    I saw him when he was in my town. Very funny guy. And I don't think he has such a hate for BTTF as he leads on. He just sort of makes it part of his act. He basically appreciates the series for what it has done for him and doesn't regret it at all, but it just gets tiring with people asking him about it all the time, hence his little song he made. Who can blame him?

    He also stuck around and did a meet and greet with us. It was sort of a small comedy club, so that may be the reason. He even allowed for pictures to be taken with him..

    I got to meet him and shake his hand.. he's great.
  • edited June 2011
    Well while my 1st thought would be to ask about BTTF game, We ALL know him to be so anti bttf. Reasons being, he was the blunt of every joke and not really a main star. Whereas Wing Commander he was a star. Not a joke. Which is why I wont mention BTTF Game unless Telltale asked me to slip him a note with the exact message they wanted. If not, then not worrying about it.

    Art work eh? I may do that.
  • edited June 2011
    He was the star antagonist. Thats a very important role in any movie. Seriously, look it up.

    That would be like saying Darth Vader was not a staring character because he wasn't a good guy.
  • edited June 2011
    He was the star antagonist. Thats a very important role in any movie. Seriously, look it up.

    That would be like saying Darth Vader was not a staring character because he wasn't a good guy.

    One difference if you wanna use Vadar... Name one time Biff "Helped" Marty in the end. Vs being used for every joke, every villian like thing. Wasnt even a "good" villian, He just was made to be the fool at the end of every movie. Vadar least had a char depth to him, and in the end, helped his son as he regained the last big of good left in him.

    While a antagonist is important yes, The Biff char was made more as the running joke then a actual villian. Least thats how I see it.
  • edited June 2011
    Mysticales wrote: »
    Expressing my WEEness here

    Please refrain from showing us your weeness.
  • edited June 2011
    Yeah, looked up his website, and he "has decided not to participate in nostalgia where [he's] marginalized as a pop icon of yesteryear." And the game is definitely nostalgia.

    He's happy doing what he is doing, and I like the guy anyway.
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