Paramount Adapts Penny Arcade's "New Kid"
So, yeah. This is pretty cool. It's based on this strip.
I just hope that Mike and Jerry doesn't get kicked out of the creative process. Also, I hope it doesn't turn into Mars Needs Moms.
I just hope that Mike and Jerry doesn't get kicked out of the creative process. Also, I hope it doesn't turn into Mars Needs Moms.
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Yeah, Automata would be a better choice. Though, Automata would be better as a TV series in my opinion.
They can expand, you know. It's not just gonna be based on that one page, which would make a 30 second short film.
Anyhoo, when I saw the strip the first time a few months back, I thought it had some potential to be something bigger. So, regardless of what it might become in the end, I'm still excited. Cop drama in the Blade Runner universe. It's a bit campy but overall it works surprisingly well. Worth watching at least the first few episodes to get a sense of how an Automata show might work. It lacks the actual 1920s vibe, but otherwise it has a lot of the same film noir and racism-against-robots motifs.
Never watched Blade Runner, and I know I should. I thought Automata was kinda like I, Robot. (The movie. I don't know about the books, because I haven't read them yet).
You forgot the "IIIIIN SPAAAACE" part. Everything's better in space.
If The Space Sphere were here, he'd agree with you. Or if he'd at least tell me the password to that account...