I deleted COD Black Ops

edited June 2011 in General Chat
I got Black Ops for Xmas 2010 thanks to my bro and sis.

I had never played any COD game. Before I was playing Medal of honor Airbourne.

After months of playing Black Ops I have finally deleted off my PC today.

It just sucks. Too many hackers, I have a ping of about 250-300 thanks to my location, and I end up feeling angry or in a bad mood after.

I thought it was best to delete it and play some better, more positive games.

Even If I had a super good ping I would never play it again.

Well, at least I tried out a COD game, but nah....not for me.


  • edited June 2011
    Congratulations, you are now one step closer to total enlightenment.
  • edited June 2011
    Haha thanks. Have you played it?
  • edited June 2011
    I tried it. I don't like FPS anyways, so it never really had a fair shot though. I've heard that those games have a lot of online problems though. Hacking, cheating, etc. People take it too seriously. There are people that play through the single player 10-20 times to level out for online play. That's nuts. Yeah I have games I've played 10 times over...but not IN A ROW.
  • edited June 2011
    Best way to play COD, IMO: Play the campaign, enjoy the batshit insane story and new setpieces, play the side mode(s), pop into multiplayer and laugh heartily at the janky mess, delete/trade in/send back to Gamefly.
  • edited June 2011
    Yeh screw that the single player was a bit of fun but multiplayer was aggravating. So many blatant hackers i just abused the hell out of them.

    But today i thought right i need the space to hell with this stupid game.
  • edited June 2011
    ShaggE wrote: »
    delete/trade in/send back to Gamefly.

    Will not work with the PC-version. Too bad.
  • edited June 2011
    ShaggE wrote: »
    Best way to play COD, IMO: Play the campaign, enjoy the batshit insane story and new setpieces, play the side mode(s), pop into multiplayer and laugh heartily at the janky mess, delete/trade in/send back to Gamefly.

    True, I always play the campaigns to see what they've cranked out. I don't care much for the multiplayer but I do look a spectacle, even if I gripe at the mechanics or obnoxiousness of it.
  • edited June 2011
    THats a god point i have a $100 game here with a used serial number.......what a con!!!! Cant even sell it!
  • edited June 2011
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    Will not work with the PC-version. Too bad.

    You can't delete the PC version? Might wanna look into that. :p

    (the slashes were to cover all three means of having the game)
  • edited June 2011
    ShaggE wrote: »
    You can't delete the PC version? Might wanna look into that. :p

    (the slashes were to cover all three means of having the game)

    No. You cannot re-sell it.
  • edited June 2011
    der_ketzer wrote: »
    No. You cannot re-sell it.

    ... That is what I am saying. "Delete it OR sell it OR return it". That's what the slashes mean. Because not everybody buys the PC version of a game.
  • edited June 2011
    I tried playing Modern Warfare. It made me furiously angry every time I played it. Not only is the gameplay one meaningless duck-and-cover arena after another separated by cutscenes and short simple hallways, but every time you die because of an enemy discovering your hiding place or because of a grenade that you couldn't possibly throw back in time it mercilessly throws you just a few seconds earlier so you can try again. It's torture to have to repeat everything over and over. It's not a game, it's a test of your sanity. I'll never play it again. I tried. I really tried. It's just not enjoyable in the least. And certainly not what a shooter is supposed to be.

    Give me DNF, please.
  • edited June 2011
    I'm 23, been a gamer all my life, shooter always made non shooters around me dizzy, in my opinion shooters became generic, boring, lost my interest. Now, all these years later, I've lost my ability to play 3D shooters.

    DNF demo made me sick, dizzy, at last, I've lost my ability to play such games.
  • edited June 2011
    I tried playing Modern Warfare. It made me furiously angry every time I played it. Not only is the gameplay one meaningless duck-and-cover arena after another separated by cutscenes and short simple hallways, but every time you die because of an enemy discovering your hiding place or because of a grenade that you couldn't possibly throw back in time it mercilessly throws you just a few seconds earlier so you can try again. It's torture to have to repeat everything over and over. It's not a game, it's a test of your sanity. I'll never play it again. I tried. I really tried. It's just not enjoyable in the least. And certainly not what a shooter is supposed to be.

    Give me DNF, please.

    Really 'cause DNF plays just like that.
  • edited June 2011
    No, it doesn't. There's more to the game than just running, holding up, and gunning.
  • edited June 2011
    Sure, but do you think other then a lot of distractions there's going to be any difference in game play?
  • edited June 2011
    True story that occurred yesterday!

    GameStop Guy: Do you have your reserve for Call of Duty yet?
    Me: I don't care about Call of Duty.
    GameStop Guy: (looks around to make sure no one is listening) Yeah, Call of Duty sucks.

    I put this on Facebook, and I'm amazed at how many of my friends responded with further negative comments about CoD.
  • edited June 2011
    Elvenmonk wrote: »
    Sure, but do you think other then a lot of distractions there's going to be any difference in game play?

    Distractions? Those "distractions" are the gameplay. It's the amendment of cool features and extra interactive content to the bare bones formula that makes a game better than Call of Duty, which is nothing but bare formula.
  • ShauntronShauntron Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2011
    I played Counter-Strike with its punishing mechanics and mostly unfun community for way, way too long. Congrats on putting down games that make you angry!
  • edited June 2011
    I tried Black Ops for the Steam weekend and I had fun with it. Thought about picking it up but I'd probably play it too much. I enjoy all sorts of games and BLOPS online is just really fun fast paced game. There's a lot of different modes and if you want to play a slow paced tactical version, there's always the hardcore tactical crouch servers. Vanilla BLOPS is very twitch oriented. That's what makes it different from other games such as Bad Company 2 where you can set up due to the size of the maps or get in a vehicle and blow stuff up. It's not for everyone.

    I think your're hyping DNF up a little too much in your mind. I mean I'm looking forward to it too but from what I've heard so far, the demo is very underwhelming and the graphics look really dated. The "distractions" add to the game but they're really just "mini games" or filler. If the core game is broken, you're just left with "mini games".
  • edited June 2011
    The difference between me and you is I've played the demo and I enjoyed it a heck of a lot more than I did Call of Duty.
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