TOMI Chapter 4 - Steam version - French version - Crash

edited July 2012 in Game Support
Since the last steam update to add the french localisation, TOMI chapter 4 is crashing in the jungle, when the mouse cursor is near this skeleton :

I tried to reinstall the game and to restart from the begining of the chapter and I've deleted the props file, I've still the same error.
I'm using Windows 7 64 bits.

Here is the crash dump :

Fonctionnement arrêté

?05/?06/?2011 00:03

Non signalé

Chemin d’accès de l’application défaillante : e:\Steam\steamapps\common\tales of monkey island - chapter 4\MonkeyIsland104.exe

Signature du problème
Nom d’événement du problème : APPCRASH
Nom de l’application: MonkeyIsland104.exe
Version de l’application: 2009.10.29.36413
Horodatage de l’application: 4aea1964
Nom du module par défaut: MonkeyIsland104.exe
Version du module par défaut: 2009.10.29.36413
Horodateur du module par défaut: 4aea1964
Code de l’exception: c0000005
Décalage de l’exception: 0034a02c
Version du système: 6.1.7601.
Identificateur de paramètres régionaux: 1036
Information supplémentaire n° 1: 0a9e
Information supplémentaire n° 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Information supplémentaire n° 3: 0a9e
Information supplémentaire n° 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789

Can you please help me ?

EDIT : It's not crashing anymore if I desactivate the option to show item's names. Anyway, I would like to play using this option...


  • edited August 2011
    Same error...
    Récipient d’erreurs 2454502546, type 1
    Nom d’événement*: APPCRASH
    Réponse*: Non disponible
    ID de CAB : 0

    Signature du problème :
    P1 : MonkeyIsland104.exe
    P2 : 2011.3.2.54739
    P3 : 4d6ebccb
    P4 : MonkeyIsland104.exe
    P5 : 2011.3.2.54739
    P6 : 4d6ebccb
    P7 : c0000005
    P8 : 0000e7dc
    P9 :
    P10 :

    Fichiers joints*:

    Ces fichiers sont peut-être disponibles ici*:

    Symbole d’analyse :
    Nouvelle recherche de la solution : 0
    ID de rapport : 3830e146-c82b-11e0-b107-ea00097c954f
    Statut du rapport : 0
  • edited August 2011
    Can you post dxdiags to help us locate the error?

    Windows XP: Go to your start menu and click on run. Type in "dxdiag" and hit enter
    Windows Vista / 7: Press the windows key on your keyboard or click on the start menu. Type in "dxdiag" and hit enter.

    Now click on the button that says "save all information". It will prompt you to save a file. You then need to zip that file to post it here.
  • edited August 2011
    This is the same problem that has been reported here :
  • edited November 2011
    I have the same issue.

    I sent you my dxdiags by email, the 30th October, as required (issue 53623).
    You didn't reply yet. Please provide us a fix of this bug, or at least reply to this message!

    Thanks in advance.
  • edited December 2011
    Still no fix for that bug?
  • NyxHNyxH Banned
    edited December 2011
    C'est incroyable que le problème ne soit toujours pas fixé au bout de 6 mois pour un bug bloquant. On se fout un peu de la gueule du monde là.
  • edited December 2011
    C'est clairement pas cool.
  • edited December 2011
    What a pity.... Was about to offer the game to someone who doesn't speak one english word. I will definitely not... lost a sale.

    A crash, as any blocking bug, should be fixed faster than in 6 months

    Vraiment dommage, j'étais sur le point d'offrir le jeu a quelqu'un qui ne parle pas un mot d'anglais... Je ne le ferai pas... une vente de perdue.

    Un crash, comme n'importe quel bug bloquant, devrait être réglé en moins de 6 mois
  • edited December 2011

    This is currently being investigated here, but we don't have a patch ready at the moment. The bug can be bypassed by changing the language to English for long enough to get past that section, and then you can change it back to your chosen language. I definitely apologize for the inconvenience.

  • edited January 2012
    Thanks for your reply, but your bypassing solution doesn't work : on the game, I don't think that it is possible to change the language (it is a full French version), so I can not turn it to English in order to pass this section.
    We still wait for a fix...
  • edited January 2012

    This is currently being investigated here, but we don't have a patch ready at the moment. The bug can be bypassed by changing the language to English for long enough to get past that section, and then you can change it back to your chosen language. I definitely apologize for the inconvenience.


    Hello Michael Parks !

    I don't know if you are an actor between us and the TOMI developpers but Monkey Island's fans are not very glad about your assistance.

    You look the first post of this thread ? 6 months in order to get any answer, and 6 others months for a patch maybe ? I follow the Monkey Island serie since the beginning. I enjoy each game. More particulary the last one. Really excellent ! But not the assistance for this game.

    Now, i will know if i want get a great game, a great life or a great mentality, i must be Eng or something like that.

    Seriously, just tell me why TellTale is waiting 2 years to develop a patch with 4 or 6 lines with java code or something like that ?

    It's a great shame, you don't think?

    An angry Fan !

    And forgive my poor eng language, i'm a bad fr who wasted my time in order to get a answer who will inc in 6 others months.
  • edited January 2012
    up !
    And don't let your fans without any answers, please !
    THANKS !
  • edited January 2012
    Hi Michael,

    Thanks for your answer (it took some time...but thanks even...)

    Your solution doesn't work.
    If you change the language, you can't load your saved game.

  • edited February 2012
    I buy the complete pack of Monkey island to my girlfriend who is a big fan of Guybrush in july 2011 and i can't finish the game i am stoped at chapter 4 because THE BUG IS STEEL HERE. YEAH I'm French why did you ignore your customers during 8 month? No response?
    Because the game is finished and it stop to make money? Monkey Island don't merit to be played in FRANCE?

    I'm angry because you are a great studios and you let the gamers with a bad feelings.
    I hope you read my post and you can assign a developers or internship developpers to fix this

    Thank you

    The revenche of captain CHUCK
  • edited February 2012
    I really don't understand that you can sell a game that is not completable.
    It's an episodic game and 2 of the 5 parts can't be finished because an annoying bug.

    As I guess we will never have a fix (8 months without a correct answer), I'm very disappointed of Telltale. I think I will never buy again a game from you or advice my friends on your games.

    You've lost at least a customer.
  • edited March 2012
    up :confused:
  • edited March 2012
    Still nothing?
  • edited April 2012
    Hi folks... i have a solution for all steam version users that may help all of you and telltale is not able to figure out.

    Take a look at this. But it´s in german.
  • edited April 2012
    Blacki! Ce type est un genie! Merci a toi!
    Il suffit sonc de renommer le fichier: \Steam\SteamApps\common\tales of monkey island - chapter 4\Pack\env_flotsamJungleNight.dlg en \Steam\SteamApps\common\tales of monkey island - chapter 4\Pack\env_flotsamJungleNight.dlg.old.
    Et le tour est joué. Ca fonctionne au poil! des mois et des mois que j'attends ca.

    Blacki! This guy is a genius! Thank you very much!
    We just have to remane that: \Steam\SteamApps\common\tales of monkey island - chapter 4\Pack\env_flotsamJungleNight.dlg in that \Steam\SteamApps\common\tales of monkey island - chapter 4\Pack\env_flotsamJungleNight.dlg.old.
    And that's all. It work!!! so many month and finally it work!
  • edited April 2012
    Yes, but finaly it was my last Telltale Game forever ;)
  • edited May 2012
    Merci à tous les deux, pour la solution et pour la synthèse, cela fonctionne pour moi aussi !

    PS : Un grand merci au support Telltale qui a su traiter avec efficacité un problème bloquant transmis il y a presque un an

    Thanks to both, for the solution and the synthesis, that works for me too !

    PS : Many thanks to the Telltale Support that managed with efficiency a blocking bug opened nearly a year ago
  • edited May 2012
    Et hummmm... Je ne sais pas si cela a un lien mais je ne peux de toute facon pas terminer l'épisode 4 à cause de ce que je suppose être un nouveau bug : impossible de parler à De Singe pour le distraire pendant son combat contre Elaine... Dites moi si cela vient de ma partie ou si c'est pour tout le monde pareil :( Je vais regarder la fin de l'épisode sur une video youtube pour suivre l'histoire :(

    Well ... don't know if it's linked but I can't finish the fourth episode (new bug?) I just can't talk to De Singe to distract him while he's fighting Elaine... Please tell me if you have the same problem or if i'm the only one :( gonna watch the end on a youtube video only to know the story :(
  • edited May 2012
    Nouveau crash à l'épisode 5 lors de l'accès à la jungle (breche située chez les chasseurs de trésors) bypassed en renommant le fichier env_flotsamJungleNightClearing.dlg en env_flotsamJungleNightClearing.dlg.old

    NEw crash when accessiing the jungle by the portal in the treasures hunters zone. Bypassed renaming the env_flotsamJungleNightClearing.dlg file
  • edited July 2012
    Blacki! Ce type est un genie! Merci a toi!
    Il suffit sonc de renommer le fichier: \Steam\SteamApps\common\tales of monkey island - chapter 4\Pack\env_flotsamJungleNight.dlg en \Steam\SteamApps\common\tales of monkey island - chapter 4\Pack\env_flotsamJungleNight.dlg.old.
    Et le tour est joué. Ca fonctionne au poil! des mois et des mois que j'attends ca.

    Blacki! This guy is a genius! Thank you very much!
    We just have to remane that: \Steam\SteamApps\common\tales of monkey island - chapter 4\Pack\env_flotsamJungleNight.dlg in that \Steam\SteamApps\common\tales of monkey island - chapter 4\Pack\env_flotsamJungleNight.dlg.old.
    And that's all. It work!!! so many month and finally it work!
    Et hummmm... Je ne sais pas si cela a un lien mais je ne peux de toute facon pas terminer l'épisode 4 à cause de ce que je suppose être un nouveau bug : impossible de parler à De Singe pour le distraire pendant son combat contre Elaine... Dites moi si cela vient de ma partie ou si c'est pour tout le monde pareil Je vais regarder la fin de l'épisode sur une video youtube pour suivre l'histoire

    Well ... don't know if it's linked but I can't finish the fourth episode (new bug?) I just can't talk to De Singe to distract him while he's fighting Elaine... Please tell me if you have the same problem or if i'm the only one gonna watch the end on a youtube video only to know the story

    Après quelques essais, il s'avère qu'on peut bien finir le jeu en vf, en renommant 3 fichiers qui posent problème. Il faut juste pousser un peu plus loin la méthode citée ci-dessus par benkenobi (que la force soit avec toi:D) (chez moi ça marche impeccablement).

    On commence par aller dans common/monkey island chapter4/Pack, puis on neutralise ces fichiers en ajoutant .old à la fin de leur nom, ce qui donne :

    à la place de :

    Ça prend moins de 2 minutes, et on peut enfin profiter de la fin du jeu ;)

    Encore bravo à Telltale pour ne pas être capable de corriger un problème qui aurait surement monopolisé un stagiaire le temps de boire un café.

    Et quant aux joueurs, profitez bien de la fin de ce jeu somme toute sympa :)

    After a few tests, it appears that we may well finish this game in french version, renaming 3 files that are problematic. You just have to push a little further the method mentioned above by benkenobi (may the force be with you:D) (at home it works flawlessly).

    We start by going into common / chapter4/Pack monkey island, then we neutralize these files by adding .old at the end of their name, which gives:

    instead of:

    It takes less than 2 minutes, and we can finally enjoy the end of the game ;)

    Again, congratulations to Telltale for not being able to correct a problem that would probably monopolized an intern time to drink a coffee.

    And for the players, enjoy the end of this quite nice game (after all) :)
This discussion has been closed.