Time Capsule 92

Another Doc Brown TV spot, sorry

Nickelodeon in 92 dropped a Time Capsule infront of one of its sound stages
was kind of a big thing, Doc shows up at the end... warns of a catastrophe and adds something before they bury it.

Here is a list of what was in the time capsule:
1. A piece of the Berlin Wall
2. Rollerblades
3. MC Hammer cd
4. Michael Jackson cd
5. World Atlas
6. stick of bubble gum
7. History book
8. NickToons tee shirt
9. Comic book - was either X-men or an issue of Wolverine
10. Barbie doll
11. Hostess Twinkies
12. Pump sneakers
13. Skateboard
14. Phone book
15. Book of endangered species

The capsule was unearthed in 2006 and
has since been reburied on another lot, it wont be opened untill 2042

This is real and we kids voted for these things.


  • edited June 2011
    thanks for posting this, I was not aware this existed.
  • edited June 2011
    LOL I remember when all that stuff was cool... Joey Lawrence probably thought he would still be relevant..... WHOA!
  • edited June 2011
    What's the point of burying a time capsule and then digging it up 14 years later? These things should be done properly and stay buried for at least 100 years.
  • edited June 2011
    What's the point of burying a time capsule and then digging it up 14 years later? These things should be done properly and stay buried for at least 100 years.

    14 years to move it. but it will be opened in 2042.
  • edited June 2011
    Wow, that was great to see again.

    I wonder how as a kid I didn't manage to realize what a terrible Doc Brown impersonation that was?
  • edited June 2011
    oh, I'm going to be 50 when its opened up, will be interesting to see if they actually remember it that year.

    Also, there is no Gak.
  • edited June 2011
    Oh, I remember watching this on tv. I fully expect the kids of 2042 to treat the relics of my generation's youth with all the respect the host did that Perry Como record.

    I like Perry Como. :(
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