Poll: Would you buy BTTF if a Season 2 is made?



  • edited June 2011
    The last Telltale game I played before pre-ordering BTTF was Tales of Monkey Island. Yeah, I skipped Sam and Max Season 3 because frankly I'm not that big of a fan. ToMI was pretty good, and up until then, their games had become more and more complex, and with more and more interactivity and ToMI finally started to resemble the kind of adventure game you got back in the days with tons of interactivity and decent puzzles. So, I guess i was abit naive in thinking they'd keep going in that direction when I pre-ordered BTTF: The Game.

    I won't be making that mistake again. I suspect that IF they make a second season, they will be too afraid to elimenate the fans of the first season to make it any different/better than it is now, so I would expect season 2 to be more or less the same.

    I also didn't pre-order Jurassic Park because of the disappointment in BTTF.
  • edited June 2011
    All in all, that makes it an average game that should be avoided by adventure gamers, but should not be missed by Back to the Future fans.

    The problem here is that the people complaining are adventure gamers who are also Back to the Future fans. So it's the kind of game we want to play and we want to love because it's BttF, but as adventure gamers we're stopped by its flaws.
    Another issue is that it might attract some fans, yes, but not as many as making it a cartoon would have, and since it's a game to be avoided by adventure gamers, it actually works as a repellent for some of the fans. Seriously, I doubt they wanted to make "an average game that should be avoided by adventure gamers". Yet that's what it has become, and it's sad.
    God on them if they're selling lots of copies to fans of the movies who either aren't too much into adventure gaming, or are willing to overlook the flow because OMGBTTF, but some people are the opposite, they're going to be even more critical when two things they normally love are put together and one or both is found lacking or sacrificed.
  • edited June 2011
    A couple quick examples:

    I still don't really think that a couple of little graphical screw-ups can really compare to a racing game totally lacking a physics engine or AI.
  • edited June 2011
    I will pre-order or buy BTTF the Game 2!!!! I love BTTF! It is my favorite 80's movies! I would like it if there were like another 80's but in the 21st century! That would be awesome! I liked The Karate kid, but it is not BTTF. TellTale should make a The Karate Kid the game! That would be awesome!!!! They are making BTTF the Game and JP the Game! Why not go for a triple threat and do The Karate Kid the Game?!?! That would be pretty cool! And this probably would not happen, but maybe the new Karate Kid could be in the series as well!
  • edited June 2011
    Scnew wrote: »
    I still don't really think that a couple of little graphical screw-ups can really compare to a racing game totally lacking a physics engine or AI.
    I can't even see what the screwup supposedly is in the first three screenshots.

    Though I'm guessing Rather Dashing has a couple better examples than that. I mean sequence breaking is something that can occur in all sorts of games; the Back to the Future games are hardly the only games in existence with linear plots and thus linear gameplay. The way he's said it before, he can break the game, and I'm not seeing this as breaking the game. Breaking the game is something you do in, for example, Final Fantasy IX, where you can screw up the plot by getting a Gold Chocobo on the third disk and rendering Garnet/Dagger permanently mute and failure prone in battle, among other things.
  • edited June 2011
    Kyronea wrote: »
    I can't even see what the screwup supposedly is in the first three screenshots.
    It's a sequence. Look at the bottom right monitor.
  • edited June 2011
    Oh, I see. But dont most games do this anyway. Maybe there are more in these games but most games have some sort of glitch similar to these kind of things. Personally I find it fun to try and break games like this.

    Uhhh no. For most games, a glitch would occur if you truly did something odd, such as in Super Smash Bros Melee with the black hole glitch.
    This occured from just trying to explore a tiny bit outside the linear path.
  • edited June 2011
    Scnew wrote: »
    I still don't really think that a couple of little graphical screw-ups can really compare to a racing game totally lacking a physics engine or AI.

    I must agree there, Dashing says they are both similar because they break if you drive "outside the course" but Big Rigs has a part where you must go over a bridge, and the car phases through it.

    Actually who thought big rigs would actually be a good game? I really must find out who made that game just so I can find some interview with them on this failure.
  • edited June 2011
    It's a sequence. Look at the bottom right monitor.
    Unless you're referring to what looks like a crack in the monitor in the first of that sequence...I'm still not seeing it. I must be blind or something.

    GMan: I dunno, I'd play a racing game involving trucks. Particularly if it's anything like that arcade game where you have to race to deliver goods and stuff. It'd be an interesting change from the usual streetracing or Nascar racing featuring the fanciest of fancy cars.
  • edited June 2011
    If another game is made, I want it to about the BTTF Trilogy itself
  • edited June 2011
    Kyronea wrote: »
    Unless you're referring to what looks like a crack in the monitor in the first of that sequence...I'm still not seeing it. I must be blind or something.

    In the first screenshot, you can clearly see that one of the monitors is smashed. If you press the button on the crashed monitor, it switches camera views as though it were in perfect condition. Step back from the switch and you'll see that it magically repaired itself.
  • edited June 2011
    Oh, oh! That makes more sense.

    Makes me wonder why they didn't just disable the switch at that point. I mean could it have been that hard to code? (Granted you had no reason to mess with that monitor anymore, but still...)
  • edited June 2011
    Hey people:) You are saying: Yes, you are saying no, but do you like this game story line? I'm not so like this story line.
    In general, the story is pretty intriguing. Doc disappeared, and then Marty need to find him. And bring him back. This is pretty interesting and intriguing. It's pretty attract you to this game, no?

    But after you see the rest of the story, do you still think so?
    hey I'm still curious to know what will happen at the end, but part of this story line is not quite interest me so I wonder what you think. because I think that a good adventure game, is also having a good story.
  • edited June 2011
    Kyronea wrote: »
    GMan: I dunno, I'd play a racing game involving trucks. Particularly if it's anything like that arcade game where you have to race to deliver goods and stuff. It'd be an interesting change from the usual streetracing or Nascar racing featuring the fanciest of fancy cars.

    No dont ever buy this game.

    There is no collision detecting, you can phase through buildings and bridges.
    No physics being able to climb up mountains easier and quicker than flat roads.
    You can drive off the skybox
    No enemy AI so your racing no one
    The time doesnt work so you cant go for a better time
    You are displayed "you're winner !"
    Just watch the video and you'll see.

    This is the only game I would say to pirate over buying.
  • edited June 2011
    Hey people:) You are saying: Yes, you are saying no, but do you like this game story line?
    Nope. The story didn't interest me enough to get me to actually finish playing the fourth episode, and while I think the basic plot outline had a lot of potential, it was executed badly enough that it won't add anything to the franchise by the end of it. It'll be like an episode of the cartoon or a particularly bad fanfiction, in that way.
  • edited June 2011
    moturu wrote: »
    If another game is made, I want it to about the BTTF Trilogy itself

    That's true, a modern take on the original would be good. They've got to be able to improve from the NES version.
  • edited June 2011
    If Telltale came up with a rating system which indicates accurately the target audience and difficulty level of their games I could better determine if I should buy any new season.

    As it stands, I buy most of what Telltale does because most of the time they have great writing and humor with lots of great alternative and clever dialog options. I want more than that, but that is what keeps me coming back to Telltale.

    The BTTF season had nostalgia and fan pandering but it didn't contain the kind of content an adventure gamer like me looks for. In BTTFTG It seems like Telltale compromised on adventure game innovation and writing and replaced it with just sound, graphics, and the BTTF movie formula. In the future, I would like to know if they are basically doing a game as a fan service like BTTF vs. a unique adventure game with clever content, or what I was hoping with BTTF, both.

    As some constructive criticism, I would prefer a challenging adventure game with puzzles that cross the episode boundaries and require real insight in the adventure world from exploring. I would like more situation puzzles like the 'boss fights' in TOMI and SM:TDP. That was great adventure puzzling innovation and I'd like to see more of that. In BTTF there are a couple times they have tried that, but the solutions were too obvious and the scenes felt diluted to make them easier.

    I have high hopes for some of the new licenses Telltale has to make some truly innovative adventure puzzlers, but I am afraid the trend with new license requirements will keep the route of formulaic fan service over adventure gaming quality. At least the formula for Kings Quest is that of an adventure game! (just don't repeat Sierra's mistakes)

    There are different, and valid adventure game audiences, but Telltale needs to revisit and cater to some of their other audiences than who they targeted for some of their more recent season productions.

    I vote "maybe".
  • edited June 2011
    I'd definatly hope they continue to make the bttf games
  • edited June 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    No dont ever buy this game.

    There is no collision detecting, you can phase through buildings and bridges.
    No physics being able to climb up mountains easier and quicker than flat roads.
    You can drive off the skybox
    No enemy AI so your racing no one
    The time doesnt work so you cant go for a better time
    You are displayed "you're winner !"
    Just watch the video and you'll see.

    This is the only game I would say to pirate over buying.
    I'm not talking about buying Big Rigs--I know it's a pile.

    I was referring to the general idea behind it. The idea is one that could easily turn into a pretty good game.
  • edited June 2011
    mwardie wrote: »
    I'd definatly hope they continue to make the bttf games

    I am with you on that one!!
  • edited June 2011
    I would definately go for this. I am a longtime huge back to the future fan and the longer it can go the better. I really hope this happens
  • Comon Telltale, look how sad everybody is now that BTTF the Game is about to be over. Just take a look at the "Tommorow, it's already over..." thread by Scarlet Spider. We're all sad that the fourm will eventually die out and so will a lot of it's members. Yea sure we can buy another one of your games, but it just wont be the same. And that poll about making a sequel or not, about 70% of people said they would buy it. Though I'm thinking that you'll probabbly make a sequel, if you guys don't... We might have to go to more serious measures than just posting on a fourm about how sad we are.......
  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited June 2011
    Even though I haven't bought the game, I've been keeping up with news about the game and both Universal and Telltale have said multiple times they would be interested in more seasons. Even the voice actors have showed interest as well. In addition, this game has also been a financial success for Telltale so I'm sure that helps too.
  • edited June 2011
    Comon Telltale, look how sad everybody is now that BTTF the Game is about to be over.
    Just take a look at the "Tommorow, it's already over..." thread by Scarlet Spider. We're all sad that the fourm will eventually die out and so will a lot of it's members.
    ....We are?
    Yea sure we can buy another one of your games, but it just wont be the same. And that poll about making a sequel or not, about 70% of people said they would buy it.
    ....134 non-committal sales couldn't fund another game. And that's when you're asking the people most likely to purchase a sequel(after all, as I've been told many times, if I don't like the game then I certainly shouldn't be posting in its forums, and thus should not be subjected to that particular poll).
    Though I'm thinking that you'll probabbly make a sequel, if you guys don't... We might have to go to more serious measures than just posting on a fourm about how sad we are.......
    Back to the Future: The Game fans=Terrorists. You saw it here first, everybody.
  • edited June 2011
    ....134 non-committal sales couldn't fund another game. And that's when you're asking the people most likely to purchase a sequel(after all, as I've been told many times, if I don't like the game then I certainly shouldn't be posting in its forums, and thus should not be subjected to that particular poll).

    Back to the Future: The Game fans=Terrorists. You saw it here first, everybody.

    I'm only non-committal until the end of the first series. If the ending is open like BTTF part 1 and leaves our time travelers at a good point, then yes, I'd like another one if they have the story to back it up.

    So, you're comparing us to the Libyans? lol
  • edited June 2011
    I'm only non-committal until the end of the first series.
    I meant that a yes vote doesn't necessarily equal any obligation to purchase. Any of those 130+ people could decide, at the time of release, that no they do not want to purchase it after all for any number of reasons and there would really be no consequence.
    So, you're comparing us to the Libyans? lol
    I would, yes. They saw a casing that looked like a bomb when really it was filled with nonfunctional junk and confuse it for the real deal. In the same vein, you see a shoddy game casing around inert, lifeless parts, and confuse it for the real deal. The only difference is that the Libyans knew the difference once they tried to actually use the thing.
  • edited June 2011
    Thank you SOOOO much for this game telltale, I cannot tell you how much fun this game was, the story, the characters, getting everyone back together again. God, one of the best games I've played, You CANNNNOT let it end!

    To Be Continued...

    PLEASE deliver!

    Take my money PLEASE!
  • edited June 2011
    I second that! Yes More More More!
  • edited June 2011
    Dear TellTale...


  • edited June 2011
    still waiting on season 2 of Monkey island ...

    with more and more focus on strongbad and sam & max, and that other fluff title Jurassic Park, can we expect season 2 of Back To the Future in .. 4 years ?
  • edited June 2011
    they always love it when you refer to their hard work as "fluff"
  • edited June 2011
    Please no.

    Please. I'm not saying that to troll anyone, or make people hate me, or whatever. I'm not trying to start a debate.

    Just no more BttF please.
  • edited June 2011
    how could you ever say that?
  • edited June 2011
    More BTTF Please! I will pay $30 for another BTTF game!
  • edited June 2011
    Have printed screenshots and postered them up at school. People liked the fist episode, now the rest. BTTF: The Game is great and therefore should be a succes. If guerilla marketing tactics are required...

    You can have my piggybank, Telltale. Have it! PLEASE make another season, PLEASE!
  • edited June 2011
    I have a lot of interest in a second season, but not so much because of my experience with the first season. Having just finished episode 5, I have to say it's been a disappointing ride. There were some good and occasionally great moments, but for the most part it just didn't hold up. If a second season is made, I hope more thought will be put into it.
  • edited June 2011
    Comon Telltale, look how sad everybody is now that BTTF the Game is about to be over. Just take a look at the "Tommorow, it's already over..." thread by Scarlet Spider. We're all sad that the fourm will eventually die out and so will a lot of it's members. Yea sure we can buy another one of your games, but it just wont be the same. And that poll about making a sequel or not, about 70% of people said they would buy it. Though I'm thinking that you'll probabbly make a sequel, if you guys don't... We might have to go to more serious measures than just posting on a fourm about how sad we are.......

    Hey, you mentionned me, thanks.:D

    Now Telltale please, I want a season 2, a new tales of monkey island game and a season 4 of Sam & Max. :)
  • edited June 2011
    I am new to the forums, and do not know how to vote, but YES I would love to see a new season, I grew up with the films, so I was very happy when Telltale made the games.
  • edited June 2011
    lameflame wrote: »
    how could you ever say that?

    Because.. I have insights?
  • edited June 2011
    There is no doubt in my mind that I wouldn't buy the new installment of back to the future after finishing that last episode.

    This game has been Telltales most popular, profitable and crowd gathering game ever. If they get the green light to go ahead with another game then I say GO FOR IT.

    Again I purchased this game for the story and I wasn't dissatisfied, I absolutely love it. I really couldn't care less about the whole easy puzzles shit. The story is what "MADE" it for me.

    One finale statement:

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