Episode 5 minimizes on startup

edited April 2007 in Game Support
Ah, seems I might be able to pass my exam after all, because for me, episode 5 is unplayable at present - just after firing up, it minimizes itself. When I bring it back up, same thing, after a second it minimizes again. Is this due to downloading the 'early version', or is it a weird bug that only I am experiencing?


  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    Haggis wrote: »
    Ah, seems I might be able to pass my exam after all, because for me, episode 5 is unplayable at present - just after firing up, it minimizes itself. When I bring it back up, same thing, after a second it minimizes again. Is this due to downloading the 'early version', or is it a weird bug that only I am experiencing?

    Try deleting prefs.prop out of the game data folder before launching?

    If that doesn't help, please make a post in the support forum and explain exactly when this happens (when you first launch the game, or when you click the "launch game" button on the launcher screen).

    EDIT: Sit tight, we've reproduced this here and are looking at it.
  • edited April 2007
    I split this off into its own thread. I was able to reproduce this on my machine. Do you by any chance have two monitors? I disabled my second display and it started up fine. Then I re-enabled the display and it kept working fine. Also, running it windowed always worked either way.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    Just a note - to run in a window you can press Alt-Enter. Deleting prefs.prop also makes the game run in a window.
  • edited April 2007
    This is a bug that is present ever since episode 2 came out, only episode 1 is unaffected. It's been brought up in the past but Telltale doesn't seem to care about it and no patch has been issued to correct it, and every new release has that same bug.

    When you manage to start the game in a window, you can set it at the same resolution as your desktop and then choose fullscreen again wich will let you play in fullscreen mode. This was working for me up until a couple weeks ago when I changed my screen and upped my resolution to 1280x1024 wich, pretty unbeliveably, is not supported by the game. I am now forced to run the game in a window for as long as they will continue to ignore the problem.
  • edited April 2007
    When I click "Launch Game!" from the reminder window, a white box pops up in the top-left corner of my screen. The screen then goes all black, and the screen fills up with the GameTap log, then the TellTale Games logo, then, the program minimizes to my task bar.

    If I click on the minimized app, the screen goes black, and I hear a staticy sound, then, it immediately minimizes again.

    Deleting the prefs.prop file doesn't change the behavior, and pressing ALT-Enter at startup will not move the app into windowed mode.

    I'm running Vista 64-bit, with a NVIDIA 8800GTS video card and I'm running at 1680x1050 resolution.

    This same configuration worked fine on episode 4.

    Hope this helps narrow things down some.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    This is a bug that is present ever since episode 2 came out, only episode 1 is unaffected. It's been brought up in the past but Telltale doesn't seem to care about it and no patch has been issued to correct it, and every new release has that same bug.

    It is? A couple of people reported a problem with the game minimizing when it was first launched -- before it even activated (or that's what I thought) -- and I was led to believe it was a problem with the activation system. I did pursue it with the folks who make the activation system but we never reached a resolution. Maybe I misunderstood the problem? My apologies if that was the case. :(
  • edited April 2007
    I manually dropped my display resolution from 1680x1050 to 800x600, and the program started fine. This screwed up my icon arrangment on the desktop and looked pretty bad on a 22" 16x10 LCD, but the game did start working. It might work at higher resolutions, too, but definitely not in my monitor's native mode of 1680x1050.
  • edited April 2007
    Er, sorry about the late reply, but I went and played Shivering Isles for a while, and got a bit carried away with it. :P
    tabacco wrote: »
    I split this off into its own thread. I was able to reproduce this on my machine. Do you by any chance have two monitors? I disabled my second display and it started up fine. Then I re-enabled the display and it kept working fine. Also, running it windowed always worked either way.
    No, just one monitor. I haven't experienced this problem with any of the previous episodes... I'll try Zomby's suggestion though, since my monitor is set to 1024x768.
  • edited April 2007
    have the problem here aswell
    initially when i start it, it stays on screen, but when i try clicking anywhere or pressing any key, it minimizes and button presses apply on the application underneath
    then i tried deleting props and launched the game again
    now i get the same issue described here.. it minimizes as soon as i enter fullscreen mode
    appears to run fine in a window, but that's a really uncomfortable way to play a game like this
    i have not encountered this issue with earlier episodes
  • edited April 2007
    I couldn't get the game to run in a window actually, but I tried this:
    halben wrote: »
    I manually dropped my display resolution from 1680x1050 to 800x600, and the program started fine.

    Changing the monitor's resolution to 800x600 and then starting the game got rid of the problem, but I imagine people with newer monitors may not be able to solve the problem like this...
  • edited April 2007
    that is hardly a solution

    i ran the game in the window as it started, made the game resolution match my desktop (1600x1200) and hit alt+enter to bring it fullscreen
    and now it works, albeit at desktop resolution, which is a waste of resources in a primarily nonvisual game
    so there's something wrong with the way the engine handles resolution changes
    hope this helps
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    Thanks for the info, guys - please keep posting about your experiences with this so we can try to nail it down. Even if this was an issue for earlier episodes, it wasn't as widespread as this so something must have changed. The more you can tell us about what works / doesn't work, the more likely we are to figure out the problem.
  • edited April 2007
    this may not be the same error, but this may help shed some light on this problem

    when i was playing the gametap version of the game, there were a few times where the game froze when entering a new area and the game snapped back to a window....... the window was completely white, and the bar said that the program was not responding, but after about 20-15 seconds the game came back on and then went full screen again

    this happened when i started a new game, entered boscos for the first time, and when i entered reality 2.0 for the first time (i think)

    i have installed the telltale version of the game, but i have not played it though yet, i have noticed that the game started on 800x600 with high graphic detail, but the gametap version started on 1024x800 (the closest fullscreen screen resolution to my laptops native 1280x800 wide screen) with high graphics, so clearly something has already been changed with the game

    i am running windows vista 32bit basic edition on a gateway laptop with ati xpress 200m integrated graphics and one gig of ram
  • edited April 2007
    This is the first time I've had a problem with any of the games, and it's this problem. I have a single monitor and am playing on XP. I refuse to attempt to try it at 800X600 because I have a 1680X1050 22 inch screen and I think it's a sin to do 800X600 unless I'm playing a SCUMM game on it. I'll give my laptop a go.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    For those of you who switched to 800x600 - if you then switch to a higher resolution, then quit, then restart, what happens? Do you have the same problem or are you then able to launch the game normally?
  • edited April 2007
    Having deleted prefs.whatever, it seems that the only problem seems to happen when I switch to fullscreen. I can play the game fine in windowed mode but when I switch to fullscreen it minimizes itself after half a second. All the resolutions work but it simply refuses to work in fullscreen.
  • edited April 2007
    I had the same problem when I first booted the game up, and managed to fix it by deleting prefs.prop and then, while running in windowed mode, quickly switched it to full screen in 1024X768 which is my desktop resolution.

    After that it's been working fine but it took a bit of maximizing the game and rushing to click the 'apply' button before it minimized again.

    I'm running a P4 3.4Ghz with 2GB of RAM and Windows XP if that helps at all.

    Good luck solving the problem. My heart bleeds for anyone who still can't get it running properly.
  • edited April 2007
    Have those of you who has this problem installed the driver for your monitor? I had similar problems when I had only installed my graphics card drivers without installing the drivers for my monitor(Windows just used one of those Standard Monitors, which doesn't work properly with all monitors, and some games have problems with those drivers). Then I installed the monitor drivers from the cd that came with my monitor, and suddenly I had no problems.

    Also, try right clicking the desktop, and selecting properties. Then go to settings, and then "advanced", and then to "monitor". Make sure the "Screen refresh rate" is set to either 60, 70 or 75. If it is not, try one of those refresh rates and see if it works better then.
  • edited April 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    For those of you who switched to 800x600 - if you then switch to a higher resolution, then quit, then restart, what happens? Do you have the same problem or are you then able to launch the game normally?
    Yes, that works. I switched to 800x600 in Windows, then to 1024x768 in the game, and then back to 1024x768 in Windows as well. Now the game starts without any problems.
  • edited April 2007
    Yeah, this seems pretty consistent with my experience as well. I'm guessing that if you delete prefs.prop and then resize the display resolution to *anything* and then back, it seems to work. The first step may not be unnecessary, but I can't reproduce the problem anymore, so I can't test that.
  • edited April 2007
    shole wrote: »
    i ran the game in the window as it started, made the game resolution match my desktop (1600x1200) and hit alt+enter to bring it fullscreen

    How did you get the game resolution to 1600x1200? It won't go over 1280x960 for me. (Or maybe the fact my monitor is limited to this resolution is the reason the game won't display it.) It's a shame tha 1280x1024 isn't supported since most 17-19" LCD displays are limited to that resolution.
  • edited April 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    It is? A couple of people reported a problem with the game minimizing when it was first launched -- before it even activated (or that's what I thought) -- and I was led to believe it was a problem with the activation system. I did pursue it with the folks who make the activation system but we never reached a resolution. Maybe I misunderstood the problem? My apologies if that was the case. :(

    I reported the problem back when episode 2 got out, the game minimizing after the Gametap and Telltale logos where shown. Someone pointed me toward changing the in-game resolution to macth my desktop before going to fullscreen (don't remember who it was but I believe it was someone from Telltale staff) and it solved the problem at the time. I have been using that same trick for every release ever since, until I changed my desktop resolution to one that is unsupported by the game.

    The resolution of the game has to match my desktop resolution otherwise it won't play fullscreen and just minize to the taskbar.
  • edited April 2007
    Hi, just to give you more information, I have not quite the same problem! I can get the game started and going, it just seems to minimize after a few minutes, but not right at the start. I can wander around the office room for a bit and then it'll happen. It also will happen if I try to Alt-Tab out of the game.

    At first, I thought it was because I was using the "unreleased" 101.70 NVIDIA Vista 64bit drivers, but I see people with ATI cards have this problem also. I'll try running it in windowed mode to see if it helps.

    Edit: Yeah, if I can hit Alt-Enter before the game minimizes itself again, it'll play in a window.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2007
    It won't go over 1280x960 for me. (Or maybe the fact my monitor is limited to this resolution is the reason the game won't display it.)

    Yup, that's why.
    It's a shame tha 1280x1024 isn't supported since most 17-19" LCD displays are limited to that resolution.

    1280x1024 is not the same aspect ratio as 800x600, 1024x768, etc. so it's not as simple as just scaling up to 1280x1024. (Same logic applies to widescreen resolutions.) It's something the tech guys are looking at right now. I use 1280x1024 natively on my machine at work and would love to play the games in that resolution.
    I reported the problem back when episode 2 got out, the game minimizing after the Gametap and Telltale logos where shown. Someone pointed me toward changing the in-game resolution to macth my desktop before going to fullscreen (don't remember who it was but I believe it was someone from Telltale staff) and it solved the problem at the time. I have been using that same trick for every release ever since, until I changed my desktop resolution to one that is unsupported by the game.

    Doesn't sound like a suggestion that I would have made, but it's a good tip!

    To anyone who reported this previously, I apologize -- as it was described, I had it in my head that the game was minimizing immediately upon startup, which would indicate a problem with the activation software, not the game itself.
  • edited April 2007
    Some random thought. I might be wrong, but I had the same problem and something very different fixed it:

    Disable folding@home while playing.

    I noticed that a few of the complaints are from some of the guys contributing to folding@home. I had the same problem with a few other games as well. Disabling folding@home before playing and starting it agian afterwards usually did the trick.

    Hope it helps!
  • edited April 2007
    fhqwhgads wrote: »
    Disable folding@home while playing.

    Wow! Guess what, it worked. I can finally play the game fullscreen on my new monitor. Weird though that only episode 1 is unnafected. At least now that we know f@h is the culprit, maybe Telltale will be able to investigate the issue and provide us with a patch. (Also supporting 1280x1024... ;) )
  • edited April 2007
    Must be intermittent too because I haven't had problems with F@H affecting the game (the one time I did see the problem, it was disabling my second monitor that fixed it)
  • edited April 2007
    Its strange really, some reflexive games and some of my EA games gave the same problem, minimizing constantly on startup, and again after maximizing.

    Another 'weird' thing. Sometimes after disabling F@H, one of the affected games would still minimize once (sometimes not even at the start), but after maximization it would stay maximized. Weird.
  • MelMel
    edited April 2007
    Folding@Home was doing that (minimizing) to me too (with Sam & Max and Broken Sword 4). I also found my computer just stopping (while playing a game or surfing the net) when I was running F@H in the background so I have taken to disabling it if I'm active on the computer but letting it run overnight. :)

    Doug, I haven't been brave enough to open up the laptop to see if there's any dust collected that may be contributing to my computer stoppage problems - I'm chicken! :p
  • edited April 2007
    Yepp, same problem here, had to close Folding :)
This discussion has been closed.