Norway massacre, one man kills 80-100 (Media coverage uncensored)

edited August 2011 in General Chat
What are your thoughts about this, the media coverage has been mostly uncensored, very graphic and disturbing. What are your thoughts on the media coverage as well as the event?

I almost don't even want to bring it up, it's so terrible, and I saw photos where people's brains were trailing out of their skulls...

You can argue the coverage is good or bad, but as a whole this is just totally unbelievable. How does one man take on 100 people? Who was this guy? Who could do such a thing?


  • edited July 2011
    Reminds me of Gantz...chapters 120-130 or so. I hope this guy is put out of our misery.
  • edited July 2011
    Reminds me of Gantz...chapters 120-130 or so. I hope this guy is put out of our misery.

    I'm with you, out of our misery. Well said.
  • edited July 2011
    It's just disgusting that someone would do something like this. There can't be any remotely justifiable motive for this. My heart goes out to those affected.

    What makes this even worse is that this will have deep repercussions with Norwegian society. From what I gather, they are a very open country where there is high levels of trust around, and keep themselves to themselves, not harming anyone. One of the last of such places around. It would be a crying shame to see such a wonderful culture be subdued due to the actions of one man.
  • edited July 2011
    This sort of thing makes me sad.. I do not understand what motivates a person to be so apparently evil... What possible horrors could they have gone through to feel they have the right to cause so much pain for others.
  • edited July 2011
    I really hate media coverage that's so harsh "in the name of journalism"... they're just doing this porn only interested in audience to sell snack's advertisement at the end of the news.

    If they're not interested in audience they could skip bloody and disturbing parts, to respect the family of the dead.

    And, if they really want to let them, they could show them only on late hours news - giving proper advice that the images are strong.

    When I was a child I was very disturbed for something similar I saw - couldn't sleep at night at all.
  • edited July 2011
    I really hate media coverage that's so harsh "in the name of journalism"... they're just doing this porn only interested in audience to sell snack's advertisement at the end of the news.

    If they're not interested in audience they could skip bloody and disturbing parts, to respect the family of the dead.

    And, if they really want to let them, they could show them only on late hours news - giving proper advice that the images are strong.

    When I was a child I was very disturbed for something similar I saw - couldn't sleep at night at all.

    You're smart, special and extrodinary as you all are. Thank you all for sharing essence. You've made beautiful points.
  • edited July 2011
    This sounds something I would hear in video games such as Madworld and in Doom. But in real life it isn't a good sight to look at. It is often questionable on what would drive such a person would be such an evil person. Whoever finds this person, kill him or her at first sighting.

    Say doodo, did the media cover HOW this person comitted the kills? It sounds like this was with the work of chainsaws.
  • edited July 2011
    I only leave this message out of respect of those who have lost their lives. I am sorry to you and your families. Please do not reply to my post, thank you.
  • edited July 2011
    First he made a bomb explode at the Norwegian embassy that killed about 7 people.
    Then he dressed up as a police officer and just started shooting people on a small island. Everyone ran in panic, hid in the woods, under dead people, jumped into the water. They where all youths on summer camp.

    He got caught in the end and is now on trial.

    He has a youtube video that tell about crusades that purify the world of evil.
    He hates Muslims and multicultural societies.

    In my opinion he's just messed up in the head, how can innocent youths on summer camp be evil?
  • edited July 2011
    Because they're complicit with a corrupt system. It's the same bad logic Osama bin Ladin used when justifying the deaths of Muslims and the young at the World Trade Center.
  • edited July 2011
    Indeed. The relationship between this man and his professed ideology feels eerily similar to that between bin Laden and Islam. And so civilized people are beset by suffering at all turns.
    Amidst the horror I can find only one bit of relief: that Norway seems committed to retain as much of their open and free society as they can. The judge was wise to keep the trial behind closed doors, and their politicians are staying admirably level headed through all of this.
  • edited July 2011
    Could this be the starting point for the 4th World War?
  • edited August 2011
    Well, I have more disturbing news that the Westboro Baptist freaks are gonna protest the funerals of the Norway victims of the camp shooting! These WBC freaks totally failed to see the meaning in Micah 6:9, which is actually God's call to sinful Israel: "Hark, the Lord cries to the city. It is wisdom to fear your name! Hear, O tribe and city council, / you whose rich are full of violence, whose inhabitants speak falsehood with deceitful tongues in their heads!" (Micah 6:9, 12, NAB) Also, the WBC fail to read the whole story about Jesus' call for Israel to repentance, because they type out bits of Luke 13:1-3, but not the rest of Luke 13:4-5. The full story goes like this:

    Some people told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with the blood of their sacrifices. Jesus said to them in reply, "Do you think that because these Galileans suffered in this way they were greater sinners than all other Galileans? By no means! But I tell you, if you do not repent, you will all perish as they did! Or those eighteen people who were killed when the tower at Siloam fell on them--- do you think they were more guilty than everyone else who lived in Jerusalem? By no means! But I tell you, if you do not repent, you will all perish as they did!" (Luke 13:1-5, NAB)

    P.S. These Norwegians won't understand the WBC's English, because they would be clueless as to what the WBC are talking about.

    BTW, please don't flame me for this, okay?
  • edited August 2011
    Well, I would go so far as to say that protesting a funeral is wrong even if the Bible had condoned it. We shouldn't speak ill of the dead. It's like talking about someone behind their back, only in this case they don't even have the option of hearing about it third hand a few days later and confronting you about it.
  • edited August 2011
    He hates Muslims and multicultural societies.

    First off, I don't think he did this out of racism. Sure, he might be racist, but I believe he just disguised his own screwed-uppiness and some sort of new crusade.

    Second. He should not be put to death. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind and I'd much rather be dead then locked up forever. Don't tell me how he could escape and what not. If we spent half the money we do on executions, escapes would be a whole lot less common. Okay. I guess you can flame me now.

    Jon NA wrote: »
    Could this be the starting point for the 4th World War?
    I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones. (But seriously. When was the third, and why wasn't the world told?)
  • edited August 2011
    TomPravetz wrote: »
    (But seriously. When was the third, and why wasn't the world told?)

    The next world war will be so epic they skip WWIII.

    I am shocked by the media coverage of this event. I do not like seeing graphic images, and they images the news has shown is very disrespectful to the dead. I give my best wishes to all of the family and friends who lost loved ones. I also hated some of the news coverage about the murderer, mostly because some sources jumped to the conclusion that he was a muslim terrorist before any information came out, which I felt was a racist steroetype. The whole event could have been covered a lot better, with much more respect and less hastyness.
  • edited August 2011
    Debbie82 wrote: »
    Well, I have more disturbing news that the Westboro Baptist freaks are gonna protest the funerals of the Norway victims of the camp shooting! These WBC freaks totally failed to see the meaning in Micah 6:9, which is actually God's call to sinful Israel: "Hark, the Lord cries to the city. It is wisdom to fear your name! Hear, O tribe and city council, / you whose rich are full of violence, whose inhabitants speak falsehood with deceitful tongues in their heads!" (Micah 6:9, 12, NAB) Also, the WBC fail to read the whole story about Jesus' call for Israel to repentance, because they type out bits of Luke 13:1-3, but not the rest of Luke 13:4-5. The full story goes like this:

    Some people told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with the blood of their sacrifices. Jesus said to them in reply, "Do you think that because these Galileans suffered in this way they were greater sinners than all other Galileans? By no means! But I tell you, if you do not repent, you will all perish as they did! Or those eighteen people who were killed when the tower at Siloam fell on them--- do you think they were more guilty than everyone else who lived in Jerusalem? By no means! But I tell you, if you do not repent, you will all perish as they did!" (Luke 13:1-5, NAB)

    P.S. These Norwegians won't understand the WBC's English, because they would be clueless as to what the WBC are talking about.

    BTW, please don't flame me for this, okay?

    I'm from Kansas and lived near an army base were they would protest funerals of soldiers on a regular basis. The best way to annoy WBC is to ignore them. The more people that show up to counter protest them the longer they stay.

    They once picketed my high school because of a play we were doing. As soon as the morning bell rang and most people went inside they left.
  • edited August 2011
    Amy Lukima wrote: »
    I'm from Kansas and lived near an army base were they would protest funerals of soldiers on a regular basis. The best way to annoy WBC is to ignore them. The more people that show up to counter protest them the longer they stay.

    They once picketed my high school because of a play we were doing. As soon as the morning bell rang and most people went inside they left.

    Excuse my extreme views, but that sounds rather pathetic. I'm not a fan of anyone anyone's funeral being desecrated in such a way, but I think any protest shouldn't be made up of lazy halfwits who get bored and go home - doesn't that defeat the purpose of protesting?

    I recognise our society grants us freedom of speech, which in turn gives us a right of protest. But this shouldn't be wasted ruining someone's funeral. That, I find disgusting. Someone died wearing a country's uniform standing up for what they think is right, and complete strangers try to ruin his final tribute and distressing family and friends? Nor should anyone be harassing school kids for a play.

    Is it me, or does anyone else think "civilised society" isn't quite as "civilised" as we make out?

    (sorry to venture off topic)

    (EDIT) Also, What's this WBC? I've googled it and only come up with boxing associations and white blood cells and stuff like that. Excuse me, I'm British :P
  • edited August 2011
    Its pretty shocking, that even in this day and age, there are still such incomprehenisbly monstrous people in this world.

    Not only that, but these freaks of nature, (I can't bring myself to call them people again, because they aren't. They have no real motive for what they do, they do it because they get a thrill out of it. They have no empathy, no sympathy, no remorse, if they get another chance, they would do it again, and again!), are still so hard to catch beforehand.

    It makes you think. What if your friends, colleagues, family did something like this?
    Its just so... wrong.

    My condolences for the injured, the dead and bereaved, they did not deserve this. No living thing deserved this.
  • TorTor
    edited August 2011
    Debbie82 wrote: »
    P.S. These Norwegians won't understand the WBC's English, because they would be clueless as to what the WBC are talking about.

    You are right! I have no idea what this is about. Presumably these WBC guys are some loony fundies... what exactly are they protesting against in relation to the Utøya camp shooting?
  • edited August 2011
    Tor wrote: »
    You are right! I have no idea what this is about. Presumably these WBC guys are some loony fundies... what exactly are they protesting against in relation to the Utøya camp shooting?

    Most notably I think they are protesting against those who are claimed to support the same-gender-loving people.
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