It's strange. I found this place by Googling "Monkey Island Kitchen" because I was looking for inspiration on drawing a kitchen scene... which led to "Kitchen Wares on sale" at Monkey Island OK... which led to the dread discovery.
It is my new goal in life to find a few replica Guybrush Trenchcoats, grow a ponytail, and move there.
I'd love to record a Mega64-style video with me (or someone), dressed as Guybrush, on one of the real sites of Monkey Island, wandering around and commenting out loud about random objects and people. Reading signs aloud, saying why I can't pick something (or someone) up, why I can't use something on something else, etc. Could come out pretty funny.
I took a picture of the sign seen when entering "Monkey Island" with my digital camera... then I realized that I don't have the SD card in it. =\ I didn't bring the miniUSB cable for my camera but my laptop does have an internal SD card reader, so if my sister has one when I meet her tomorrow, then I'll post the pictures then. If not, then I'll post them when I get back to Tulsa on Monday afternoon/evening.
They WEREN'T in the Caribbean the whole time!
For ages I've been wanting to show this photo I took, but have never really had the right place for it.
I'd love to record a Mega64-style video with me (or someone), dressed as Guybrush, on one of the real sites of Monkey Island, wandering around and commenting out loud about random objects and people. Reading signs aloud, saying why I can't pick something (or someone) up, why I can't use something on something else, etc. Could come out pretty funny.
Until you walk into somebody's house trying to initiate a dialog tree/find the item you need, and they call the cops.
... What am I saying? That's comedy gold!
*man answers door*
Can I help you?
(pause for 3-4 seconds with blank look on face)
I'm selling these fine leather jackets...
Much closer to the Caribbean.
My parents have a condo there. I'll try to remember to take a picture of the sign when entering the area, next time I go there.
Can you still hear the monkeys when it's quiet?
I assume you mean three-headed ones, and yes.
At least it is when I'm there. I did actually play Curse from start to finish the last time I went there.
Oh, you mean real haunting chants. Umm... that might be the voices in my head. I'm not sure yet.
That is so cool. Can I come visit now? I'll bring my own tent and creeper binoculars!
I took a picture of the sign seen when entering "Monkey Island" with my digital camera... then I realized that I don't have the SD card in it. =\ I didn't bring the miniUSB cable for my camera but my laptop does have an internal SD card reader, so if my sister has one when I meet her tomorrow, then I'll post the pictures then. If not, then I'll post them when I get back to Tulsa on Monday afternoon/evening.
You're a genius, I think, but I'm not sure you ever found that out.,+OK&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x87c82c043cd6b681:0x3dc3a21db7648f8d,Monkey+Island,+OK&gl=us&ei=4Y5FTuHpO8rIsQKF7PWRCA&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CBcQ8gEwAA Look west of the big island of puerto rico in between Dominican republic and Puerto rico you'll encounter a nature reserve island.
You have to squint and turn your head a little