List of all the pop culture references in Reality 2.0

edited June 2008 in Sam & Max
Let's see how many references we can find in Reality 2.0 (mark spoilers just in case...)
- Super Mario Bros. (Sam exclaiming "It's-a me! Sam!" as he jumps up and grabs coins floating in midair)

- Dungeons and Dragons (Auntie Biotic's +1 Armor and the +2 Sword)

- Sam and Max Hit the Road (The resemblance of the Wooden Longsword to the dragon-slaying sword in Conroy Bumpus's VR game)

- Sam and Max Season One (Sybil's complaints about dialogue trees and repetition)

- Dragon Warrior (The battle against a Blue Slime)

- Tetris (Tetriminoes line the rear of the streets of Reality 2.0)

- TellTale Texas Hold 'Em (An ad for the game floats around occasionally on the streets of Reality 2.0)

Can anyone else think of any others?


  • edited April 2007
    Well, there's the C.O.P.S. machines.

    One is a Commodore 64, another is an arcade machine, another is an automated telephone, and the last one is a Pong machine.

    Then there is the Castlevania: Symphony of The Night reference with the save point.

    The firewall that Sam & Max have to get through.

    The "computer bug".

    The "Reality 1.5" stage of the game that plays as a text adventure.

    "" and "", which are real websites, btw.

    You should probably spoiler tag your post, Cyberlink.
  • edited April 2007
    Huh, I was going to try those sites. Thanks for reminding me!:)
  • edited April 2007
    I found my Tron referance!! I'm happy now!
    Talk to the COPS a second time, but just say "good-bye"
  • edited April 2007
    Err, just for the record: Sybil's crack about dialogue trees and repetition wasn't intended as a crack against the earlier Sam & Max episodes, but videogames in general. That "just keep talking to someone until you hear the same thing said again" mentality that seems unavoidable.
  • edited April 2007
    Well, there's the C.O.P.S. machines.

    One is a Commodore 64, another is an arcade machine, another is an automated telephone, and the last one is a Pong machine.

    it's an Osborne 1, not a Commodore 64.
    Try looking them up on Wikipedia.
  • edited April 2007
    How the hell do I do that "click on to reveal spoiler" thing??

    Here's some more references...

    C.O.P.S. arcade game is Sinistar, with the "i hunger" quote

    Zork/Advent: should be obvious, surprised no one mentioned it yet

    (I tried blind typing "xyzzy" during reality 1.5, but nothing happened. I suspect, though, that keyboard input parsing is not a priority for the game coders, for obvious reasons.)


  • edited April 2007
    i know that that computer is not a commodore 64 (i had one a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away), and i did bother to look up what that in-game computer was..... but i chose to call it a commodore 64 in my walkthrough and in all of my posts because it is much more well known than the "Osborne-1" (so i guess i am at fault for this case of mistaken identity)

    if i would have said "use the monkey balm on Osborne 1" everyone would be saying "W.T.F. is the Osborne-1"...... so i just called it commodore 64, and everyone else just followed suit because (i don't think) anyone around here really knew what it was..... and it is less confusing that way

    @ogoun - here is how you do spoiler tags [noparse]
    Spoiler text here

    P.S. Osborne-1 V.S. Commodore 64 (for those of you who are curious)
    2i9mtls.jpg 2n8whkx.jpg
  • MelMel
    edited April 2007
    ogoun wrote: »
    How the hell do I do that "click on to reveal spoiler" thing??

    If you want to spoiler tag something:

    [ spoiler ]text here[ /spoiler ] (just leave out the spaces in the brackets)

  • edited April 2007
    I'm pretty sure the name of the arcade machine in COPS is a reference to Blaster Master.
  • edited April 2007
    Ahhh, sweet nostalgia! Think I've still got my Commodore 64 in the loft somewhere :)
  • edited April 2007
    Sam & Max Hit The Road is also referenced when the duo goes 2D at one point. "This seems familiar" Sam quips.
    A few of the circular platforms, like the one by the Control Room interior door, look a lot like Tron discs.
    Star Wars reference - Max calls the beeping computer "Artoo".
    Lord of the Rings reference - Bosco's leaving cry "For the Shire!"
    After he picks them up, Sam holds the two different swords above his head and the camera views this act from above - just like Link does in the 3D Legend of Zelda games. Also, in both the original LOZ game and the recent Twilight Princess, Link's first sword is a Wooden Sword.
    Just as Max is about to disappear, he pulls his ears down below his chin in a "scared" way, just like Bugs Bunny (or Roger Rabbit) would occasionally do. I'm sure a few of Max's comments ("I'm too pretty to die!" possibly) are from various Looney Toons too.

    And, of course,
    the Monkey Island reference - "Look behind you, it's a three-headed Internet!"
  • edited April 2007
    I'm surprised nobody mentioned:
    That the Internet looks suprisingly like SHODAN from the System Shock Games - (Green and circuit-y, appears in the top corner of the screen to speak to you, and also has the same psychotic Goddess like tendancies at some points).

    I'm not sure if it was on purpose but the "If I go down I'm taking you with me" line is screamed by the end boss of lylat wars/Starfox64 - and also by the Internet.
  • edited April 2007
    birky wrote: »
    I'm not sure if it was on purpose but the "If I go down I'm taking you with me" line is screamed by the end boss of lylat wars/Starfox64 - and also by the Internet.
    Actually, that line has been said so many times by so many people in several different genres, that it's almost a parody of itself. Seriously, watch most action movies, and chances are really high someone will end up saying that line before the movie is over.
  • edited April 2007
    I'm kinda hoping I got this one right so I can pat myself on the back for catching an obscure reference. :)
    King's Quest 7: When you end a conversation with Auntie Biotic, she warns you not to mail any wooden nickels. In KQ7, there was a seriously bugged wooden nickel that would make the game lock-up when you obtained it, and even after that, it was still screwed up so you couldn't give it to the person you were supposed to give it to.
  • edited April 2007
    birky wrote: »
    I'm surprised nobody mentioned:
    That the Internet looks suprisingly like SHODAN from the System Shock Games - (Green and circuit-y, appears in the top corner of the screen to speak to you, and also has the same psychotic Goddess like tendancies at some points).

    I did mention that! :p
  • edited April 2007
    I'm kinda hoping I got this one right so I can pat myself on the back for catching an obscure reference. :)
    King's Quest 7: When you end a conversation with Auntie Biotic, she warns you not to mail any wooden nickels. In KQ7, there was a seriously bugged wooden nickel that would make the game lock-up when you obtained it, and even after that, it was still screwed up so you couldn't give it to the person you were supposed to give it to.

    Sorry, but "Don't take any wooden nickels!" is an old figure of speech. It just means "don't get tricked."
  • edited April 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    I did mention that! :p

    Ah sorry must have missed that one. (Damn my sporadic Forum lurking.)

    And Zeek fair point - though my mind immediately went to Lylat Wars, maybe it was something in the way it was phrased, maybe I'm just a little bit obsessed... I guess we'll never know.
  • edited April 2007
    I didn't even watch the movie, and I got this reference!
    When Sam puts the bug on the phone (GWB impression?) he says "Say hello to my little friend" in a foreign accent. I'm pretty sure this is said similarly to the ending to Scarface. (he's referring to his huge machinegun)
  • edited April 2007
    Yeah, I picked up onj that one right away too. I don't know why I didn't post it the first time...
  • edited April 2007
    For simplicity's sake, let's compile them all into one list.

    I volunteer a lesser peon.
  • edited April 2007
    We can't really do that since they keep taking away the Edit button by the time a new one is found.
  • edited April 2007
    Whether the device was an Osborne or Commodore, surely you noticed that it sounded like Stephen Hawking's voice synth?
  • edited April 2007
    What do we learn from that? Steve Hawking is using a Commodore. *ggg* But the computer sounded a little like the voice synth. For put all the stuff into one post i would prefer some minor unnoticed wisps!
  • edited May 2007
    I can't believe that this didn't hit me until now, but...
    The COPS theme song begins with the line "Hello, world!"
  • edited May 2007
    hahaha yay references!
    Picked up most of them, why does the castelvania save point look like a D20? Never played Castlevania you see so it confused me a little.

    I was so getting Zork vibes from the text part, especially the shambling corperate prescence. I kept expecting grues.. hahaha.

    Nickle> it was glitched in KQ7? I don't ever rememeber having a problem with the nickle, though I haven't played the game for years and it wont run on a modern pc alas.
  • edited May 2007
    Personally the Wooden Nickles quip reminded me of the wooden nickles that you can get in Curse of Monkey Island.
  • edited May 2007
    Space Quest 2: The first scene, when you look at your watch and read your horoscope it says: "Don't take any wooden nickels."
  • edited May 2007
    No one of you mentioned the episode's name yet, "Reality 2.0", probably referencing the inflationary term "Web 2.0"... (could be a reference to Future Crew's "Second Reality", though :D)
  • edited June 2008
    I know this is LATE but Reality 2.0 looks like TRON!

    What Text Adventure was being parodied at the end though? The only one I've ever played is Wish Bringer.
  • edited June 2008
    All text adventures are being parodied.

    Stuff like ADVENT, Zork and many others..
  • edited June 2008
    Bluster Blaster's Line "I feel Pretty And Witty And Gaaaaaayyyyyyyy!!!!!" is a song title from West Side Story
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