Yoda hut, any one nice want to say something?
This is very unfinished. I'm going to add more details vines, and then finish the hut, so there's a lot of work that needs to be done. I'm not a real mapper, but I feel that I can have fun with this. A yoda hut is a very personal thing to make, watch ESB and ROTJ side by side, the basics remain the same, but they aren't the same huts. And to make something like this has a personal touch as in reality the the outer skeletion doesn't line up with the inner.
I've studied this hut for years...
Also it has to be scaled so that you can actually use it in a game, so it's not the easiest thing to create.
I'm also looking for people who know how to model, or have a yoda model to help be port it to my map, as well as suggestions, constructive criticisms that don't harm or hinder the growth of this inspired project , of about 6 years now. I've made several huts, I like this one, it's the latest hut.
So, I'm looking for nice feed back to make it more organic, real. But, keep in mind the challenges of something like this, and design restrictions and my experience as a mapper which is very limited.
I've studied this hut for years...
Also it has to be scaled so that you can actually use it in a game, so it's not the easiest thing to create.
I'm also looking for people who know how to model, or have a yoda model to help be port it to my map, as well as suggestions, constructive criticisms that don't harm or hinder the growth of this inspired project , of about 6 years now. I've made several huts, I like this one, it's the latest hut.
So, I'm looking for nice feed back to make it more organic, real. But, keep in mind the challenges of something like this, and design restrictions and my experience as a mapper which is very limited.
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I think it will look better when it's complete, right now it's hard to get a sense of space, closure, home. But, I got to do some math homework.
I just want to finish the damn thing already though, as time goes I learn better methods to make it more organic, real, such as the floor being laid out into patches and the ceiling too, that way I can have more control over everything.
Thanks for commenting.
Thanks for sharing . You're good at photoshop, it's a natural talent, maybe modeling is a natural talent of mine, I just never explored it, but I think I'm going to see this through and see if I can make it work out. I like most of what I got, to cut curves I've combined some of this hut with the last one.
Because of time, and because I want to finish it, and other reasons. Even if this map isn't perfect, I've been working on it for years and no one else has made a walk in yoda hut map. I guess it bores some people but I've always wanted one.
I loved Jedi Knight and Jedi Academy!
There are TONS of Yoda models on http://jediknight3.filefront.com/
I always wanted to model stuff but I don't have the patience to do it. 2D is more my kind of thing.
Keep us posted ^.^
Double post was ok-ish, triple post was enough...but this is definitely too much.
If people are interested, they will respond in this thread. If not, don't bump it like that.
XD I'm always thinking of new ideas.
I'm either going to map it or I am going to attempt to wrap textures around the interior and the environment around the hut.
Images from the movies and models...
And water is easy enough... maybe some vines? Hm?
XD I once made a pirate ship in wolf3d inside of a cave, and then water falls and , lol that was talented, too bad I got rid of that mod. That was pretty cool.
But, this shouldn't be that hard to do, it's just making transparent textures.
I'm not so skilled as to be able to make these textures if I were I would go crazy with it. I would probably just cheat. I could finish the hut, no problem. I just don't have the texture skills and modeling skills to create Dagobah, and a map with that many models would be crazy and probably lag. So the cleverest thing I can think of is textures but I don't even know how to make textures with a transparent back ground...
If you have any ideas or if any one would be as kind as to help I'm open. Dagobah has been mapped, but not as far back as Academy or outcast, not well anyways...
I see it was done in Force Unleashed 2...and I see a few tricks I would try in my map too. I have a few ideas, I've just been too lazy to start and try it. But, I think I will shortly.
I can make it look ok, decent I think taking a certain direction with it, but if I had textures I think I could more easily get through it.
LOL blah blah blah, I'll post a update later or just add a blog in my sig or something if I figure something out. I have to finish my math homework.
6 minutes of your life you'll never get back
Real thing is lighter.
If you feel like constant updating, please edit your first post. Last warning.