Graphics Don't Make The Game
I'm getting sick of seeing all these comments on TTG's YouTube account about how their latest Jurassic Park trailer looks like crap, how the game will probably be crap, and so many people will claim it will fail because it doesn't look real enough.
When are people who play games going to realize that it isn't all about graphics. It helps, sure, but I don't play games for the graphics. I play games for the stories and the compelling interaction between me as a player and whatever the scenario is in the game.
I wanted to see how the story of Back to the Future would play out in the TTG game, even though I have yet to play it and have been trying to find a commentary free "Let's play" of the final episode that doesn't feature a Rage Quit due to the Glass House bug.
I want to see where the Jurassic Park story goes and how it is handled knowing that it takes place during the movie.
The only reason I even care about graphics is because I know my computer right now can't handle the memory demand to render the raptors, even if they look like crap according to all those YouTube comments.
When are people who play games going to realize that it isn't all about graphics. It helps, sure, but I don't play games for the graphics. I play games for the stories and the compelling interaction between me as a player and whatever the scenario is in the game.
I wanted to see how the story of Back to the Future would play out in the TTG game, even though I have yet to play it and have been trying to find a commentary free "Let's play" of the final episode that doesn't feature a Rage Quit due to the Glass House bug.
I want to see where the Jurassic Park story goes and how it is handled knowing that it takes place during the movie.
The only reason I even care about graphics is because I know my computer right now can't handle the memory demand to render the raptors, even if they look like crap according to all those YouTube comments.
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I liked the AI better cos its easier to mess with the guards cos they don't automatically go on alert and find you when someone sees you. But yh the cutscenes where ridiculous like when Snake back fliped and kicked a stinger missile fired by the Hind-D.
Well people must like it enough, for it to be remade for the 3DS! XD
Star Fox 64 is THE example of excellent design and is more than just a graphically enhanced remake of Star Fox.
Sure the basic gameplay and plot is the same, but everything else was improved dramatically.
Which is ironic, since you can get much better resolution on a nice gaming PC than you can on most consoles.
Oh quite so. I'm running quite a rig myself. But I think the console wars have emphasized graphics to such a degree it's developed a bad emphasis on them.
And the thing is...after all of those so-called "good graphics", most of the time, I feel that the characters have so little expression that it seems barely worth the effort. Telltale has much more watchable graphics in the sense that their characters actually have facial expressions. I'm thinking mainly of ToMI when I say this, but it applies broadly to most of their games.
...I should read the other posts before posting. You beat me to it dammit.
Anyway... On a different (and possibly unrelated) perspective, I think it takes also a vast amount of effort to make an appealing 2D game with gorgeous backgrounds and fluent animation, so... Effort wins nonetheless.
I know of games that looked good, but played terribly and had no plot, of games that looked terrible and played awful, but had a good story, and of games that played great but had bad story and graphic design. All of these games are nearly exactly average from my point of view - deserving a 5.
Saying story makes a game is idiotic - gameplay is the most important feature. It is a game, after all. Then comes the story, and after that the graphics. But a good game has each of those in ways that suit the game.
Yes, but if the game is Call of Duty but the plot is The Lord of the Rings you don't want to play the game. It's usually an okay game as long as it's okay in all three areas, or strong in a particular area.
There are some gays I play because they look nice (Pretty Much my only motivation for the first Puzzle Agent, although I later loved the gameplay and story)
For me, aesthetics wins over power. I'd rather see a interesting art style than hyper-realistic graphics. But one can't work without the other, without good aesthetics you can't have good graphics. And I think it is the aesthetics that often makes the game (together with other parts of course).
I don't think it'll be as memorable unless it offers something of a gimmick when it comes to gameplay. I'm not saying it would be BAD or anything but those games with a kick of a different kind of gameplay are the ones always having a special place.
This echos the main criticism with LA Noire I kept reading in the months after its release. "It's AMAZING technology, but after a while, it just starts looking weird." In fact, the only compliment that relates to that criticism is that one reviewer said LA Noire has made some of the more photo realistic characters in other titles look stiff and boring in facial expressiveness. (Well, yeah, because they aren't actors being filmed and recorded....)
Aesthetics. Thanks for reminding me about that Extra Creditz episode on the same subject where the first thing they did was differentiate the two.
EDIT: And to all those that say "Graphics are important," what about pen & paper RPGs? Or even those text-based adventure games?
Definitely. It's just there's a whole class of people who dismiss a game if it doesn't have uber graphics. Which is silly. Somebody said Duke Nukem Forever looked ugly... maybe compared to a lot of things I guess? I remember playing the original though so I know this new one isn't 'ugly'.
About my other point, of course I want good gameplay as well. Case in point, Batman: Arkham Asylum. Has a good plot (don't expect Hemmingway here, it's a comic book game) and the gameplay is fantastic. To contrast that, look at MGS4. Now, I really like MGS4, but I'd rather play Batman. I think the stealth is better in Batman, the combat is amazing, all the gameplay elements are better. I like MGS' story but I think the gameplay falters in a few ways. Also, convoluted storytelling has sort of worn on me after dealing with it for a decade.
Whichever way they way to approach it, that's an argument over grahpics aesthetics and not graphics power, whether they want to admit it or not. These people just don't like non-realistic graphics because they think they're inferior.
In the case of Telltale, they're exaggerated animation style isn't inferior, but I am getting tired of it. I'm glad JP is finally moving beyond that.
I keep telling this to every single fanboy of Call of duty, if you want real graphics. Go to war, you'd find REAL graphics there. Video games are supposed to take us away from reality, not to be reminded of it.
I'm curious as to if they got an outside investor for JP because of how big that game's overhaul is. Universal probably threw enough money in TTG's direction to do this second overhaul of their tools.
Unless I'm wrong and they did have some hand in it. I'm guessing now. Nothing more than quality assurance.