I remember when they used to say colloidal silver healed AIDS.
It may sound stupid. Regardless, whatever, I never studied something, I know how it sounds, and it was meant to sound that way. But, this current, and then silver, the subject at the very least has my imagination, but I'm not going to video blog on it so soon.
My channel has comments on it, common sense things, don't know if I'll go back to blogging any time soon as these common sense things should be in all of you. Such as everything being light...our ancients knew all of this, they experienced a lot of it first hand, they may had supersitions but they saw a lot of this first hand, how we don't know about these things is beyond me.
Yes, lots of their beliefs were primitive but some were ADVANCED to ours.
I don't really believe in common sense, since what is common sense in America may not be in another culture. Also, your ancestors and mine aren't necessarily the same people, since the dispersion of humans throughout mesopotamia and into China quickly created a number of beliefs that greatly differed. Semitic thought on existence is very different from Asian thought on the same subject, and Native Americans greatly differ on the subject as well.
I'm afraid I just blue myself.
I hate this song. Watch at your own risk.
I love that song.
Thank you for saving me the trouble of posting this.
I miss AD. I hope the movie happens (though it probably won't).
Actually, as of yesterday, Jason Bateman said they're shooting it in 2012.
It's a different shade blue than you wear.
I've had enough of you blue bastards. Coming here, taking our jobs, putting your blue hands over our women, disgusting.
You should start a blue man group.
*pops in thread to make sure reference has been made, pops out*
Shades don't matter. Besides, I don't WEAR blue. I AM blue.
And I'VE had enough of you making prejudiced comments about my people.
Perhaps I was not clear? I am the TOKEN blue man here.
You people need to get informed.
Which is why you need a support group. There's the blue guy in the video, so that makes two of you. That's enough for a group, I think.
I believe Tobias already took that spot, sorry.
It may sound stupid. Regardless, whatever, I never studied something, I know how it sounds, and it was meant to sound that way. But, this current, and then silver, the subject at the very least has my imagination, but I'm not going to video blog on it so soon.
My channel has comments on it, common sense things, don't know if I'll go back to blogging any time soon as these common sense things should be in all of you. Such as everything being light...our ancients knew all of this, they experienced a lot of it first hand, they may had supersitions but they saw a lot of this first hand, how we don't know about these things is beyond me.
Yes, lots of their beliefs were primitive but some were ADVANCED to ours.