Gamebreaking bug in Hector 3

Plot/puzzle spoilers ahead, so don't read if you're not a dev!

I've got episode 3 of Hector on my iPod Touch 4G. When I got to the clock tower, I got the bomb out of the guy's head, but then left the tower using the map. I wandered round the fair a bit, got the file and freed the prisoner. A bouncy castle had mysteriously appeared in place of the beer tent, which was odd. But when I went back to the tower, it has already been destroyed. Note, I hadn't blown it up myself. I could pick up the barber pole thing, but after that I'm unable to progress. If I go into the hints system, it tells me to use the bomb on the bell, which I obviously can't do. I presume it was my leaving the tower that caused this glitch.


  • edited September 2011
    im not sure you are supposed to even be able to leave the tower until its over on the main objective there.

    for sure the tower should not blow up you should have even seen a cool cut scene..
    i really want to get back to playtesting sigh

    course this is on the iphone.. im on pc but yea! same issue and tons of it is the map (i was having lockups from it as well.)
    stick to ye old strongbad map lol (jk its not the map itself but the code behind it)

    best wishes on finding a work around ..
    prolly the ONLY THING i dont like about hector is no save. Esp if its buggy.. but it saves OFTEN, problem is if it saved in the bug, well ack...
  • edited September 2011
    I found a bug, which makes the game uncompletable:
    After freeing the guy in the clocktower from the cupboard it's possible to leave, which I did, since I thought I was supposed to get a weapon for him from the weapon stand, since I hadn't discovered the bomb in his head yet. When I got nowhere with that I stumbled upon the inflatable badger (or something) which I cut loose after inflating it with helium, since I didn't have any idea what else to do.

    Suddenly Barnsley's inside the inflatable badger with having taken Lambert hostage. What the hell? Isn't Barnsley at the clocktower? I then discover that the clocktower is in ruins, so something obviously happened that shouldn't have happened just yet. After going back to the clocktower for the vibrator, shooting the badger down, capturing Barnsley and having Lambert turn into the incredible hulk, I realize that I have to forcefeed Barnsley fød, but there's just no way to do that.

    The problem is that Meeks never left his stand. His been standing there the whole time, and he's still there with the TWATs, so it's impossible to get the funnel. I wasted about an hour trying improbable stuff, until I concluded that I had to play through the whole episode again, making sure to blow up the clocktower before doing anything else. Pretty damn annoying. Sure enough, now I have no problem whatsoever getting the funnel.
  • edited September 2011
    Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's it - the game (or part of it) sees I'm out of the the tower, so therefore I must have destroyed it. But I didn't, so another part of the game doesn't register the progress and I'm stuck. Or I'm missing items that I should have picked up while destroying the tower. To be honest, I'm not too bothered about a workaround - I'm far enough through that I can just watch the rest on Youtube and be happy. But it would be nice if other gamers didn't have to go through this.
  • edited September 2011
    As I posted in the game support forum, I had a similarly gamebreaking but slightly different bug - I discovered and extracted the bomb before leaving the tower. It seems leaving the tower any time before blowing it up is a big no-no. Unfortunately, it's eminently do-able using the map, and indeed the puzzle design arguably seems to encourage you to do so (I thought I might have to use the giant underpants to fling the bomb at the tower).
  • edited September 2011
    i tried to replicate but couldnt on pc.. but ill run again through it and see

    I didnt even have the ability TO leave or map in that tower
    (simple fix should be to remove the map) or disable it with a quip like "bugger all I cant leave now this bloomin tosser is going to blow us to"

    course im a dork but eh
    lol get back to ya sooonie
    not that it would help much oy!
  • edited September 2011
    It may well be an iOS only bug - which is made even worse by the autosaving.
  • edited September 2011
    not sure about that autosave.. cant see a real reason not to at least have one save like 3 min or 5 min prior or such, or a save slot but i think that was the dig.. to avoid the need of that

    its short enough and fast paced enough to not need saves but due to the buggies well yeaaa.. idk.

    still love the game soooo much though ! : )
  • edited September 2011
    I forgot about the game support forum when I posted here. After reaching the clocktower on my second try I took a backup of my save file, just in case. When I try to leave immidiately, Hector says something about not wanting to leave just yet, after all the trouble he went through to get inside, so there is some kind of mechanism in place to keep you there. It's just turned off prematurely.
  • edited September 2011
    same thing here, click on the map before completing the tower and sudenly the tower is blown up, a huge inflatable maskot appear and the quest cannot be completed. Its really sad, I a big fan of the game, just play through episode 2 last week and completing 3 this week-end.

    Hopefully, an update will be here soon.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2011
    I'm going to merge this thread up with the one Ginger Yellow started in Game Support.

    Flesk & ovolo - do you guys have the iOS version, or another one (PC via Telltale store, PC via Steam etc)?
  • edited September 2011
    I'm running the PC version downloaded directly from Telltale Games.
  • edited September 2011
    Sorry to everyone running into trouble with this. We're definitely going to look into it ASAP.
  • edited October 2011
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    I'm going to merge this thread up with the one Ginger Yellow started in Game Support.

    Flesk & ovolo - do you guys have the iOS version, or another one (PC via Telltale store, PC via Steam etc)?

    I have the iOS version, I'm running iOS v. 4.3.5 and a 3GS

    Thanks for looking to it, it's an awesome and I'm really sad to be stuck and unable to complete it.

  • edited October 2011
    ovolo wrote: »
    Thanks for looking to it, it's an awesome and I'm really sad to be stuck and unable to complete it.

    Why don't you play it again from the beginning, making sure to complete the clock tower before going back to the fair this time? If you're going to wait for a bug fix, you probably won't be able to complete the game until next year.
  • edited June 2012
    Plot/puzzle spoilers ahead, so don't read if you're not a dev!

    I've got episode 3 of Hector on my iPod Touch 4G. When I got to the clock tower, I got the bomb out of the guy's head, but then left the tower using the map. I wandered round the fair a bit, got the file and freed the prisoner. A bouncy castle had mysteriously appeared in place of the beer tent, which was odd. But when I went back to the tower, it has already been destroyed. Note, I hadn't blown it up myself. I could pick up the barber pole thing, but after that I'm unable to progress. If I go into the hints system, it tells me to use the bomb on the bell, which I obviously can't do. I presume it was my leaving the tower that caused this glitch.

    BUG(S) NOT fixed yet - :spoil-o:found out the hard way (also, when I try to pick up the water boarder, keep being told by the Chief of Police, who's not physically there anymore, but continues to mysteriously converse with Hector, nonetheless... that he should be able to deal with terrorists without weapons) ... really DON'T want to have to start all over again!

    Incidentally, that other BUG, where old dialogue repeats whether the Character is in the room or not is not only specific to Hector games - also encountered it in Strong Bad and BONE games.

    It's not all bad tho - still LUV TellTale Games - keep 'em coming! :)
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