Jurassic Time: The Memoir Of John Parker Hammond

edited October 2011 in Jurassic Park
Given the excitement of the upcoming game, I thought I would present all of you with something I made long ago that many who have heard it are very fond of: John Hammond's audio memoir, as heard in the PC Game Trespasser. Whether you were or weren't a fan of the game, all agree that the story told by Hammond (and performed brilliantly by Richard Attenborough, as he did in the films) is incredibly interesting and heartfelt. Some deny it's importance due to the game mixing film canon, novel canon, and canon of it's own creation, but then again, Tell Tale's new game is doing the same thing in their own right. Nothing wrong with it! It's all based around the same world, but all from officially licensed products. Enjoy each on their own turf, and this story is immensely enjoyable!

Learn more about it at the link below. If you are intrigued to hear this fascinating story, and lost performance, go to the link below. It's the perfect thing to hear over and over again before the new game comes out. I hope some of the maker's of Tell Tale's game are able to listen to this as well (mods, please point it in their direction!). If you do choose to have a listen, please listen to Version 2.0!



  • edited October 2011
    Thank you for this, Hammond's dialogue is what motivated me to finish Trespasser. It's timeless, a must for any Jurassic Park fan.
  • edited October 2011
    I have probably already said this more than a dozen times but this is definitely an impressive work, both by you and by the writer of the memoir. An impressive journey through Site B construction. And I can't possible tolerate the word "canon" no more. It's a fan-term. Trespasser was created as an expansion to the Lost World movie. Period!
  • edited October 2011
    Thank you both for your kind words, especially you Dr. Dino for that canon bit. :) I really appreciate it, because there have been some people who just shrug off Trespasser's story because it doesn't fit in with their vision of what canon is. I understand it in a way, but why let it stop you from appreciating such a rich story, with so much more detail, than you would get from watching any of the films? It's why I love the books so much. They will ALWAYS be better than the films.

    And yeah, Austin Grossman really did a number with expanding the Jurassic Park universe. He did it in such a personal way for the player that I sometimes wish this information could be made into a movie, too. It'd be a much more dark, creepy, and emotional approach.
  • edited October 2011
    scallenger wrote: »
    Thank you both for your kind words, especially you Dr. Dino for that canon bit. :) I really appreciate it, because there have been some people who just shrug off Trespasser's story because it doesn't fit in with their vision of what canon is. I understand it in a way, but why let it stop you from appreciating such a rich story, with so much more detail, than you would get from watching any of the films? It's why I love the books so much. They will ALWAYS be better than the films.

    And yeah, Austin Grossman really did a number with expanding the Jurassic Park universe. He did it in such a personal way for the player that I sometimes wish this information could be made into a movie, too. It'd be a much more dark, creepy, and emotional approach.
    Some people aren't going to consider JP: The Game canon either... it's going to be a pain, so I see where you are coming from.
  • edited October 2011
    Oh, of course some, or even a lot, of people won't. Especially for the stuff added, like the rollercoaster. They'll say "well there is absolutely no evidence of that existing there". Well, one could also say there was no evidence of Site B existing in the first film since Crichton hadn't even written that concept until his 2nd book which came out after the first film, so couldn't that mean that the 2nd film is an irrelevant spin-off (which is how many think of the third film)?

    In the end, does it matter? Haha. They are all officially licensed Jurassic Park products that expand the universe in some way or another, and yes, some go into some interesting, different, and even WILD tangents (anyone read any of the comics?). These aren't just fan fiction that anyone could write. They are collaborative projects, which is what the films are, too. Point is, it is ALL part of the fun of expanding the series. How else do you think Star Wars gets so interesting? It can't ALL fit in the any one specific canon, I am sure they are plenty of different ones.

    Anyway, sorry for the rant. This thread is meant to display the audio presentation to get people more in the mood for the new game to come. :D And as I said, if any mod can show this to some of the game creator's of Tell Tale's game, I think they would like it a lot since they seem to be uber fans.
  • edited October 2011
    I love those comments from Hammond when I was playing through trespasser.

    So thank you :)
  • edited October 2011
    That really made me feel for John Hammond. I think that's why I like the movie version of him more than the book's. Yes, Hammond was a business man. He wanted to make money. But more than that, he wanted to see these animals restored to the Earth, and he wanted to share that with everyone.
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