Steam codes for Telltale-website bought titles?
I wanted to ask, if I've bought all these games through, is it possible to get Steam codes for them as well, so that I can also link them to my Steam account?
Thank you very much!
I wanted to ask, if I've bought all these games through, is it possible to get Steam codes for them as well, so that I can also link them to my Steam account?
Thank you very much!
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Right now? Is it possible that you might do this in the future?
I really enjoy telltale games so I buy em from this site because of the collectors dvds. But I would rather have all my games organized on steam.
For example, guys at TheHumbleBundle when you purchase a bundle of indie games from their website, they give you also the code to redeem your games directly on steam, not via a link of an externally installation.
I REALLY appreciate it if you'll do it in the future... PLEASE! Something tells me that I'm not the only one who will be happy of the service (a second code, valid on Steam, along with the original TelltaleGames one - for each purchased game, or per "season" if that apply).
Thanks a lot in advance in any case, have a nice day.
They probably don't do it because it would mean less money for them. Perhaps they could charge an extra fee, but [and I lack certain knowledge of Valve's licensing system] it's possible the extra fee could be as much as the price of the game on Steam.
During Steam's Holiday Sale, they're running a contest where people receive gifts, coupons, and entries into a sweepstakes, simply for playing games and scoring achievements. This year, at least 2 Telltale titles are part of this contest. Jurassic Park (with the "Holiday Bonus" achievement announced today) and Puzzle Agent 2 (which hasn't been announced by Steam yet, but which seems a no brainer for inclusion with the "Christmas Tree Census" achievement that was added).
This creates a bit of a problem for many devoted Telltale fans. Because we went out of our way to support Telltale by purchasing the games through the Telltale store, we don't have a Steamworks enabled copy of the game, and so can't actually score these achievements. This in particular hurts people who purchased the Deluxe editions of the game, which were unavailable on Steam in the first place.
In the past, Telltale have provided Steam keys for pre-order customers of Poker Night at the Inventory. While that was undoubtedly a special occasion, I would ask if Telltale might consider somehow enabling this for their customers again on these two particular titles (and any other Telltale titles included in this contest, though I don't think there are any), either for free, or for a small nominal fee to partially or fully cover whatever Steam might be charging you for doing it.
The Steam contest will continue until January 2nd, and achievements will continue to be counted up until that time, so just knowing that it's not an idea being instantly being dismissed is great to hear. There's still plenty of time for us to get those achievements if something can be done, and I hope that Telltale might be able to find a solution over these next 12 days or so that will work for everyone.
I was never particularly bothered by not having my Telltale games on Steam before, but when they have achievements on Steam... well, I like getting achievements! It's a fun little addition. It doesn't ruin the experience to not have them, by any means, but it's always nice when I do. And now that Telltale is participating heavily in the Steam metagame achievement hunt, I miss them all the more!
I just got access to a very, very limited number of Steam keys for Jurassic Park and Puzzle Agent. I can give you one if you ordered one of those games through us, so if you need one, please PM me with your order number.
I don't have an infinite number of keys, and I won't be able to offer them once the Steam Gift Pile promotion ends on January 2nd, barring any future policy changes.
Edit: I originally thought I had Puzzle Agent 2 keys, but it looks like I was sent Puzzle Agent 1 keys. So I have those, and I'm working to get the PA2 keys now. Sorry about that.
The Sequel to Edit: I have the PA2 keys now.
Your PM got lost in the shuffle for me this morning. You should have a new code now.
If you hadn't made the offer yesterday, I was planning to pick up JP on Steam at the discounted daily deal of $15, despite already having the deluxe copy.
Thanks again!
Steam is becoming my platform of choice, and I find myself stressing over the management of games not on the platform.
I usually buy my games from Tell Tale shop, for support and those excelent collectors editions, but I'd rather be able to have them also on steam..
Please consider having this as an option (steam keys) on your download page.
Thank you for all the great games!
I'm backed up on getting these keys out, and responding to inquiries in general, because we're all out of the office this week and I'm stuck working remotely from a Droid tablet. If you sent me a PM in the last few days, you'll be getting your key soon, and I apologize for the delay.
I've brought up a potential policy change in regards to the Steam keys, but for right now, this is being done as a very limited time offer because of the Steam promotion. The feedback is appreciated, though.
And amazing that your giving up your free time for this
(found this post last week Googling the issue)
What about Poker Night at the Inventory? Will that get Steam keys too in the forseeable future?
Swee1, if you bought Poker Night through us, you should be able to get a Steam key here:
Also, thanks for the Puzzle Agent key! You're the best!
Now here's to hoping this will become general policy and I can switch my other games to Steam as well :P
I second Swee1, you are the best! How many other people would take time out of their days off to help out in a pinch like this?!
And I agree swee1, games are so much easier to manage when you have them all in the Steam library.
You didn't really have to this, but you still did. That's why you are up there as one of the few best game companies around.
But I bought Sam & Max Season 1 back in 2007 (for Windows) and got my physical copy. 6 years later I want to play it again - but since I moved to OS X and my iMac not having an optical drive there is no way for me to play
So how is the current situation concering steam keys? I would love to play Sam & Max again..
If you bought the game in the Telltale store (and as far as I can tell, you did), it should be available for download on the Your Games page.
There are ways to run the PC version on Mac, though (I personally used CrossOver Games - now, just CrossOver -, but people have had success with Wine).
Roger that.
Thanks, I'll go for this method.