Steam Hack?
I just received a message in Steam saying that users' account information including passwords were recently compromised, and that I would be required to change my password n my next login. So, I logged out of Steam and back in again but it didn't ask me to change my password. Has anyone else had a message like this?
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Here we go!
I think I'll move to Canada now. Ciao, folks!
I hope I can do that on the website.
EDIT:Oh wait, I signed up for steam security. That means they need my email as well to get my steam account.
Further, I pay for all Steam purchases with my Paypal account, and Steam won't know my Paypal password nor the payment info that Paypal uses.
Yeah same here.
Im also a paranoid person, so I
deleted the info on the credit cards
Changed my password
And Steam Guard was already on.(thanks browser version of steam)
Overkill? Yes, but I don't care.
And, since I already use at least three different passwords overall (thinking about adding a fourth to it), and one of my passwords has various variations with or without added numbers and / or underscores, I'm probably good.
Getting a tad sick of all these hacks really. Had just gotten over the whole PSN debacle.
See, I have beaten the hackers through LAZINESS.
This is also the reason that I never put my credit card info on the site. That and I'm paranoid.
One of the worst things to wake up to, lately. Changed... well, everything: Pass, email, secret question, both current and previous email passwords.
We really are horrible paranoids, aren't we? Personally, my first thought was that the forum message warning us about the hack, was a message left by hackers.
If they've downloaded the files or cracked them then there's no point.
But. BUUT! What if its like they have access to the database, and files. That would mean that the credit card part would update to me having no card what so ever.
But still, it is a precausion Im taking even if its in vain.
They had access and got the files, no way they're still in the database.
Well then lets hope they honestly haven't gotten our information then. Still deleted/changed everything for good measure.
I think they did. Though I don't think they'll break the encryption, at least not anytime soon.