A peice of the story from Jurassic Park 1

edited November 2011 in Jurassic Park
I just went back and watched the movie over before today and I noticed that Nedry is told the container has enough coolant for 36 hours. I am kind of skeptical that the events in the game will manage to fall in that time period. That is of course only if we are actually going to get the container delivered to whoever. Just something I wondered if anyone else had thought about.

Thoughts anyone?


  • edited November 2011
    maybe one of the bad guys has more gas to fill up the store in the can to make it last longer
  • edited November 2011
    The canister gets refilled with co2 to prolong the cooling when found
    , so there you go.
  • edited November 2011
    Ok, then it really only comes down to how quickly they find it. I can assume that happens quickly enough.
  • edited November 2011
    Don't worry about it ;)
  • edited November 2011
    Well...considering the fragments of the story I've seen, the game starts roughly at the time Nedry shut the park down. This was implied in the April previews where Gerry Harding is checking on the triceratops and sees that the power is out.

    If the canister was first turned on at 7PM, the game has until 7AM two days past that before issues arrise (36 hours = 1 day and a half). Since the power was turned on within that time frame, there's more than enough time for some misguided park employee to get the can and return it to storage.
  • edited November 2011
    As for this last statement I wasn't aware it had a turn on activation.
  • edited November 2011
    It's vague in the film... but I saw the can as sort of a small self contained refrigeration unit that would turn on when it was needed (How I do not know, maybe the weight of the embryo on the center metal structure). It would make sense considering the value of the coolant to the embryos inside. You wouldn't make such a device in the USA, fill it with coolant and then fly it to Costa Rica. At best that would take care of at least 1/4th the tank before anything really occurred.

    Even if it was done that way (filled then sent to Costa Rica) , Nedry would still have a day or so to get it to the mainland... so there's still some time.
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