Episode 3 Download Button Does Not Appear - Others All Present & Work

I've sent off an email to support but thought I'd setup my forum account and test the waters and see if there was some simple trick to solving this problem that someone here might be aware of...

After buying and downloading and playing Episode 1 I went ahead and upgraded to the rest of Season 1 of Sam & Max. All went fine except Episode 3's green download button does not appear and instead I get "processing serial number or unlock code", so I have not been able to download this episode yet. Does anyone have the answer on this? If not I'm sure Support will fix it soon enough.

I look forward to these games and more because I am so tired of hack & slash having come from pitifully replaying missions over and over and over again in Guild Wars until I gave up and playing Gothic 3, Knights of the Nine, Shivering Isles and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. I almost forgot my Adventure roots.



  • edited May 2007
    So I looked a little harder and found the alternate download path. Would have deleted my post at this point but can't.:)
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    This sometimes happens after checkout. The problem usually corrects itself within a few hours.

    I just looked up your order using the email address on your forum account, and episode 3 looks fine now. You can either look up the order here and download the preactivated version, or request an activation key for the one you already downloaded. (Which you may have done already - I haven't checked the support mail yet this morning.)
  • edited May 2007
    Thanks Emily. The problem did fix itself. I elected to redownload and installed it on top of itself again and it seems to be properly activated and running fine now.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2007
    Great! Enjoy the game. :)
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