Coolest Deaths!

edited November 2011 in Jurassic Park
What are some of you guys favorite ways of getting eaten by dinosaurs?

One of mine if when Harding is climbing the ladder of the Para enclosure in chapter 2 to escape the raptors, don't hit the prompt button and the raptor jumps up, grabs his leg and tears him away from the ladder and they both fall to the ground, as the pack eats him alive.

Whats your favorite?:D


  • edited November 2011
    This thread is going to be full of spoilers.

    I really like what happens to Harding when you fail the button mashing while trying to make it from the wrecked jeep to the maintenance shed and the dinosaurs are charging each other.
  • edited November 2011
    Nima throwing the knife at oscar
  • edited November 2011
    I like the one where Hispanic Brock Samson Oscar kills the Raptor.

    Oscar Morales: Bringing a knife to a Raptor fight.
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