Question for telltale devs (telltale engine)

edited November 2011 in General Chat
I was just wondering if you have used the excact same engine for all your games ?
I am not complaining about the graphics because I appreciate a good story and I think the telltale graphics has a charm of its own.

Just wondering


  • edited November 2011
    from what I understand it is... but it has evolved with each new release.
  • edited November 2011
    One of the videos somewhere has them talking about it. Yes, it's the same engine, but they've done new things with it with most newer games. They keep experimenting and have said that they wont be looking at using a different one until they feel this one is holding them back creatively(which hasn't happened and isn't likely to happen soon as they've stated there are some ideas they have not even explored yet).
  • edited November 2011
    Every game uses the Telltale Tool, but it's regularly updated.
  • edited November 2011
    If they want some assistance coding import functionality for old assets so we can get updated versions of Sam & Max, I would gladly help out.
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