Stuck in Episode 4- At the bloody map

edited November 2011 in Jurassic Park
Ok, I've gone down all four options for corridors in Episode 4 , Sc. 3- The Map.

I chose every path, and they were all the wrong path- all ending in Troodon frenzy deaths.

What do I do? Which path do I choose?



  • edited November 2011
    I "X"ed out all the incorrect ones and circled the correct one. If you want me to just give it away,
    it's the top left choice I believe...either top or bottom I don't exactly remember
    . I've only played through once so far, so if the choices rotate, you might be stuck with trial and error.
  • edited November 2011
  • edited November 2011
    That puzzle seemed a bit too luck based to me; for one
    2 of 3 descriptions mentioned pipes crossing the ceiling half way down the corridor; yet on the map they crossed right at the entrance.
    And there was not even the faintest hit of a legend or key to give a hint as to what the symbols were meant to represent to help make it clearer which objects were what; opposed to just having to go 2 sqs there 2 blobs there might be right lets try...ok tht wasnt so boxes aren't x and or blobs arent y
  • Sinaz20Sinaz20 Telltale Alumni
    edited November 2011
    In all fairness, all these things you mention are there. Laura has a dialog option that will reveal exactly what the symbols mean if they are too ambiguous. Each of the other characters can ask for a little hint about what is significant. But you know-- round tanks are round, square boxes are square, long pipes are long, ladders are drawn as ladders.

    Most of the details in the corridors are red herrings, and one optional defining feature has only a subtle difference.

    The solution doesn't rotate... you don't have to guess at all.

    There's a surplus of unique features.

    I mentioned this with Back to the Future where people thought the password to the speakeasy puzzle was a simple random guessing game--

    You will NEVER face a puzzle in a Telltale Game where your success is merely a roll of the die and you just have to keep guessing until you luck out. (Except Poker Night... yeah... ok, but that relies on a random deck :P )

    In fact, all the puzzles in the game (and in ep 4-- the one I designed) can be brute forced into a solution. That is, you can just try every answer without thinking about it. But there's no luck requirement. There is a discrete solution to every puzzle and the clues to solve it are somewhere in the environment.
  • edited November 2011
    I enjoyed this puzzle it was tricky but not impossible to figure out. It was nice to have a challenge.
  • edited November 2011
    Yes, you can figure it out. I just didn't feel like turning the game on to find the map and explain what everything was and the verbal clues corresponding to them. If you can't figure it out, looking it up, or guess. why not? There's only 4 choices. Yeah, unless you happened to click on that particular item(in BTTF) before the door, you'd be lost. Fortunately, I happened to and got it right away. At least here, the question to the problem doesnt change on you.

    I had a harder problem with the rail cars...why? simply because i didnt know 4 fit on the track for about 10min and i kept switching them around thinking I only had 2 slots available :P took me 30seconds after I figured that out lol
  • edited November 2011
    Johro wrote: »
    Yes, you can figure it out. I just didn't feel like turning the game on to find the map and explain what everything was and the verbal clues corresponding to them. If you can't figure it out, looking it up, or guess. why not? There's only 4 choices. Yeah, unless you happened to click on that particular item(in BTTF) before the door, you'd be lost. Fortunately, I happened to and got it right away. At least here, the question to the problem doesnt change on you.

    I had a harder problem with the rail cars...why? simply because i didnt know 4 fit on the track for about 10min and i kept switching them around thinking I only had 2 slots available :P took me 30seconds after I figured that out lol

    God, I'm with you on the car puzzle thing.

    What's funny is my gut instinct on the corridor puzzle was right, but I second guessed myself.
  • edited November 2011
    Johro wrote: »
    I had a harder problem with the rail cars...why? simply because i didnt know 4 fit on the track for about 10min and i kept switching them around thinking I only had 2 slots available :P took me 30seconds after I figured that out lol

    Same here, felt like a right idiot afterwards especially because the puzzle starts with 4 cars on the track. I remember I moved one off straight away and then went to do the other stuff that you have to do so when I got back to that part I forgot you could have up to 4 cars on the track.
  • edited November 2011
    For the BluePrint Puzzle you have to figure out which of the 4 maps is the "1" you are actually inside of. The other 3 could be anywhere, miles away, above or below you.

    Nima represents the top of the map what she sees is the Top part of the map. Billy represents the Right part of the map what he sees is the right part of the map. And Gerry represents the Left part of the map what he sees is the left part of the map.

    Start with Nima, find all 4 of the clues (pipes, ladders, pipes, vents) remember where they are (far away close to you left side right side) then go to the blueprints and find the 1 that does not match up with Nima's description then eliminate it (click on it and choose the X)

    Now Choose Billy, find all 4 of the clues (pipes, ladders, pipes, vents) remember where they are (far away close to you left side right side) then go to the blueprints and find the 1 that does not match up with Billy's description then eliminate it (click on it and choose the X)

    Finally Choose Gerry, find all 4 of the clues (pipes, ladders, pipes, vents) remember where they are (far away close to you left side right side) then go to the blueprints and find the 1 that does not match up with Gerry's description then eliminate it (click on it and choose the X)

    Now you will have your correct location and can circle it to move on.

    Hope this help without revealing which one it it.
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