How different?

edited November 2011 in Jurassic Park
How different would watching a Let's Play or Long Play of this game be from actually "playing" it? I'm being completely serious here. Can I get basically the same experience without wasting the $29.99?


  • edited November 2011
    As shallow as QTE gameplay sounds in theory, the illusion of true interaction that telltale achieved in JP is something you will not achieve by watching it play out.
    However, if someone did tidy it up and created a proper machinima, it would be up there with the Anachronox machinima as a genre defining work.
  • edited November 2011
    Well... If I am completely honest you would enjoy a great story if you just watched it, but half the fun was figuring out the puzzles and being part of the frantic dinosaur attacks... they keep you on your toes... episode four especially...

    So NO you would not be wasting your money if you bought it...
  • edited November 2011
    I would imagine just watching it would be enjoyable, but not as much as actually playing. Sure its not too much more than pushing a few buttons (during the action scenes) but its much more rewarding to have escaped the dinosaurs yourself in a sense, rather than just see the character do it, especially during a scene where your having some trouble getting the timing right and going "doh! dino ate me Dx" which is fun in of itself, but then actually beating that part and having that feeling of accomplishment.

    Even if all you did was push x enough to make it through :P

    Plus there are some puzzles which are always more fun figuring out on your own, rather than watching someone else do it for you.
  • edited November 2011
    You won't miss much by just watching. The puzzles (if you can call them that) are simply obvious obligatory and annoying steps to continue on to next (unskippable) cutscene. I'm not exagerating. Of course, I haven't finished it (and probably won't).
  • edited November 2011
    You won't miss much by just watching. The puzzles (if you can call them that) are simply obvious obligatory and annoying steps to continue on to next (unskippable) cutscene. I'm not exagerating. Of course, I haven't finished it (and probably won't).
    You'd miss the interactivity (what little there is according to some) that is associated with it. Camera movements, dialogue options, and watching rather than inputting is a big difference. The same could be said of watching someone play any game and actually playing it. I'm a fan of investigating and seeing all of the possible options so I'll die, I'll look at obscure objects, etc. You miss this in a static playthrough on YouTube.

    I guess you'd get the story, which is great but you'd miss out on some more in-depth parts depending on dialogue choices.

    I hope to get a transcript of the game up of JP Wikia at some point.
  • edited November 2011
    In-depth parts depending on dialogue choices? Nothing you say or do has any bearing on the plot or gameplay development in the least. Like I said, he's not missing much. If I know Lamb like I think I do, he'll agree.
  • edited November 2011
    In-depth parts depending on dialogue choices? Nothing you say or do has any bearing on the plot or gameplay development in the least. Like I said, he's not missing much. If I know Lamb like I think I do, he'll agree.

    Right it has nothing to do with gameplay or the end result, but there is deeper information if one were to go in and get it.

    But to each his own.
  • edited November 2011
    I've gotta say, if there wasn't the problem of the interface showing, I'd love to edit a movie version out of the game.
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