Game Difficulty Options

edited November 2011 in Jurassic Park
Was anyone else disappointed that there is no difficulty option in the game? Playing on the PC, I found many of the action scenes just gave you too little time to complete. Now before you all call me a pussy, let me explain a little bit.

I love Jurassic Park... always have. The scenery and dinosaurs were always put together so well that when rewatching the movies, I'd often pause the movie or rewatch scenes just to take in the beauty of this amazing "world" they have created and the inhabitants that live there. I also have always loved the way Telltale has created the worlds in which we get to explore. I have fully enjoyed exploring every nook and cranny of games such as BttF and ToMI, reading signs, talking to everyone and really checking out the artistic prospective of things. This is what I really miss about this game.

Theres countless times, when you are being chased, that you must bang out a sequence of buttons in order to survive. This idea in itself I like very much. Controlling your fate in such a way is new to the usual adventure game and it really breathed some fresh air into the genre. But I'm a born and bred Point & Clicker, and Telltale, whether ya like it or not, you kinda are too... :p

There are so many buttons, and so little time to hit them, you end up missing all the very exciting action scenes, and if you do stop for a 1/4 second to check out your amazing surroundings and this awesome beast chasing you, you trip over a twig and die... Yeah I'm sure all the hardcore console/action/brutal "gimme a gun and lets kill 'em" type gamers are fine with the speed of the game, but telltale must realize that a majority of Telltale fans are proud to say we are not these type of gamers...

A simple way to fix this whole issue is a Difficulty option. A simple Easy/Medium/Hard would have made this game so much better in my opinion, for it would cater to both action gamers and the us adventure gamers. It would also help for those PC gamers (such as myself) that dont have top of the line machines, the difference between easy and hard really doesnt have to be much, just a little more time limit so i can watch the awesomeness of this creature as it tries destroying me, rather than having to be pre-occupied with smashing buttion sequences...

Basicly what I'm trying to say is now tht you got your foot in the "Console" door, dont slam that door in us point and clickers faces

But enough of the complaining... I'm half way through and the storyline is AMAZING!! I love how everything is intertwined so well with the movie and all in all, the graphics are very nicely done. Just dont forget about us point and clickers Telltale, for you were once one! (and I hope still are :( ) hehehe

PS: PLEASEEEEEE, difficulty options on The Walking Dead!!! :D


  • edited November 2011
    I am completely your opinion :)
  • edited November 2011
    thank you marko, im happy i'm not the only one that feels this way. anyone else agree?
  • edited November 2011
    Yes, I agree, but I found something interesting while playing last night. During the final sprint from the T-Rex, I kept failing. After a few times, the repeated button press became much easier. Could it be that the game automatically adjusts to repeated failures?
  • edited November 2011
    kwool wrote: »
    Yes, I agree, but I found something interesting while playing last night. During the final sprint from the T-Rex, I kept failing. After a few times, the repeated button press became much easier. Could it be that the game automatically adjusts to repeated failures?

    Yep, the game automatically scales difficulty down if you fail a certain amount of times.
  • edited November 2011
    After playing twice on the xbox, once on the PC with mouse controls, and starting again on the PC with a gamepad...

    The PC mouse controls are a joke. The game is pathetically easy compared to its gamepad counterparts. Any every action is mapped to the arrow keys, so there is no quick second of hesitation of what button it could be during action sequences... kind of takes all the tension/difficulty out of the game. Something like JPTG wasn't meant for a keyboard, at least not the QTEs. I also felt like the scenes where you were looking around felt much more natural using a controller to look around the scene, as opposed to a mouse. Same with dialogue and switching areas, its pretty clear the game is tailored to a gamepad.

    That being said, the PC game does have superior graphics to the Xbox, which is why I'm playing it again on the PC! :D
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