A game based from adam sandler

edited November 2011 in General Chat
who thinks there should be a game, where you can play as adam sandler, and the actual voices too, and you can make your own choices of words:D also a lot of really funny comedy scenes, and which company do you think should create a game like this?


  • edited November 2011
    No. I can't stand Adam Sandler even when he's in a relatively short movie much less a game that would probably last twenty hours or more.
  • edited November 2011
    I'm not on-board either.
  • edited November 2011
    Yeah... I cant say I would buy that game... I do not hate his movies... but I do not really find them all that entertaining either....

    Punch-Drunk Love was a great film... but something tells me that is not the kind of game you were thinking of.
  • edited November 2011
    Nope, I think you're on your own here bloodkiller
  • edited November 2011
    Adam Sandler is certainly an acquired taste; one that I haven't bothered to adapt to.
  • edited November 2011

    "Uh...Adam Sandler is...the main character in...a point-and-click adventure game, and he has to...use items on...stuff."
  • edited November 2011
    Bloodkiller, from now on, instead of posting a new thread every time you come up with a new game idea you'd like to see Telltale do, please confine them to one thread. I would recommend "Stuff I'd like to see Telltale do", but someone went and ruined that thread, so go ahead and start a new one of your own.
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