wicked glitches

edited December 2011 in Jurassic Park
put in the most wicked and weirdest glitch that happened to you while playing the game:)


  • edited November 2011
    When the Rexy sticks his head in the cage in the final episode, shadows have gone crazy in repeated occations.

    Also, in the final episode, when Jess and Gerry are chatting by that exposition in the aquarium, one of the dialog options makes Jess glitch and stand/sit frozen mid animation.
  • edited November 2011
    right before gerry almost hits nima, saw nima in the passenger sit window, also at the visitor center when gerry pushes the crate on the t-rex the crate floats above gerry lol
  • edited November 2011
    I haven't had a huge glitch that stood out. i have the xbox version so maybe thats why i haven't had a bad glitch.
  • edited November 2011
    Part 1 where you are in the jeep, When the triceratops attacks you I was watching my friend Play MW3 then all of sudden Jessie disappeared for the whole chapter. It was weird because when you dodge the trex and pull her out of the car I was pulling air. lol Just wait don't do anything and don't pull any of the wires and it should Happen.
  • edited November 2011
    My biggest glitch was in the middle of episode 1 when you first see the Dilophosaurus my mouse cursor disappeared. It was hard during exploration sequences.
  • edited November 2011
    I paused the game immediately after exiting the caves following the underwater level, and when I resumed the game started in the middle of Nima and Billy's fight... and Billy was replaced by the stick he is supposed to use to club Harding. It was quite comical seeing Nima arguing and fighting with a floating and talking stick.
  • edited November 2011
    I paused the game immediately after exiting the caves following the underwater level, and when I resumed the game started in the middle of Nima and Billy's fight... and Billy was replaced by the stick he is supposed to use to club Harding. It was quite comical seeing Nima arguing and fighting with a floating and talking stick.

  • edited November 2011
    ok is this weird, i had a problem, i was playing a while ago and through out episode 1 instead of t-rex it showed a dilophosaurs, it made the same sounds as a t-rex though, this was really weird, a really big dilo
  • edited November 2011
    Seeing Nima's super elastic elbow; in Episode 1, when she's trying to start the jeep with the key and the Dilo's on the Jeep's hood.
  • edited December 2011
    :) I don't know if this was just me or what, or even if this would be the area seeing how it really wasn't an issue more of a cosmetic thing, but the Jeep in one of the scenes to do with the Triceratops (near the start when he is explaining to his daughter) the jeep just disappears from being next to the map, and is back in the next one... clearly showing the jeep right next to the map. :eek:
  • edited December 2011
    Not as bad as the glitch I saw where the tour car falls over on its side out front of the visitor center.....and then proceeds to move down the track as the T-Rex follows.

    So hilarious.
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