Sam & Max: Devils Playhouse all episodes camera glitch on steam
On steam i had S&M DP and the camera was fixed in one spot for episode 2 and i t would not move. So i looked a LP of the game and moved on to episode 3, i had the same problem and so on and so on. I demand compensation, i feel like i was ripped off, i tried everything believe me this was my last resort.
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evrey scene
No in 2 samun mak glitched so i went to 3 all was fine until 5 when the camera fixed in one spot. I demand a refund of some sorts, i feel like you guys said we dont care lets release it with bugs! I am a huge TT fan since your first game so i am angry how badly Sam and Max was treated bugs wise
Pardon my grammar on that, i meant that 2 glitched, everything was fine till 5 when the camera fixed to one spot on every part of the game even if i restarted.
My grammar sucks, i had problems with 3 but not game breaking ones besides one save glitch which was my fault since my i turned off my PC in game. Sorry if i am being unclear here.
You might want to try verifying the integrity of the game cache in Steam, to make sure your installs aren't corrupted.
They cannot offer reufunds either it is "policy" I guess I am never using steam and buying a TellTale game again.
I am trying to be nice, sorry if I come of weird but I really had to choose if I should be straightforward and bash this game breaking glitch or just blow it off, I chose bashing since it may help Telltale rethink quality control (Bashing as in criticizing).
I played Season 3, as thousands of other people did. I didn't experience a problem of this behavior, and nobody else did. Nobody, but you, apparently. Therefore the situation you're in isn't to be explained by THEIR quality control; it's probably caused by your computer and you have no right to act like the king of all consumers. The very customer support of the company is trying to HELP you, but you're all on about "the quality control" and "I demand a refund" like an, excuse my propers, inconsiderate rearhat.
First, EXPLAIN YOUR PROBLEM THROUGHOUTLY. Be spesific. In actually WHICH camera angle at WHICH scene in WHICH episode you're having problems? Is there any input you enter that triggers this problem? Can you provide a screenshot of the said issue of yours?
Give us your system specs. Dxdiag info. Buhh.. Anything that may make use in order to at least deduce the source of such a problem.
I have the exact same problem, although it only started in the last episode (305). I've just returned from the Inventory (in act 2) where I picked up the roach. Once I appear in the "Legs", I see the room correctly for a moment, then the camera zooms in on the tube and refuses to move afterwards. This makes it impossible to click on the other tube to leave the room.
I can sort-of move around by clicking on the Enzymes, and from there on to other jars, but the perspective gets narrower and narrower and eventually I'm left completely stuck. Quitting and loading a save game doesn't help, after loading I'm in the same situation. It looks like the game is entering a special focus-mode, and not (ever) letting go of the focus. I didn't have the problem in any of the other episodes.
Windows 7, 64-bit, 1920x1080, quad-core, 8GB RAM - drop me a line if you want me to send you my save games and/or screenshots.
I'll try playing to this point again, see if it does any better on a second attempt.
I've played it again (with a guide, this time), starting from scratch, and ran into the exact same problem in the exact same spot.
Please try starting the game again, and when you experience the issue, please try switching the game to Windowed Mode using the shortcut (Alt+Enter for PC) and see if you are then able to see the game correctly. If so, please then try changing the game's resolution and graphics settings to a lower setting, and click Apply. Then try switching back to Full Screen Mode by using the same shortcut, and your issue should then be resolved.
If you still experience the issue, you can also try deleting your prefs.prop file from the file directory for the game here:
C:\Users\YOURNAME\Documents\Telltale Games\The City That Dares Not Sleep\
and restart the episode, and see if you are then able to play through the episode successfully.