BTTF The Game. Changing the Audio Voices
Hello, i'm trying to change the audio of the BTTF game, to dub it into my lenguage (only to have the satisfaction of hearing it in my lenguage). I am investigating but there are some things that I don't understand.
I know that, to change the text it is easy, but, what happens with the voices?. I have the tools of telltales games to extract all the voices, and I have the tool to convert the voices that I have made into TTARCH files. But, it doesn't work.
I supose that I make something wrong. Maybe I need to change one file that I didn't change, or to create another more archive. I don't know.
All my dubbed voices have the .VOX of the V.O voices in the game, and the same numeration.
If anybody know how to change the voices, will be great.
Thank you all, and regards.
I know that, to change the text it is easy, but, what happens with the voices?. I have the tools of telltales games to extract all the voices, and I have the tool to convert the voices that I have made into TTARCH files. But, it doesn't work.
I supose that I make something wrong. Maybe I need to change one file that I didn't change, or to create another more archive. I don't know.
All my dubbed voices have the .VOX of the V.O voices in the game, and the same numeration.
If anybody know how to change the voices, will be great.
Thank you all, and regards.
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As of right now, there is no German-voice version of the BTTF game. Only the subtitles are in German.
The tools you have mentioned are not official, which basically means you can't do anything with them except, maybe, listen to English-voices or Music. There is no voice-translator and I doubt Telltale would ask their customers to manually replace voices using third party software.
In other words, you'll just have to play BTTF with German subtitles and it's the closest you'll get.
OR you could wait for a German release.
EDIT: Wait, I started doing a little digging around. I don't remember seeing the german version launched, yet I see it on Steam. Just a sec, I'll get back to you soon.
EDIT2: Okay, as far as I understood... IF you bought the game from telltale's site, you need to go to your games page and re-download it. Before you re-download it you need to select your language (German).
Before you install it, you need to uninstall the version you have. Remember, this works only if you've bought the game through telltale (not Steam or other site). Install the German version and, theoretically, it should work.
Let me know, please, where you bought your game from and if it worked.
I'm not German, I'm from Spain. I bought the game becouse I am the biggest fan in the world of BTTF. It is for me a deception that, the game that I was waiting for a long time ago, didn't have the voices from the spanish Dub of the film (in spain).
For this reason (and it is what i asked for), i want to make my OWN dub of the game, and I would like to know if you, or anybody in the forum or in the world, know how to change the audio voice files, to remplace it with my dub audio voice in spanish (it is a friky fanatic BTTF obsesion, but, it is what i would to do, once that Telltale didn't gave to me my illusion of hearing the voices wich I expected). -Wellcome to the world of the distribution to other countries-
I know that, every european country have differents voices for Marty, Doc, Biff, and all the others characters, and we haven't got it in the game, what, for the people who loves this TRILOGY, is the biggest fail in the history of the videogames fails.
I love the movie, I have the game, and I would like to love it too.
Thank you for all, and regards.
Oh, Spanish!! Aha, got it.
As far as I know, there is ONLY a German version of the game, with German voices. The other version is in English.
There are no other versions at all... not official anyway. As for replacing the files yourself, I'm sorry but I can't help you with that.
Maybe if you find such a company in Spain, you might be able to talk to them and see if they're interested. It's a longshot... but you never know.
I hope you find a solution
Firstly, I don't understand how it's a deception considering that nowhere did TellTale say they were dubbing the game into Spanish or using the voices of the Spanish dub. And while on that topic, that would be costly for TellTale, and they did well enough securing the likeness rights, DMC trademark rights, and the talents of Christopher Lloyd and Michael J. Fox.
Thanks for the clarification Mcfly77.