Puzzle Agent (Mac SteamPlay) : puzzles not showing correctly

edited January 2012 in Game Support

I just bought Puzzle Agent on Steam and I'm having problems to see the puzzles correctly rendered on my MacBook 13" (Intel HD 3000).

For example, the "Tapeworm twister" puzzles shows as:


the tapeworms are missing! (at least it doesn't look like the youtube videos for the same puzzle)

I have tried changing the resolution and also tried in windows mode/fullscreen, always the same result.

EDIT: By the way, the puzzles shows ok in my iMac, this only happens in my MacBook (hd3000)


  • edited January 2012
  • edited January 2012
    Not much we can do to troubleshoot that, unfortunately. That chipset isn't really meant for gaming. Driver updates can help on the PC side, but that's not really an option on a Mac.
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