Hugh Bliss Fanart (Slightly Spoilery)

edited August 2007 in Sam & Max
Just doodled up a picture of Hugh Bliss to get some drawing practice in for the day.


I know the moustache is way off, but that's how I'm used to doodling him now (most of my Hugh Bliss sketches are drawn without reference, apparently =P).

Just thought I'd share it! :p


  • edited May 2007
    ahahah eeeevil! His legs are a little off but I LOVE his expression.. He looks completely psychotic! ahahaha
  • edited May 2007
    Nice man, he looks like he's on something...exactly the way he should look XD
    Hi, I'm Hugh Bliss. *Ding*
  • edited May 2007
    Not Bad..
  • edited May 2007
    Even though the art is wigglily, I think you got his personality down through your depiction without stereotyping. I mean the pose screams fruity (in a non stereotypical way imo) and magical! I like it!!
  • edited May 2007
    doom saber wrote: »
    Even though the art is wigglily, I think you got his personality down through your depiction without stereotyping. I mean the pose screams fruity (in a non stereotypical way imo) and magical! I like it!!

    There's no pedosmile though. It's not Hugh Bliss without the pedosmile.
  • edited May 2007
    Pedosmile? Har har, that's a new one! :p Anyone ever notice Hugh looks kind of like Colonel Sanders? Mmmmm, chicken...
  • edited May 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    Pedosmile? Har har, that's a new one! :p Have fun!

    (is linking to Maddox' site alright? Hope I'm not crossing any lines here)
  • edited May 2007
    Yeah, I figured that's what it meant. :p
  • edited May 2007
    MrSneeze wrote: »

    "Notice the telltale sign..."

    He mentioned telltale there, har har :D
  • edited May 2007
    Oh dear god... hahahah thats amusing but so so wrong..
  • edited May 2007
    It's kind of amusing, but tainted by my hatred of the man who runs that website. Even when I agree with his opinions, he expresses them so moronically...
  • edited August 2007
    Sorry for the 2 and half month bump, but I thought it's better this way than making another topic about the same thing.

    Anyways, I've been practicing my art (I hope it shows =P) and scribbled up this in Paint the other day. I really didn't put that much effort into the body, and I might redo it if it annoys me enough (I hate looking through my pictures folder because seeing things I drew even a month before make me angry that I was so bad. The following picture will probably get it's fair share of hate from me in a month or two as well).

    Anyway, here's more Hugh, this time saying one of my favourite quotes of his but in poor handwriting.


    MS Paint is now officially my favourite programme by the way. Except for the "3 undoes only" and "poor drawing tablet support".
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