Avatar The Last Airbender The Legend of Korra

edited September 2013 in General Chat
ok! its been a while since they made more, and finally a new season:D:D:D:D If you ever watched Avatar The Last Airbender you will love this, but sadly the main character isnt Aang its a waterbender this time as he sets out on his jouney, here is the website for the trailer:D
hope you enjoyed! coming this year:D


  • edited January 2012
    Yeah a bit more info.

    Its apparantly a new war of benders vs nonbenders(Gee I wonder who would win that one)

    It takes place 100 or so years after the tv show, with only Katara and Toph being the only ones alive(I think).

    Aang and Katara's son is in it as an airbender(gee, aang wasnt the last airbender).

    It takes place in a new town that Aang and Zuko founded.
  • edited January 2012
    no way thats cool im not all happy its been what 6 or 5 years this better be better them the other one
  • edited January 2012
    I'm excited about this! Especially since it's a girl! Very smart move! Plenty of opportunities for branching the story out in ways they couldn't do with Aang.

    Can't wait! :D
  • edited January 2012
    I'm excited about this! Especially since it's a girl! Very smart move! Plenty of opportunities for branching the story out in ways they couldn't do with Aang.

    Can't wait! :D

    (did I say his lol whoops) also I could of put more detail but the trailer sommuns her up
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited September 2013
    I finally just finished watching Book One. I was very impressed with this season, and considering it was supposed to be the end of the series as a whole (since The Legend of Korra was only supposed to consist of a 12 episode "miniseries"), I thought they managed to resolve everything (mostly) well at the end (
    although I would have liked to see Korra address the people at the end letting the people know that non-benders would have equal representation in the government and law enforcement, since those two aspects of the Equalists' concerns seemed valid and weren't resolved by the end

    The thing I really liked about this season was that they
    used the power to permanently remove bending ability from a person to make the Equalists a true threat. That power really seemed like just a deus ex machina last season that was only put in place to get over the fact that Aang couldn't kill someone in a Nickelodeon show
    , but considering how dark this season got,
    even with Korra nearly committing suicide at the end
    , that doesn't seem as likely now.

    I like that Aang's power at the end of The Last Airbender is now shown to just be a natural evolution of ability, which is one of the main themes of The Legend of Korra.
    Toph developed the ability to metal bend in The Last Airbender, and now her daughter and a whole bunch of other earthbenders can do it as well. Tarrlok and Amon's father was shown to be the first waterbender to be able to bloodbend without needing a full moon to enhance his power, and he taught that power to his sons. Amon took it farther by developing the power to permanently remove a person's bending ability through bloodbending.

    I really like how at the end,
    the spirit of Aang bestowed upon Korra the ability to energybend, much like the lion turtle did with Aang at the end of The Last Airbender
    . It really brought the series full circle.

    And the fact that Korra only connected with her spirit side when
    she decided to live as a regular bender and not as the Avatar (after deciding not to commit suicide) worked very well. At that point, she finally came to peace with herself, rather than just as a symbol. So it made absolute sense (and it was done gently enough that the fact that Korra almost killed herself would likely fly right over the head of the younger viewers).

    I thought it was really well done. I liked this season about as much as I did the final season of The Last Airbender (which was my favorite). I really hope they can keep this quality going into the next three seasons. It will certainly be interesting to see where they go from here since most things seem pretty resolved as this was meant to be a self-contained miniseries rather than one season out of four.
  • edited December 2012
    Huh. I did not read that extra bit into Korra's depression that you did. I only recently got into the Avatar universe and loved every bit of both series, but I honestly think
    Aang giving Korra energybending AND restoring her bending should have been another episode or so, or an entire arc of Korra having to come to terms with what she lost and slowly coming to grips with her spiritual problems before meeting Aang and getting her bending back. Also, she now has a lot of work to do by restoring bending to so many that lost it.
  • The second book, Spirits, has started. I really like how this series is diverging from Aang's series, but still manages to make it feel like it all fits in the same world. :)

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