The Board/Card Game Thread

edited February 2012 in General Chat
Hey guys!

So I've been reading up in a few places, about loads of cool board games out there. (Many practically being videogames themselves! XD)

And I have an itch to buy a new boardgame to play.

So I made this thread to see if I can get some recommendations.

Now as much as I love Monopoly and Scrabble, I want something a bit more involving than that.

Something that I could get say someone else who doesn't play videogames to play, but have some meat to it.
(Sorry mousetrap, as much as I love you, you are just too DARN EASY!)

I was thinking card games too, since they can be easy to get into as well.


  • edited February 2012
    One word for you, my friend.


    It's like chess: learning how to use each piece is pretty easy, but mastering the game takes a serious amount of skill.
  • edited February 2012
    Right now, Munchkin is my favorite card game. I own Munchkin Impossible, the spy version, but it's even better when you combine sets.
  • edited February 2012
    I will forever love Boggle, Uno, Skip-Bo, Monopoly, and Clue. Some of the best family experiences of my life involve one of these five games.

    I have a personal love for Chess but I don't get to play much. And I'm not really that great. I just like to play.

    EDIT: Oh, and Milles Bornes.
  • edited February 2012
    One word for you, my friend.


    It's like chess: learning how to use each piece is pretty easy, but mastering the game takes a serious amount of skill.
    I second this. It's a bit simple but I love it.

    I've always wanted to learn how to play Go but nobody ever wants to play with me. :(
  • edited February 2012
    Shogun. Oh how I love that game, but I can never find anyone who will play it with me because it can take upwards of three to four hours (sometimes longer) to play. It's basically like a physical version of a multiplayer RTS game, except slightly more turn based. But yeah, it's fun, you take over feudal Japan, build castles, and assassinate the other players' daimyo's with your ninja. Yep, you can hire a ninja. I think that should be enough to show why this game rocks.
  • edited February 2012
    Zombie Fluxx. Also Stoner Fluxx if you are open minded, as the rules of that one actually require smoking CENSORED. (There, that should probably cover your ass legally)
  • edited February 2012
    So I've been looking around some more, (bought an iPhone board game to satiate my hunger, while I look for something), and I've got a few down.

    - Trivial Pursuit (I got a mobile version on another phone, that was good for a quick play. My family like quiz games, so its a decent fit)

    - Monty Python Fluxx

    -Forbidden Island (Looks like a good game to get another person into)

    Ideally, it would be nice to get a board game I could also play single player. It sounds crazy, but its REALLY, REALLY hard to get anyone who's not my best friend to ever play board games with me. (As a family we only ever play Scrabble or Monopoly and it ALWAYS leads to fights)

    Maybe some decent videogame adaptions might keep me going for a while?
  • edited February 2012
    So I've been looking around some more, (bought an iPhone board game to satiate my hunger, while I look for something), and I've got a few down.

    - Trivial Pursuit (I got a mobile version on another phone, that was good for a quick play. My family like quiz games, so its a decent fit)

    - Monty Python Fluxx

    -Forbidden Island (Looks like a good game to get another person into)

    Ideally, it would be nice to get a board game I could also play single player. It sounds crazy, but its REALLY, REALLY hard to get anyone who's not my best friend to ever play board games with me. (As a family we only ever play Scrabble or Monopoly and it ALWAYS leads to fights)

    Maybe some decent videogame adaptions might keep me going for a while?

    How bout Magic The Gathering? trolololo
    Or perhaps a bit of the old Dungeons Or Inversely Dragons?
  • edited February 2012
    lovetodo22 wrote: »
    How bout Magic The Gathering? trolololo
    Or perhaps a bit of the old Dungeons Or Inversely Dragons?

    Got both version of Duels of the Planeswalkers on PC, but I kind of prefer Yu-Gi-Oh a little more.
    (And I'm a bit tired of that game)

    And D'n'D I tried that once. Over the net. It went alright, but again, I had to stop because I was too noisy. :/

    Plus I'd never get my best friend to ever play D'n'D with me. As much as he loves RPGs, he's not got the greatest imagination, and would not quite see the magic behind the game.
    (My other friend used to play D'n'D at school, but he's far too busy with uni for us to meet up these days sadly)
  • edited February 2012
    Got both version of Duels of the Planeswalkers on PC, but I kind of prefer Yu-Gi-Oh a little more.
    (And I'm a bit tired of that game)

    And D'n'D I tried that once. Over the net. It went alright, but again, I had to stop because I was too noisy. :/

    Plus I'd never get my best friend to ever play D'n'D with me. As much as he loves RPGs, he's not got the greatest imagination, and would not quite see the magic behind the game.
    (My other friend used to play D'n'D at school, but he's far too busy with uni for us to meet up these days sadly)

    Then why not try some drinking games. THOSE are fun!
  • edited February 2012
    I am loving Rummykub at the moment... I learnt to play it while I was in France. It's kinda like rummy but with tiles. It's a lot of fun!
  • edited February 2012
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