Why has Quest for Glory never been re-released?

The main Sierra "Quest" series were re-released twice post 2000, with Vivendi re-releasing the 2006 Collections of KQ, SQ, PQ and LSL; The same games were re-released for modern PCs by Gog.com last year. Gog also re-released many other Sierra games like the Gabriel Knight series, Phantasmagoria series, SWAT series and quite a few others

But why hasn't Quest for Glory been re-released all this time? It was arguably in the A list of Sierra series along with KQ, SQ, PQ and LSL in terms of popularity, and quality wise was just as great as those. It's one of Sierra's series that really deserves to be re-released so it can be played easily on modern PCs.

The same goes for the Conquests series, Torin's Passage, the Shivers series, and many of Sierra's mid 90s adventure games like Lighthouse, Rama, and several others. All deserve a re-release on GOG.


  • edited February 2012
    That's a pretty good question. It's no secret that while I'd HEARD of Quest For Glory, I'd never seen it anywhere in the later 90's. For that matter, I never came upon the Leisure Suit Larry collection or Torin's Passage despite being interested especially in the latter. Lighthouse I saw the demo for, and never heard of it again, I thought it was cancelled... I really wish more of these classics were available.

    I'm glad I can buy some of them on Steam (and have with the KQ, SQ, and PQ games sans the remakes sadly) but the others, such as Woodruff & the Schnibble, are forever eluding me.
  • edited February 2012
    Rumor has it that their might be a copyright issues.. In that perhaps Activision doesn't hold all the copyrights... But neither do the Coles... So its stuck in copyright limbo...

    It's may be a similar reason as to why GOG has difficulity accessing some other games such as the official expansion pack to Wing Commander: Privateer, and a few others. Apparently, the copyrights ownership is still in dispute over certain things when the company was bought out by a new one (I don't know if some of these expansions were made by 2nd or 3rd parties)...

    Activision no longer owns LSL... So they can't release those... The new company has those rights, and is doing something with them.

    Gold Rush! is owned by its original developers, who publish it through their company, The Software Farm.

    As for the others, try requesting them through the wantlists at GOG... They are slowly trying to bring in games, based on how much request there are for them. So a game with higher request might have a better chance of being added, than a game with a lower request. After GoG negotiates a deal with the publisher.
    buy some of them on Steam (and have with the KQ, SQ, and PQ games sans the remakes sadly)

    I don't think Steam has PQ, or at least they no longer have it...
  • edited February 2012
    Ah crap, my bad; I meant GOG. I was talking about Steam somewhere else and got my names mixed up.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited February 2012
    I'm moving this to General Chat, please keep the non-KQ threads there. Thanks!
  • edited March 2012
    But why hasn't Quest for Glory been re-released all this time? It was arguably in the A list of Sierra series along with KQ, SQ, PQ and LSL in terms of popularity, and quality wise was just as great as those. It's one of Sierra's series that really deserves to be re-released so it can be played easily on modern PCs.

    You can get a Quest for Glory 2 (and King's Quest 1-3) remake made by fans here.
    Lighthouse I saw the demo for, and never heard of it again, I thought it was cancelled... I really wish more of these classics were available.

    I still have my CD for Lighthouse! It seems like it was Sierra's answer to Myst. It's kinda creepy and a pretty fun game, though there is that classic Sierra frustrating difficulty.
  • edited March 2012
    if you want to know why the quest for glory is never re-released, play QFG 3, it is not only bad, the ending ruins all the games
  • edited March 2012
    Because the people who run Activision are a bunch of clueless boneheads who wouldn't know a good game if it smacked them in the face.
  • edited March 2012
    It is sad as QGF is my second fav Sierra series after Space Quest. I do know the last few QGF games have a fair amount of bugs, this is especially true for QGF4, and they may not want to re-release them in that state.
  • edited March 2012
    There are fan-made patches that fix all the bugs already, so they shouldn't be much of a problem.
  • edited March 2012
    seibert999 wrote: »
    play QFG 3, it is not only bad, the ending ruins all the games

    I don't know what's so bad about it, I must have played through 1-4 a thousand times back in the day and never felt a noticeable dip in quality in 3.

    And what's wrong with the ending?
  • edited March 2012
    seibert999 wrote: »
    if you want to know why the quest for glory is never re-released, play QFG 3, it is not only bad, the ending ruins all the games

    Actually, QFG3 is my second favorite after QGF 4. I loved the setting and the visuals, especially the part with the tree :).
  • edited March 2012
    Scnew wrote: »
    and what's wrong with the ending?
    1.................2.....................3.................... here it is
  • edited March 2012
    seibert999 wrote: »
    1.................2.....................3.................... here it is

    First two games never happened? What? That's just incorrect. You are still the Hero of Spielburg and the Prince of Shapier in QfG4. I mean, Ad Avis is in 4 and he certainly remembers you from 2. And Erasmus and Fenris and Rakeesh and everyone else from past games in Dragon Fire certainly seem to think your past heroic deeds happened.
  • edited March 2012
    Lol, what the heck are you talking about, seibert999?
  • edited March 2012
    that all the elaboration i hear in the top 10 worst endings lists: I AM PROBABLY WRONG

    rule 1987 of the internet: seibert999 get his fact from youtube, so he is usually wrong
  • edited March 2012
    Lol. Duly noted. Play the games yourself before complaining about it, people. :)
  • edited May 2012

    New Quest for Glory collection for sale, enjoy...

    and Torin's Passage...
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