Post Your Poetry Thread

edited September 2012 in General Chat
So as we already have a great General Art thread, I thought we could need a similar thread for posting poetry.
As I've been around this forums for some time now, I am sure that there are at least as many poets here as there are artists.

In other words: Let This Thread Be

A thread for words from heart and mind,
For pictures drawn by poetry;
A place where some of us may find
A world of true tranquillity;
Where others find a place to dive
In thoughts as raging as the sea;
Where heart and mind and spirit thrive,
'Tis what this thread is meant to be.


  • edited March 2012
    In a muddy puddle
    Four eyes are shiny-ish
    What could they is being?
    I think they is two fish!

  • edited March 2012
    Roses are Red,
    Violets are blue,
    Some poems rhyme,
    But this one doesn't.
  • edited March 2012
    Your beautiful and yeah you are
    You crush my hearts with a bus
    All my soul are beating only
    Just and just for you and us
  • edited March 2012
    Loud the sound made
    By the crashing of silence
    In the furious maelstrom
    That is alone
  • edited March 2012

    It was a soldier that you asked for
    Called from the ancient tales
    Heralded as Horatio Nelson
    Though I had no stake in claiming a place at such a lofty height
    No, indeed my wine was isolation
    Children among my little joys
    For love was not my pursuit
    Women not my honey

    I cast my lot to war
    To the sounding of the cannons
    Where God's call was not enough to still my heart
    And his Psalms insufficient to put the beat into my veins
    Then there was the field
    The brotherhood of men entrenched
    Sided against a foe
    Different in color and in face

    Yet all men cast in God's mold
    Defined by causes set against one another
    And toys to those whose lives
    Were spent with so little honor
    Still I stood firm
    For my brothers were my peace
    Guns like a mother's lullaby
    And cannons the bells that signaled rest

    The Jade Empire raised me up
    Adorned me in its yellow raiment
    While all Britannia called my name
    And men of power shuffled to stand beside me
    None of this my pleasure
    But a necessary burden of my pursuits
    Yet I was but another toy
    A trifle in the hands of others

    I descended then to the last great field
    The war that could not be won
    Upon the lands of the Muslims
    Against their final imam
    And no desire within me to murder such a man
    But simply to do as I'd always done, upon the field of war
    To preserve the lives of those in my protection
    And with honor conduct myself to those against whom I was arrayed

    But I was a mere trifle in the hands of men of power
    That when the final signal had blown
    And when the guns had ceased to fire
    And night descended on my long day
    When all the voices that had howled my name
    Both in my heart and against it
    And all my honor spent in one last huzzah
    There was a cold moon that blackened on my evening

    A truth that no help would be afforded
    To a man once held up by men of power
    For honor was not theirs
    And my life was not a pride
    I was but a toy
    Set upon the board
    Until the game was done
    And the day had come to its end

    And proud stood the imam
    Though with tears for his fallen foe
    Over Brittania's trifling hero
    Body shattered upon the wall
    Yet know that this trifling toy
    Never chased for Britannia's honor
    It was mine to have
    And mine to lay down

    All men come to the same end
    But the path one takes is all the difference
  • edited March 2012
    Roses are grey
    Violets are grey
    I'm colorblind
    so yay.

    I'm not really colorblind.
  • edited March 2012
    Do song Lyrics count as poetry?

    Here's one I've been working on for a while. I call it "Sick and Tired."

    Every time I close my eyes
    I slip away to paradise
    No one knows why, but every time
    You take a hit, You lose your mind

    I'm sick and tired and I wanna go to bed
    But the melodies you scream at me keep pounding in my head
    You're left out in the freezing rain, just like you knew you would
    Everything around you sucks, but still Life is good

    I know it's terrible, but it's a work in progress.
  • edited March 2012
    From every row of bloodstained teeth
    To Sharpie black heart attacks
    I will live on
    I won't look back.
    From every day lived to everyday dead, I will live on inside of my head.
  • edited March 2012
    Oh there's a monkey in my pocket...

    Wait, that's not it...
  • edited March 2012
    A monkey once dwelled in my pocket,
    Tried to steal what I kept in a locket.
    He completed his task,
    Then he put on a mask.
    Now he happily lives on Nantucket ...
  • edited March 2012
    O Honey Badger,
    How you don't "give a shit".
    Even when you are bitten by a snake,
    Or clobbered by a rake,
    You just shrug it off.

    When it comes to food you are no scoff.
    Everything's a potential meal,
    As long as it has breath and can feel.

    Don't you ever get ill?
    Don't you ever feel a chill?
    Not even a little shake or fit?
    I guess not. For you do not give a shit.

    A Sumatran Rat Monkey has got nothing on you,
    And King Kong would rather go to a zoo,
    Your streaks of black and white, not unlike a Badger or a Skunk,
    Though those animals balls would truly be shrunk,
    If they ever had to be in the same room as your poo,
    But I wouldn't blame them, for I am afriad of you too!

    *need to finish this later*
  • edited March 2012
    Calories 200
    Total Fat 1g
    Saturated Fat 0g
    Trans Fat
    Cholesterol 0mg
    Sodium 7mg
    Total Carbohydrate 36g
    Dietary Fiber 11g
    Sugars 6g
    Protein 13g
  • edited March 2012
    They look like battery cells,
    Filled with liquid that tastes like acid.
    Cold to the touch. Metallic.
    But I need them.

    Or do I need them?

    Extra energy to the system,
    The surge of power,
    Hydrolites working in unison to make me feel top of the world!
    Yet, after a while that passes.

    Like Icarus that flew to close the sun,
    I crash and burn.
    With each "cell" the effect diminishes,
    And the recoil only grows stronger.
    But I need them.

    Did I ever need them?

    Was it energy, or was it just time that I needed?
    More time,
    Better time,
    Time to do both what I want to do, and what I need to do!
    But I feel like I still need them.

    Again, maybe it is not time, nor the energy, but the drive!
    To change the man behind the wheel!
    Could I trust the man that drives me?
    Will he drive me to salvation or oblivion?
    I do not know.

    At least I think I do not know,
    But then again, the answer may have already been there,
    In the blind spot of the mind.

    The place between the world of thought and the world of dreams,
    A place where no clear path is set,
    A place where its easy to get lost in the void without a guide,
    But can I trust the man behind the wheel to lead me there?

    Can I trust him to take me back?

    By now, the cold fluid once again flows around my system.

    It reaches the hands first,
    My fingers quiver as the stuff overwhelms the nerves.

    Then it reaches the feet,
    They shake and tremble in awe of its power.

    It reaches the heart,
    The heart beats to a new rhythm now.

    Finally, even the mind itself submits to its awesome force.
    A mind of fire temporarily cooled and focused,
    A mind able to do as it is commanded and more!

    But can it truly see what it needs to do?

    Again, is it the engine or the driver that needs to change?

    The effect is already passing now,
    The system has begun to shutdown once more,
    I need to recharge!
    I need to refuel!
    But do I really need to?

    Did I ever need to?
  • edited March 2012
    On mountains iced by winter's frost
    I wander forth till I get lost
    In valley dark or forrest deep,
    Where many trees and beasts asleep
    Are waiting for the sun of Spring
    When vernal birds begin to sing.
  • edited March 2012
    This is is the limit of my Poetic ability:
    Roses are red (But are also available in other colours)
    Violets are blue (No, there not. They're purple and it even states so in the name.)
    I've got OCD and so have you. Or should it be CDO? Since I know how some people like listing acronyms alphabetically.
  • edited March 2012
    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    Will you go out with me
    Now I kidnapped you
  • edited March 2012
    Seven Squeaky Silhouettes
    Knock knock knock
    Only taxes and cellophane
    Hanging the filth out to dry
    Frapuccino whore?
  • edited March 2012
    The hours are passing.
    Evening falls.
    Darkness takes hold of the Land.
    Lanterns are lit in the Dark.
    Guiding the Way.
    Illuminating the Paths for weary travellers.
    Strangers in this land,
    Yet Siblings to us all.
  • edited March 2012
    Gender equality

    Get back
    Into the kitchen
    Because that is where you belong
  • edited March 2012
    Roses are red
  • edited March 2012
    Hostile Waters

    It’s time to tell you, you’re in danger
    Don’t look at me like I’m a stranger
    This is only a friendly warning
    Keep well away and you’ll be soaring

    I’m telling you something here is gonna break the mould
    You’ll thank me when you look back, when you are old
    It’s time, everyone, to lock up your daughters
    I’m telling you we’re entering hostile waters

    We’re entering hostile waters
    Something bad is gonna find us
    We’re deep in hostile waters
    We’d better leave before they catch us

    It’s too late to turn back now
    But we can get through I’ll show you how
    Don’t lose your way now or go too fast
    Because pretty soon you’ll be in the past

    We need to leave these hostile waters
    Or something bad is gonna find us
    We got to get through these hostile waters
    Or we’ll be letting them catch us

    Come one everybody join in with me
    We are going to leave this place you will see
    Just walk on slowly through the night
    Eventually you find a wondrous sight

    You’ll know where you are as you’ll see
    Something that you will recognise with me
    You’ll see a wondrous sight
    We’re leaving hostile waters tonight

    We’re leaving these hostile waters
    Something bad hasn’t found us
    Say goodbye to these hostile waters
    We’re leaving before they catch us

    We have exited hostile waters
    We lost whatever was looking for us
    We have left these hostile waters
    Nothing is ever gonna catch us

    In these hostile waters
  • edited April 2012
    Apologies for the double post, I just found this poem on my hard drive and I just wanted to share without having to wait for someone else to contribute.

    It should be stated that this was written in about 2009 (my previous one was a further few years before this one - I should really write again as I've not done so for a couple of years now) though the sentiments are somewhat still valid to certain extents.

    Change Of View

    I was on the forum tonight
    Tryin' to find some peace of mind
    I got told to be myself
    And that's just fine

    I went away to relax
    To think about the things that was said
    I realised that I'm young
    I am happy with my life

    But when I came back things had changed
    I found out something that changed my view
    I couldn't believe I was so deranged
    It made me wake up and change my view

    I'm back on the forum again
    Couldn't believe my own selfishness
    I need to take a firm grip and
    Sort out my priorities

    And when I came back things had changed
    I found out something that changed my view
    I couldn't believe I was so deranged
    It made me wake up and change my view

    I know that different people
    Handle problems in different ways
    I just wanted some support
    But others need more than I

    Please, don't take offence with my words
    I just needed to clear my head
    Don't worry, I know what to do with myself
    I need live for each and every day

    And when I came back things had changed
    I found out something that changed my view
    I couldn't believe I was so deranged
    It made me wake up and change my view

    I've changed my view
  • edited April 2012
    Tiger tiger burning bright,
    Watch out you'll set the jungle alight.
  • edited September 2012
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