Direct2drive now gamefly anyone?
I don't know how many of you here in the forums have ever bought anything from direct2drive or not. but ever since their merger with gamefly its gotten pretty bad as far as previous purchases go. This company swears up and down that our purchases are not lost yet in face they are since we the consumer have no access or way to download our purchases. it has been over almost a month now and things have still not improved or gotten better on direct2drives end. i still have no access to and am unable to download fairly close to 30 maybe a bit less of my game purchases. some of them being telltale games titles. I wrote this topic for any of us who have done business with direct2drive can talk freely about our experiences and what bothers us most since the merger of direct2drive with gamefly. if this kind of thing is against forum rules i apologize because i really wouldn't know where to go to have any kind of voice about what is and has been and is still going on with direct2drive seeing as how support and even direct2drive won't even admit that they are in the wrong about what is going on with our purchases
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Just a useless company. Hell I've been tempted to rebuy games I had on there,
(come to think of it, I already have rebought a handful of them! XD).
Its was just so behind everyone else.
You know you're company is bad when Gamersgate are almost literally running rings around you.
Hell I don't even think they were better than impulse aka "can't buy this game in your country" Co. and that service was a big pile of crap too.
I would think the most common reason why something would get an AO rating is most likely for sexual content, and the internet is full of porn already so I don't know why purchasing AO games is necessary.
I used to feel this way. Then I realized just how comparatively inexpensive and convenient Steam and GOG games are. Now I have a hard time not buying from them.
As for D2D, I never bought games from them because I like keeping my stuff in one place when at all possible. In fact, I have bought a few downloadable games from GameStop and Amazon (I prefer Amazon), but I did so because they were PopCap games; my primary goal was to pay $5 per game instead of $10; and said games did not require cracking DRM just so my wife could play Bookworm while I play Mass Effect.
Manhunt 2 got an AO solely for violence. They had an M rated version of the game as well but all of the kills were obscured by a colored filter. I am anti-censorship, so it's more the principle of the matter than anything.
You know, watching that didn't affect me at all.
If anything it just made me crave some meat..
Am I a bad person?
All I'm saying is that the Steam Store is brain dead easy to use. D2D, not so much.