April Fool's joke this year, Telltale?
I'm sad now. Even sadder than when I tried using Envelotech to play the Virtual Boy port of Tales of Monkey Island.
You know what an entirely red world is like?
You know what an entirely red world is like?
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I'm sure they do.
Thanks for reminding me of the horror that is Gel-Arshie.
Why did they have to go and make a day for idiots with no individual sense of humor?! biological parents... Mom, Dad, if you read this please take me back home!
You mean Christmas?
"Pro-Fruitboarder at the Inventory"? And you can play as the Soda Poppers?
Just be glad that's not a bannable offense. :P We DO NOT talk about the **** Poppers here!
That comparison doesn't help.
Well both have fans and are considered highly annoying by others.
Most people don't seem to realize the Soda Poppers are deliberately terrible.
Once you realize that, it becomes a lot easier to appreciate them.
That doesn't make her any less obnoxious.